Be Strong in the Lord Pt.2 -Wargames

Seeing the Battlefield

The strategy of chess is to capture your opponent’s king, whilst keeping yours safe.

Seated around the table were leaders of the Army’s 10th Mountain Division. We traveled from our headquarters in upstate NY to Fort Leavenworth, KS, to participate in a wargame.

During a seminar, a retired General, regarded as an expert in warfighting, asked a question: What is the most important attribute of a combat leader?

Over half of the those seated around the extended table said competence was the most important attribute. The seasoned General -respectfully referred to as a greybeard– reflected upon the various responses and then gave his answer: cunning.

Here are two definitions for cunning from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary: 

Sun Tzu’s observations have application beyond the battlefield.
  • Crafty in the use of special resources (such as skill or knowledge) or in attaining an end.
  • Characterized by wiliness and trickery

I was seated in a classroom as an undergraduate student. I recognized the teacher, but he seemed out of place. It was time to take the test. Responding to the questions wasn’t difficult, but I felt like I was missing something. 

A teacher’s assistant (TA) graded the tests and announced to the class that I and another student failed the exam. How embarrassing. Why did he tell everybody? The TA handed out the papers, and there marked in red was my score of 50. 

Inner-voices of discouragement went into high gear: You aren’t going to graduate. You aren’t smart enough. Forget about your ministry dreams. You don’t have what it takes, etc.  

Then upon closer examination of my test results, I saw my error. Every question I missed on this multiple-choice exam required more than one answer. I misunderstood the requirements and only selected the best answer—what a relief.

Still, this class was strange. I was the only black student among white students in a class at my alma mater, Howard University, a historically Black college or university (HBCU). I love diversity, but this was unusual.

Then, how could John Anderson be my undergraduate instructor? I was nearly 60 years-old when I met him. Then I awoke from sleeping. THANK God it was all a dream! Let me tie this all together.

The Apostle Paul provided a clear explanation as to why we are to be strong in the Lord: that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-11) 

The devil is cunning and crafty in attaining his goals and he relies upon wiliness and trickery

The devil is the master of deception and an expert at concealing his true intentions.  He even disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Cor 11:14)

The purpose of deception is to conceal what is real and display what is false. In warfighting, you NEVER reveal your true intentions to your opponent.

In the dream, the devil craftily orchestrated people and circumstances to make me feel inadequate to accomplish my ministry goals, but God exposed his trickery. 

In real life, I frequently deal with this kind of discouragement in various shapes and forms. The devil is the father of lies. (John 8:44)

Did you notice satan’s efforts to publicly embarrass me-the only black student failing in a class of white students? The devil routinely plays upon racial, gender, generational and demographic stereotypes to bias and disorient us.

In real life, John Anderson is the sports psychologist who encouraged me to pursue my ambitious international ministry goals. In the dream, he was a dispassionate administrator of a tricky test employing a TA intent on embarrassing me.

You must anticipate your opponents moves.

I am not just telling my story. I am telling your story as well because we face the same adversary; therefore, I encourage you to routinely ask these questions to better see the battlefield on which you are fighting:

  • What is the current challenge I am facing?
  • What am I not seeing in this situation? (Look beyond the surface.) 
  • What is the enemy REALLY trying to rob, steal or destroy in this situation? 

Pray for wisdom after asking these questions. (James 1:5-7) The Lord delights in unraveling the devil’s schemes. He will help you see the battlefield.

Whatever is of MOST value to you, the devil wants to rob, kill and destroy. He considers no areas off-limits. Spiritual warfare is a REAL thing; therefore, be strong in the Lord!

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:16) God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” -Sun Tzu

Be Strong in the Lord

Spiritual Warfare is Not Casual Recreation

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. (Isaiah 60:1-2)

This article begins a series to help you navigate the darkness and be among those whom God places His glory. Let’s begin with something on the light side.

It’s great being a Dad. One of my top-ten Dad-moments was watching Disney’s newest release, Beauty and the Beast, in a theater with my oldest daughter, Gabi. The movie was great, but there was an intense segment. 

The villain Gaston incited a crowd to storm the Beast’s castle. The music got louder, the mob lit torches and sang a song punctuated with, Kill the Beast

Five-year-old Gabi was frightened -so was I; she turned to me and said Daddy, what are they going to do to the Beast?!! 

