How to Make it Through the Fire

God has provided a vaccine for the EMOTIONAL pandemic spreading across the earth.

Lock it down and guard it. Build a fence around it. Put no trespassing signs outside it. The thief is working overtime to rob it. 

You are at risk without it. Employ it, and you can pass through fire and come out without the smell of smoke. What is it?  

So much has happened in 2020. The ongoing wildfires in California, Oregon, and Washington –the worst on record- are just the most recent in a series of distressing events.

Dozens of people have died. The fires have burned more than 7,000 square miles, equivalent to the land area of New Jersey. 

The number of homes destroyed by the fires in Oregon alone is 1616 according to the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, 16 September.

I empathize with the nearly quarter-of-a-million evacuees. Many of whom do not know the status of their homes. Amid seemingly endless domestic and global upheaval, I recall the words of the prophet Isaiah:  

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. (Isaiah 43:2)

Last week I saw a photo of evacuees in Oregon stuck in gridlocked traffic. I imagined what they were thinking: Why me? Why us? Why now? What about my job, my finances, my future? 

Evacuating southern Oregon to escape the worst fires in history of the state.

I imagine many in those cars also asked, “where is God?” Isaiah answered that question. He is with His people in times of hardship and distress.

God is with His people through the rivers and the fire. He is with you through pandemic, financial loss, social injustice, and through this divisive presidential race. He promised never to leave you. (Matthew 28:20)

If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, there is good news for you too. God cares for you and is patiently waiting for you. In these surreal times, He is reaching out to you:

The LORD is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

Christians and unbelievers go through the same challenges and difficulties, but God has provided believers the supernatural gift of JOY to sustain them through hardship. God-given joy provides emotional strength and stability that defies explanation because it is not of this world. 

Hurricane Sally left 550,000 without power in Florida, Alabama and Louisiana yesterday.

I am telling you this because there is an emotional pandemic spreading across the globe like a cloud. This dark cloud is spewing out despair, discouragement, depression, and defeat. 

God’s joy is His VACCINE against this emotional pandemic, but you must activate joy to receive its sustaining benefits. More on that later.

God is sovereign. He may deliver you from crisis or bring deliverance through crisis. In the latter case, you must put His joy to work to sustain yourself. Allow me to illustrate. 

It was nighttime, and Peter was bound and sleeping between two soldiers. By all appearances, he was awaiting execution following his trial before Herod in the morning.

Then an angel visited him in prison and woke him up. Peter thought it was all a dream.

His chains fell to the ground. The angel led him out of the cell; none of the soldiers noticed a thing; the iron gate of the prison opened on its own. Peter walked away a free man. (Acts 12:5-11) God delivered Peter from the crisis.

Later, Paul is in chains for testifying in Jerusalem. That night the Lord came to Paul and told him that he would survive this ordeal and testify in Rome. The following morning, over 40 Jews took an oath to not eat or drink until they killed him. (Acts 23:11-12)

Soldiers safely escorted Paul by night from Jerusalem to Caesarea, where he remained in chains for over two years. Afterward, he embarked on a nightmarish sea journey to Rome. Paul made it. God’s joy sustained him through the crisis.

You and I are in a crisis of some form or other. We must put joy to work on our behalf. Allow me to offer some practical tips on how to do so.

First and foremost, you must decide to cast off discouragement and heaviness. Sadly, some people enjoy living under a cloud and the attention it brings. Stop harming yourself and demoralizing others!

Next, study, read, and meditate on scripture, and SING!

Thankfully, God provided us a supernatural songbook saturated with His power and presence. 

David wrote 88 of the Psalms and six others contributed including Moses and King Solomon.

The Book of Psalms contain 150 Holy Spirit-inspired songs that fuel and release the power of joy. Reading, speaking, singing, and meditating on the Psalms dispels darkness and lifts the spirit of heaviness.

Many theologians believe that Jesus quoted the Psalms during His agony on the cross. Check out Psalms 22.

Psalm 114 is the ultimate Holy Ghost praise party!! You would be shouting and dancing too if you had just crossed the Red Sea after 400 years of slavery and saw Pharaoh’s army covered by sea waves.

Psalms 137 is the deep lament of a people taken into captivity in Babylon. Expressing your pain and anguish to God touches the heart of Him who fuels your joy!

The Psalms capture life experience at the top, at the bottom, and everything in between. The Psalms always point to God and activate joy in the believer. 

You may not realize it, but many Christian songs have lyrics directly lifted from the Psalms. The key is to sing and listen to songs based on scripture. 

Finally, get up and move! Lift your head up. Lift your hands. Pump your fists. Jump, dance, run, twirl. scream, shout, etc. Energize your joy with activity. Play an instrument, on or off key it does not matter.

Abandon convention and let it rip!

Sincere praise and worship gets God’s attention. Abandon convention and if it feels awkward praise him in private. God sees you.

Let me issue you a challenge. Read through all 150 Psalms. If you are the competitive type, you can read five Psalms a day and finish in a month. If you are a plodder like me, then plod along at your own pace.