I faked like I was keeping it all together and said, don’t worry, the Beast will bokay. Thank God for happy endings. 

Around that same time, our family watched a DVD of Disney’s, Bambi. I was enjoying the film when a shot rang out sending Bambi and his mother running for their lives.

More shots were fired and only Bambi made it to safety. How do these animators figure children can process all of this?

Fear is tangible and REAL for adults and children because fear is tangible and REAL. Fear has an advocate and proponent named satan; he plans to wreak havoc in your life and destroy you. He is behind the gross darkness covering the earth; the devil is not a fictional character.

My wife provided Sunday School instruction for children via Zoom for some months during the pandemic; I played a supporting role. One series was on Jesus the Good Shepherd, and another dealt with the Armor of God. 

I routinely did a 5-7 minute teaching segment during the broadcasts in which I went over the lesson and showed images related to the content. Teaching on the Good Shepherd presented a bit of a challenge for me. How do you talk about the Good Shepherd without talking about the wolf?

It was difficult finding suitable images for children, and the same held true for videos depicting the interaction of sheep and wolves.

I came across this video of two wolves caught on camera sniffing around a sheep pen in daylight. These two returned that night, jumped over the fence, and mauled several sheep to death as you watched. 

The video ended with a closeup of one of the wolves snarling with blood dripping out of its mouth. It was like looking at the face of the devil.

My wife and I came across age-appropriate material for the children. We emphasized their need to stay close to guardians and protectors and Jesus in particular, the Good Shepherd. 

I’ve noticed people in churches getting excited whenever the topic of spiritual warfare comes up.  I am not sure they appreciate the total depravity of the adversary and his wicked intentions.

Jesus sends us forth as sheep among wolves; therefore, we must be wise. A roving enemy opposes us; therefore, we must be alert. (Matthew 10:16; 1 Peter 5:8)

If you feel like you are catching hell at times, it is because you are surrounded by it.

Paul was in a Roman prison when he wrote his letter to the church at Ephesus. This great theological treatise unveils God’s grand strategy of the ages and ends with Paul’s charge to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. He explains why:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesian 6:12)

I imagine a video of Ephesians 6:12. This video would be the back-story of the North American Slave Trade, the Holocaust, Sex Trafficking, Stalin’s purges, the Rape of Nanjing, regional genocides, and every act of violence ever perpetrated.

Spiritual Warfare is Not Casual Recreation. We are not to fear the devil. God has given us the armor and weapons to prevail against him and his entire pack.

You are a candidate to be a carrier of God’s glory. Darkness will not prevail over you. In the weeks to come we will unpack what it means to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. God’s glory SHALL be seen upon us. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Faith Pt.7, Finishing

And Getting Better Along the Way

Just Finish

We cannot receive the rewards of faith unless we finish the race. You can stumble out of the gate, muddle through the middle, and still receive the prize-if you finish the race.

The late Al Davis, Football Hall of Fame owner of the Oakland Raiders, said, just win baby! In the race of faith: just finish baby! 

God maps out with careful thought and great precision a route of faith for you and me. God makes us better as we follow our personal itinerary. The Bible uses the metaphor of a race to describe this faith journey.

God’s ways are not our ways. He is the Master Teacher who designs and allows prescribed tests and trials along our faith route; He counterbalances hardness with rewards and affirmation. 

Many get sidetracked on their faith journeys when they encounter potholes or stumble into pits along the way. They don’t realize that God uses ditches and craters as platforms to propel us forward under His tutelage. 

Trouble is normative for Christians. (Psalms 34:19) Been knocked down? Get up.

If you are stuck in a pit, crater or pothole, keep your feet moving. Don’t stop now! You’ve got to finish to receive the reward. 

Our Rowing Team at Darden -UVA finished in last place, but it didn’t matter. We still finished the race.

Why does God use potholes and pits to propel His people forward? So that you and I will know that we didn’t arrive at our destinations in our own strength. So that others will know that all promotion comes from God. (Psalm 75:6-7)

Frustrated by delays, wounded in church, wearied by those closest to you, what do you do? What do you do when you suffer for doing what’s right? 