Combat the emotional pandemic. God’s joy energized in your life will keep dark clouds away from your dwelling place. Don’t let the thief steal your joy!

God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. (Psalms 103:1-5)

I’m Not Falling for That Again!

John Belushi plays Jake in the musical comedy, “The Blues Brothers.”

It is time for us to give more serious thought to serious matters.

After being released from prison, Jake Blues visits the boarding school he attended as a youth along with his brother Ellwood.

They learn that the Archdiocese is about to sell the school unless the Education Authority receives $5000 in taxes. They feel God has called them to save the school.

Jake and Ellwood put together their old blues band and miraculously raise the money after evading police and delivering a stellar live concert performance.

They are 106 miles from Chicago, must continue to evade the police, and get to City Hall before it closes. As they sneak out of the concert venue via an underground tunnel, a woman confronts them and opens fire with an M-16 rifle.

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Carrie Fisher portrays Jake’s smitten fiancee.

She turns out to be the woman Jake left standing at the altar years ago. Jake instinctively knows what to do. He rises, slowly approaches her, and then falls to his knees and proclaims: it wasn’t my fault!

Jake then fires off a list of unbelievable excuses as he pleads for his life, and it works. She has compassion on him; they embrace; then he drops her in the mud with no remorse, and begins the journey to Chicago with Ellwood.

Some people are skilled at the art of deception. I have fallen victim to them, but I am not as gullible as I used to be.

Casablanca ranks near the top of the list of greatest films in history. It is one of my top three films. There is a famous line in the movie that serves the purposes of this article.

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Round up the usual suspects!

Claude Rains plays Captain Louis Renault, the corrupt French prefect of police who serves under Nazi supervision. Whenever criminal activity takes place in Casablanca, he directs the police to “round up the usual suspects.”

Rounding up the usual suspects directs activity against scapegoats rather than the real criminals.

Last week, I read an article in which a prominent Christian minister said he predicted coronavirus ahead of its arrival.  He said God told him that the virus was God’s judgment on America for allowing abortion and gay marriage.

I am pro-life from conception to the grave, and I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman; nevertheless, I would like to ask him a question.

Does he believe the rest of the world is suffering from COVID-19 because of abortion and gay marriage in America? I love America, but she is not the center of God’s universe.

To be clear, I do not believe this man nor most Christian ministers intend to deceive like Jake and Captain Renault, but there is a fundamental problem.

For decades, a small but influential group of Christian leaders have presented a short-list of root-causes for current and pending judgments on America.

Millions of American Christians, including myself, subscribed to their list and their logic. I should have thought more critically.

The Bible teaches us that there are many things we do not see clearly in this present age.  (1 Corinthians 13:12)

One day Jesus passed by a man blind from birth. His disciples assumed his blindness was the result of his sins or the sins of his parents. (John 9:2) They based their assumptions on Jewish cultural and religious norms, among them the widely held belief that you always reap what you sow. 

Jesus corrected the disciples and told them that neither the man nor his parents sinned. The man was born blind so that God’s mighty power could be seen in his life.  (v. 3)

After the 9/11 attacks, I heard prominent and influential Christian leaders place part of the blame for the attacks on pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays and lesbians, the American Civil Liberties Union, People for the American Way, and so on.

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Still makes my blood boil.

I don’t want to be disrespectful, but that explanation sounds more like something Jake would say than seasoned Christian leaders.

It became clear to me that, similar to the disciples, their short-list was shaped by cultural and political norms. That is simply the way they saw things. Unfortunately, they used their position and influence to persuade millions of others to see the world through the same lens.

It is time for us to give more serious thought to serious matters.

I have taught the Old & New Testaments to undergraduates since 2005. God is concerned for the needs of the poor, the foreigner, and the outcast, and he holds leaders accountable to address their needs.

The religious leaders I referred to never added neglect of the poor, foreigners, or outcasts to their short-list.

Having the usual suspects served to me for so many years has left me weary. I’ve made up my mind to think more critically.

On that regard, I believe the Holy Spirit has identified a clear and present danger to our nation that is neither from Democrats nor Republicans. The clear and present danger is from an apathetic and lukewarm church.

God is calling my home church, Bethel Temple, Hampton, VA –and perhaps other churches in America- to repent and turn back to Him. Consider what God spoke to the First Century church in Philadelphia:

But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. If you don’t repent, I will come and remove your lampstand from its place among the churches. (Rev 2:4-5)

If we were to put this message to song lyrics, it might sound like MJ’s “Man in the Mirror:”

I’m starting with the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change.

The church in America is complicit with many of the problems in our nation through our infighting, apathy and indifference.

It is time for us to give more serious thought to serious matters.

Come let us return to the Lord and He will restore us to sure foundations. Time is of the essence because the storm winds are blowing. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. (Matthew 7:24-25)

Deal Gone Bad – Real Bad

Opening scene of the Godfather with Marlon Brando in the role of Don Vito Corleone.

The price the evangelical church has paid for bowing to the gods of politics and power.

“Bonasera . . . Bonasera . . . What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you’d come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.”

Bonasera came to Don Vito Corleone requesting justice to avenge the disfiguring of his daughter by her boyfriend and another young man. The judge suspended their sentence and let them go free.