How do you respond when life makes no sense at all? Answer: Keep moving along your path. There is an old Negro Spiritual entitled, I’m So Glad Trouble Don’t Last Always. There is profound truth in that title born out of the furnace of affliction. 

We’ve spent several weeks discussing the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11, but Jesus takes center stage in Hebrews 12:

Keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. (Hebrews 12:2, NLT)

Read that admonition again please because the writer of Hebrews should have dropped the microphone after making this statement.

Our inspiration in suffering is Jesus. Our model for patient endurance is the Savior. Our assurance of ultimate triumph is the Prince of Peace, and Jesus is the beginning and end of our faith!

Note this mindboggling truth about God’s educational and developmental processes: 

Like a loving parent God corrects His children.

My child, don’t make light of the Lord’s discipline, and don’t give up when he corrects you. For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child. (Hebrews 12:3, NLT)

God’s love far exceeds that of the most loving parent, relative or friend. He corrects us for our profit and good. He is firm in directing us to take action for our own benefit, and He expects us to finish.

God takes on the role of Coach in making this statement through the writer of Hebrews:  

So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong. (Hebrews 12:12-13, NLT) 

My son is a video gamer. I’ve noticed over the years that his games go through a progression of levels. You must master certain skills and solve the present challenge in order to advance to the next level.

He will repeat the steps as often as he has to. He will invest hours to gain mastery of the situation. He remains undeterred by setbacks. He pays the price to get to the next level.

Do you see where I am going with this? Mastery of gaming levels is an excellent metaphor for progressions along the itinerary of faith.

Jesus counterbalances difficulties and problems with rewards and affirmation.  

There are material rewards for serving God. He promised to meet all of our needs, but there is something more significant. The Apostle Paul said it best:

That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, (Philippians 3:10, NKJV)

We become more like Jesus as He shapes and molds us along our heavenly itineraries, but the greatest reward is to know Him! 

As you mature in Christ and progress deep along the route of your itinerary, knowing God will become your only consolation, and that alone is enough.

We cannot receive the rewards of faith unless we finish the race. You can stumble out of the gate, muddle through the middle, and still receive the prize-if you finish the race. Finish my friend. FINISH WELL. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Faith Pt. 6 – Beyond The Status Quo

A Faith That Makes A Difference

It was like a dream come true back in 1998. I was asked to lead the National Counseling Center (NCC) of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). The NCC was home to the telephone counselors who prayed for viewers who watched the daily 700 Club broadcast.

Studio Headquarters Building, CBN

I recall the day I spoke with a supervisor in one of CBN’s fundraising departments. I shared my vision of being a catalyst for change and a prayer mobilizer at CBN. His response startled me.

He said that’s not me. My role is to work within the established guidelines. He was a man of faith like me; we just saw things differently.

This was a case of a faith that seeks to attain vs. a faith that endeavors to maintain. Let’s go deeper, but first, let me give you the bottom-line up front.

My faith to attain perspective resulted in me being let go by CBN a couple of years after our conversation.  Conversely, my colleague’s faith to maintain outlook resulted in him being employed by CBN a decade after my departure. Which perspective is best? You decide.

On the Set of the 700 Club

I immediately created controversy by lobbying to get medical benefits for full-time telephone counselors. I then secured a pay raise for volunteer counselors. I took several telephone counselors off the phones daily to walk the grounds of CBN to pray for the ministry.

I established a library of prayer references for the counselors and Gospel Light Publications donated several hundred new books to get us started. I brought in 700 Club guests and Regent University professors to speak to and invest in the counselors.

Then a revival broke out in the NCC. I received a word of prophecy during this time: I see you standing before the leaders of CBN talking to them about the future of the ministry.

I was a mid-level manager. Management theorists say you can change a large organization from the middle. I agree if you can outlast your opposition and find a person of influence to support you. I didn’t identify my opposition early enough, and my Vice President (VP) did not have enough clout.

One day I had a random encounter with a senior VP at a building access point. He said, Kevin, whenever I run into you, I get a different impression than what I hear about you. What??!!

It turns out that a couple of NCC members went to the human resources department and complained about my changes. This senior VP told me he heard I was prophetic, which it seems was not good.

He went on to tell me that he thought he heard me say, come on, all you white folks during a chapel service. That remark -which I never made- got me removed from the roster to lead chapel services at CBN. I could play the piano and lead worship, but that was it.