Corleone had what Bonasera needed, power, influence, and connections.  Bonasera bowed and kissed the ring of the Godfather. He walked away with a promise of justice and a chain around his ankle.

Bowing to earthly power always exacts a price from you. It has been 41 years since the evangelical church began aggressive pursuit of moral change in America through the political process.  Let’s perform an autopsy on the movement.

Many erroneously believe the impetus of the movement was the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973 legalizing abortion. 

The battle rages on and 27% of the 2020 electorate will vote based on candidate positions on abortion.

While Roman Catholic bishops immediately urged their communicants to support candidates opposed to abortion, evangelicals had a much different response.

In 1971, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) passed a resolution that allowed for the possibility of abortion, “…under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother.”

You might want to read that again. The SBC reaffirmed this resolution in 1974 and 1976.

Rev. W.A. Criswell, a former SBC president, applauded the Supreme Court decision.  He opined that “what is the best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.”

In 1977, the SBC changed its view on abortion and adopted the staunch pro-life position it maintains today.

The issue that inspired evangelicals to engage in political action was the decision of Richard Nixon in 1970 to withdraw tax-exempt status from schools that practiced racially discriminatory policies.

Conservative political strategist Paul Weyrich and likeminded activists reframed Nixon’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) action as government intervention into church affairs and an attack on religious freedom. 

Weyrich tried unsuccessfully for years to rally evangelicals around issues like abortion, prayer in schools, and homosexuality, but now he had an issue.

IRS action to withdraw tax-exempt status from Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies angered southern evangelicals.

Race in America. The more we run from it, the more we run into it.

Evangelicals became active, but Weyrich realized he could not build a national political movement around restricting minority access to education. 

Weyrich and other conservative leaders began looking for a prominent evangelical leader and gifted communicator. Abortion was spiking around the country and they hoped the right spokesman could build on the new evangelical political momentum.

 They found their man in the Reverend Jerry Falwell, pastor of Thomas Rhodes Baptist Church, Lynchburg, VA. In February 1978, a full five years after Roe vs. Wade, Falwell preached his FIRST sermon against abortion.

Falwell declared that abortion was murder and a moral issue, not a political issue. The ensuing response demonstrated to Weyrich that abortion was the issue to mobilize the evangelical community, and Jerry Falwell was their spokesman.

Less than a year later, Weyrich coined the name of the organization that Falwell would adopt for the new political organization-the Moral Majority (MM).

Strange bedfellows made up MM. Falwell boasted of 72,000 pastors who were Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, and Mormon in a political organization that was “pro-Life, pro-traditional family, pro-moral, and pro-American.”

Absent from MM in any appreciable numbers were black Christians. No surprise. MM grew out of a movement spawned by restricting educational access to black children.

MM had a significant influence on the 1980 political election. In the run-up to the election, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson quoted the pollster Lou Harris:

“Reagan is also winning the votes of that 26% of the white electorate who are followers of the evangelical preachers who have been active in the election. This group is providing Reagan his clear margin in the election.”

To be clear, MM was a white political organization that represented the interests of conservative white Christians. Sadly, black Christians supported many of the same moral issues, but that did not matter because they did not seem to matter to MM. This fact haunts the church to this day.

President Reagan went on to win that election as did a number of conservative senators backed by MM. Jerry Falwell went from relative obscurity to White House insider.

Bowing to power almost always costs you.

MM delivered votes, finances, and elected candidates. Now it was time for the movement to be rewarded.

Despite Republicans having clear majorities in both houses, the Reagan administration did not deliver on its promise to pass a congressional amendment to return prayer to public schools.

Reagan served for eight years in office; yet, the prayer amendment was only brought up once for passage. Concerns over the economy moved the amendment permanently to the back burner.

In 1989, MM disbanded. What did MM accomplish in terms of outcomes that mattered to evangelicals?

Not much said former MM insiders Cal Thomas and Ed Dobson who published “Blinded by Might” in 2000. Thomas argued that “whenever the church cozies up to political power, it loses sight of its all-important mission to change the world from the inside out.”

Political change does not bring moral change.

Fast forward another 20 years of Religious Right activity and Thomas’ words still ring true.

Conservative evangelicals that went from tepid to red-hot on abortion have not overturned Roe vs. Wade in 41 years. The movement has not delivered on returning prayer to public schools.

The movement has not prevented the spread of pornography or defeated the assault against traditional family values.

Moreover, churches in America have been declining in attendance for over a decade. A whole generation of young people is abandoning the church in droves.

The church has lost much of its prophetic voice and too often finds itself the pawn of political parties.

MM insider Cal Thomas came to this conclusion 20 years ago when he said: “…the Religious Right has traded the only power that can truly change America – the Gospel’s power to transform hearts – for the methods of a kingdom that is of this world.”

Bowing to earthly power always exacts a heavy price. After 41 years of missteps, it is time for a course correction.

We must vote in the upcoming elections, but it is time for us to put our trust in God alone and in His government, the increase of which there shall be no end. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen! –Isaiah 9:7

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