Some weeks later, CBN leadership placed a new VP over my department. Within a week, he occupied my office, moving me into a closet-sized space. He took over leadership responsibilities and gave me administrative tasks.

In his first six months, the new VP terminated the employment of the two longest-tenured staff members, followed by a third shortly after that. The reason provided for their removal was reorganization.

I kept pursuing my vision for a year and a half, and then something unusual happened. I kept having these seemingly chance, one-on-one, meetings with the most senior leaders at CBN. I found myself talking to them about reenergizing prayer, the need for diversity in leadership, and the future of CBN.

Inevitably, the day came when my employment was terminated-a long story. I made a final request. I asked the CBN President if I could speak to Pat Robertson and thank him for his years of ministry. 

The words just came out of my mouth. I wondered why I made this request, but I figured it wouldn’t happen. A couple of days later, I received a call from Pat’s secretary to set up a meeting. What was I going to say to the founder of CBN?

I had a great conversation with Pat Robertson. I talked to him about reenergizing prayer, the need for diversity in leadership, and the future of CBN. He was very gracious. I left his office believing my mission at CBN was complete.

How did I do pursuing my vision to be a catalyst for change and a prayer mobilizer at CBN?

During the heat of the controversy surrounding me, CBN leadership elevated a Director to become the only black VP in the ministry. After I left, a black co-host became more visible on the 700 Club. Perhaps this was just a coincidence; perhaps not.

Our counselors did not receive medical benefits, but the volunteer counselors kept their pay increase. I just heard from an individual last week who told me how the revival in the NCC was the foundation of her life and ministry today.

In the end, perhaps the words I spoke to senior leaders at CBN had the most enduring impact, but I have no way of knowing that.

Success does not always leave you feeling victorious. I felt like I had been beaten with many stripes towards the end of my time at CBN. After meeting with Pat, I drove home to my wife and four children with no job and no immediate prospects.

I’ve encouraged my students over the years to pursue a radical faith that attains over a safe faith that maintains.

However, two months after my release from CBN, I landed a new job and a $14K pay increase that became a $25K-plus increase within a year of my departure.

God is looking for those willing to practice a faith of radical risk and vulnerability. Change is unlikely to take place otherwise. Do it! God will make up to you whatever price you have to pay. Incidentally, it was a great privilege to work at CBN. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Faith Pt. 5 – Faith Reality TV

Confessions of A Victim of Faith Reality TV

Reality TV is a genre of entertainment that became popular in the early 2000s. It has become a mainstay in our times. The Collins online dictionary defines it as:

A type of television programming that aims to show how ordinary people behave in everyday life, or in situations often created by the makers, which are intended to represent everyday life.

Critics argue that the shows don’t reflect reality. The participants are coached, exploited, and the situations are artificial. 

I’ve noticed that perceptions about what is real, genuine, great, and mediocre change over time. Villain’s become martyrs. Sinners become saints, and rebels emerge as heroes. The unimaginative become genius, and throwaways become masterpieces. 

Roscoe Lassiter, Prayer Warrior (seated)

It’s all a matter of time, interpretation, and perspective. I had an older friend named Roscoe who passed about four years ago. Roscoe was very active until age 90. He always said living for many years enabled him to sort out what was true and real. 

After 40 years of interest in the subject of faith, I wonder what prompts me now to study the end of the book of faith- the final verses of Hebrews Chapter 11?

I don’t want to make excuses, but the televangelists and radio preachers I came to admire as a new believer did not talk about the end of the Chapter.

There is an anonymous saying, When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Perhaps my desire to have a broader understanding of faith prompts the Teacher -the Holy Spirit- to bring these passages to my attention.

What things? It’s not what but who. It’s the host of people enshrined in the Faith Hall of Fame right along with Abraham, Moses, David, and the others. Who are these people? Well, that’s a big part of it; their names are not provided. 

What exploits got them enshrined in the Hall ? Glad you asked. Let’s take a look. They were those who: 

  1. Did not accept deliverance when tortured in order to obtain a better resurrection.
  2. Appeared before judges and were mocked, scorned, beaten, and imprisoned.
  3. Were stoned, sawed in half, and killed with the sword.
  4. Wandered homeless in deserts, mountains, and caves, destitute, afflicted and tormented. (Hebrews 11:35-38)
These suffering heroes will inform my teaching going forward

Our perspective on faith is incomplete if we fail to take these individuals into account. Faith is not just about those who kill the giant, build empires, raise the dead, and triumph in battle.

To ignore these suffering Hall inductees renders our understanding of faith incomplete. To teach on faith uninformed by their heroism is misleading. 

Sad to say, but I have been watching a lot of Faith Reality TV over the years.

The stories of these unnamed heroes expand our understanding of who is faithful. I believe I know people who await enshrinement in the Faith Hall of Fame.

Not just those who ascend to the mountaintop are enshrined. You can labor in the valley and enter. 

You don’t have to be the chief architect building Solomon’s Temple. You can be a bricklayer or a seamstress, a day laborer, or a surveyor in the process.

I’ve encountered many unsung heroes who labor in obscurity. They manage the pain of deferred dreams. They suppress heartache and show up with a smile. They have suffered loss but continue serving. They step up when needed!

Many unsung heroes occupy the Faith Hall of Fame paving the way for others. God has special things in store for them. 

Think about your circle of influence. I am sure you know those who will enter. Seek these heroes out and encourage them.

Please understand that I am not talking about entering heaven. All of the redeemed will enter, but the Hall is reserved for those deemed worthy by their exploits of faith.

Our suffering faith elders do not detract from the positivity of our faith because we serve the God of all hope. We should be the light in dark places. 

God is not restricting access into the Hall of Faith. There is an enshrinement ceremony awaiting you and me. Let’s embrace a broader understanding of what it means to have faith in God. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Faith Pt. 4 – Oh Say Can You See

How A Hole in the Ground Became a Premier University

My wife Vanessa and I joined with the others on the grounds of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in March 1983. Pat Robertson told us his vision to establish a graduate-level institution to train men and women to represent God in their professions. 

Pat saw a University when it was just a hole in the ground

Pat then pointed to some cranes and a shell of a structure that he said was going to be the library and the first building of CBN University. He was absolutely persuaded of what he had seen with the eyes of faith.

CBNU Library

Hebrews Chapter 11 is referred to as the Hall of Faith or the Faith Hall of Fame. There you will find the exploits of Abraham, Moses, Rahab the harlot, and many others.

I want to be one of these heroes, and more than ever, I realize it will only happen by faith. The inductees in the Hall of Faith are from different eras but they possess similar attributes.

They saw something God revealed to them and became persuaded that He could bring it to pass. They had their flaws but became heroic by overcoming major obstacles to complete the journey. 

Pat Robertson’s conviction was contagious. I wished I could be a part of CBN University, but I was on active duty in the Army and we were en route to Fort Bragg, NC. 

It took a while, but I got my wish and graduated from what became Regent University in May 1997. Vanessa and I were present on that day of small beginnings nearly 40 years ago.

By faith, Pat Robertson built Regent University into a premier academic institution. I’ve been asking the Lord to increase my faith, and He brought me back to the start of CBN University. 

I can draw parallels between Pat’s faith story and that of Abraham’s recorded in Genesis. God established a way of faith in His dealings with Abraham that remains unchanged.  

God first selects an individual and reveals Himself to them. God then gives them direction and a promise followed by a commitment to be with them. Pretty simple, but there is just one problem-the process.

The gap between God’s promise revealed and the promise fulfilled is the process. God uses the process –a series of obstacles, delays, denials, and deferments – to build character in those He selects. God is at work within you while He works through you.

Abraham’s process lasted 25 years. Moses waited 40 years, but both finished well. Thankfully the process is not always that long, but no matter; God is faithful. 

People of faith see beyond the natural dimension and it can be difficult for them to express what they see at times. Faith is a substance. You can’t see it, but it is an active force that is REAL. 

The writer of Hebrews says, By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Heb 11:3, NKJV)

Try and wrap your arms around that. In other words, God created everything you can see with substance you can’t see. 

People who receive the rewards of faith behold what cannot be observed with the naked eye and maintain confidence that it will come to pass. 

Oh say – What Do You See?

Well, Kevin, I am not sure God has shown me anything. If that is your feeling, I have a recommendation for you. Read the Bible regularly. Read the Psalms or the Book of James as a way to start a new reading routine.

God will speak to you as you study and meditate on His Word. The Holy Spirit will lift the promises of God from the pages of the Bible and imprint them on your heart. God will supernaturally awaken the dreamer in you!  

Oh say – What Can You See?

God’s dreamers bless other people’s lives. Pat Robertson blessed the nations by following God and pursuing what he could not see. If God has given you a dream, its accomplishment will bless others so go for it!! 

Faith is not for a select few. Faith is for ushers, cab drivers, blue and white collar workers, and retired folks like me. Faith is for all who dream of accomplishing what they couldn’t on their own to include the salvation of their souls.**

I believe there is a spot reserved in the Hall of Faith for you and me. See you there someday. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

**Faith is especially for those who want a personal relationship with God: .

Faith Pt.3 – The Triumph of Faith

Faith Makes It Well!!

And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul. -Horatio Spafford

Spafford wrote It is Well With My Soul in 1873 after all four of his daughters were killed in a tragedy at sea.

You will find the most detailed account of the end of the age in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Apostle John provides the context for this fantastic revelation: I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day. (Rev 1:10a)

Jesus said you must be born again to see and enter the Spirit realm. (John 3:3-5) You can see and enter this dimension. I enter frequently in the course of my daily routines. Take my visits to the YMCA for example. 

I do all of the preliminaries then stand at the edge of the pool, dreading that cold water; nevertheless, I take the step. After that COLD-rush, I am present of mind yet in another dimension.

Automatically, praying and worshipping God happens for me effortlessly. It is a natural reflex; something beyond me is empowering me. I pray for family, friends, nations, etc.

I enter the realm of the Spirit not because of the water per se. For me, the process of entering the water removes distractions and sharpens my focus on the Lord. Focus and devotion are the keys that open the door.

Ask the Lord to give you a process or routine that inspires you to worship. Here is a group illustration.

I participate in an online prayer group twice a week. Twelve of us prayed this past Friday. These friends of mine are quite accomplished, but our collective focus and devotion allowed God to take center stage.

All creation takes a knee when God takes center stage. What do I mean?

Our church pastor and his wife viewed themselves as members of the group-nothing more. The retired Air Force pilot was not “in the clouds,” but on the ground with the rest of us. The administrative wizard on the team did not try to increase our efficiency.

The combat veterans did not seek to impress with their war stories. The tech-guy whose voice has been heard around the world only talked about Jesus. The missionaries didn’t recite their global exploits.

The unassuming woman who translated a copy of the Bible in her native language was of a few words. The diligent volunteer felt no need to boast about her volunteerism.

When God is center stage, the greatest feel no greater than the least and the least feel no less than the greatest.

The Spirit realm is a dimension like no other. Having visited this dimension often, the Apostle Paul said he desired to depart this life to be with the Lord. He felt inclined to remain only for the sake of serving others. (Phil 1:22-23) 

Don’t You Want To Go?

I don’t like leaving this heavenly dimension either but it is essential in order to do the work. The work is what matters most. Let’s talk about it.

The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace, in Vatican City and the official residence of the pope.

People have labored for centuries erecting structures for God. Whether it is the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, the beautiful edifices across Europe, or renovated store fronts in depressed areas, they all speak to the work. 

The principal aim of our faith is the work. What is the work? 

The work, indeed, the principal aim of our faith is to lead others to the faith. This is our raison d’être-our reason for being.

Leading others into a saving knowledge of Christ is the work. Winning souls is the defining purpose of the church. Making disciples for Christ is our Great Commission. (Mt 28:19-20) 

Paul made access to the born again experience plain and simple: if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9-10)

Mr. Horatio Spafford fittingly added this verse to It is Well With My Soul:

My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!— My sin, not in part but the whole,  Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,  Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! 

To Know Christ is to possess a joy unspeakable and full of glory. (1 Peter 1:8b)

The Apostle John said this about the Triumph of our Faith: 

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful. (Rev 21:4-5)

Faith can move mountains, raise the dead, and subdue kingdoms, but the ultimate aim of faith is to be present with the Lord when He makes all things new.

To know Christ is to be able to sing with assurance, It is Well With My Soul. Don’t you want to go? Even now, many await us. (Hebrews 12:1) God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

**Click the link to see how you can say with confidence: It is Well With My Soul:

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