
How to Persevere & Receive the Promise

My wife and I are blessed with good neighbors, but Pat is in a class by himself. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being. (1 Cor 10:29)

Aside from me driving some nails, Pat built the raised garden bed for me to grow vegetables this summer. Pat held his ladder for me while I gingerly climbed to the top to get leaves out of my gutters. Pat’s electric tiller that I used several weeks ago is still in my garage. 

Pat picked up an aerator for three of us homeowners to service our lawns last Sunday. His newest project is rebuilding his backyard fence. In the process, one of the old fence posts cracked and left a stump cemented into the ground.

We begin our conversation on faith here. If you observe closely, you will see yourself in this illustration.

Pat and I spent some time with the pickaxes, but the post didn’t budge. Next, he used a metal pry bar with a sharp edge to break up more dirt and clay. We then went back-and-forth with the pry bar and pickaxes to no avail. 

Pat places new post in hole.

Undaunted, Pat drilled a hole through the post, ran a chain through the hole, and used a wooden plank as a lever to pry up the stump. We cracked two pieces of wood in the process. Finally, we used the pry bar as the lever, and the stump came out of the ground at last.

Intrigued, I later asked Pat if he ever doubted he would get that stump out of the ground. He said he got tired and frustrated, but he knew it was coming out one way or another. I was out of my comfort zone the whole time, but not Pat. He has a knack for finding solutions to hands-on projects.

There is a little bit of Pat in all of us, and a little bit of us in Pat. We all have God-given talents and strengths. We each have our comfort zones. When we run into a problem in an area of strength, we find a way to get things done. 

In the arena of faith, it is not that easy. God intentionally calls us to trust Him outside of our comfort zones. He deliberately places us on unfamiliar paths with people that are -shall we say- not our type. 

At points along our walk of faith, we experience vulnerability and must accept some level of risk. Be encouraged because God will have us kill the lion and the bear before we face Goliath. (1 Sam 17:36) In other words, God will equip us in advance for every test.

The Bible defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Heb 11:1) The writer of Hebrews takes the rest of chapter 11 to unpack that one verse.

I arrived at my own definition of faith about 15-20 years ago through the school of hard knocks: Faith is perseverance in the face of apparent failure. Apparent failure? Yes. Appearances suggest that you are failing or that you will fail. You must stay committed and trust God.

God calls us to walk in faith in our areas of weakness so that out of our weakness, He can make us strong. The Apostle Paul said that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Cor 12:9)

Real growth and development takes places outside of your comfort zone. Faith sustains you on unfamiliar paths.

Our challenge is to sustain our faith –through discomfort and uncertainty- long enough to receive the aim of our faith. One of the ways God encourages us is through Biblical role models. Hebrews 11 is full of these role models.

These individuals encourage us because they believed God and saw promises fulfilled despite their flaws and weaknesses. We learn from them that the committed, not the gifted and talented, receive the rewards of faith.

The walk of faith includes stretches where we get knocked flat. The faithful get back up and keep their feet moving through pain, frustration, and delays. 

For every promise of God, there is a process we must go through before we receive the promise. 

Faith is perseverance in the face of apparent failure. Keep your feet moving towards the prize at all costs, and you will not fall short. You are a faith-champion in the making. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Divine Healing Pt.5

Coming Out of the Crowd

I recently told a friend that following God is hard because you frequently go against conventional wisdom. He responded, “Sometimes conventional wisdom is an excuse for unbelief.”

God chooses and calls people out of the world system to be His own peculiar people. (1 Peter 2:9) This “coming out” to become new creations in Christ has always appealed to me. We are called out of the world to form a new community-the church. 

We also need to come out of some church groups. I’ve never liked the crowed because I don’t want what the crowd gets. 

It is not hard to predict what happens to people who hang with the crowd. 

I began to see a life beyond the crowd when I studied the Bible over forty years ago. My Bible’s heroes were anything but conformists and predictable. More noble influences separated them from the pack.

I soon understood that possibilities abound for born again believers. Nicodemus was at a loss when Jesus told him you must be born again to see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3-7) Jesus went on the tell him:

The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit. (John 3:8)

The Apostle Paul said this: “For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.” (Colossians 1:13)

When I entered Fort Drum in June 1991, I’d been a part of the U.S. Army -a distinctly different community- for 14 years. Things change immediately once you take the oath to serve.

While I was still subject to federal laws, tax codes, etc., I entered a new legal and financial framework and a new health care system. I had immediate access to resources that previously were not available. 

You entered a new health care system when you were born again. Heavenly resources became available to you that you could not access previously.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. -Psalms 139:13-14

Here the psalmist worships God for the meticulous detail He took in forming his body and physical features. God used the same attentiveness in designing you.

No one can offer a better wellness plan for you than your Creator. No one can better diagnose your condition or prescribe a more precise pathway to healing than Jesus, the Great Physician.

Recall that when Jesus healed people and cast out demons to set them free, He sought no notoriety. (Mark 7:6) Nothing has changed.

The Great Physician frequently heals us through natural processes like nutrition, exercise, and medical science. Many do not realize that it is Jesus at work in these processes. 

There are also times when Jesus chooses to work through supernatural means to make us whole. In these instances, He often leaves divine “fingerprints” to let us know that He touched us.

Divine fingerprints include reversals in your medical condition that defy scientific explanation. God’s fingerprints are also evident in healings that result from the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the laying on of hands, prayer, etc.

Hearing the voice of God is critical in receiving healing from both natural and supernatural processes. 

Sometimes we need to do exactly what the doctor tells us. On other occasions, God will challenge us to pass on conventional wisdom and trust Him for His prescribed path to healing.

I wish I could tell you that following God’s path is easy.

How does one know what to do? Ask the Lord for wisdom and follow the direction where you sense the peace of God is most evident.  

Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice. Jesus also said that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth.

I strongly recommend that you come away from the crowd and nurture the ability to hear God’s voice before you arrive at a point of crisis. The more you hear and obey His voice, the greater distance God is going to place between you and the crowd.

We cannot afford to get health decisions wrong. Come out from the crowd to hear Him more clearly. Jesus wants to lead you along His prescribed path to wellness. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Divine Healing Pt.4

The Master Coach & Teacher

“Everybody needs a coach” is a mantra these days. Coaching and mentoring focus on helping people develop and reach specific goals. Both processes are covered extensively in the Bible. My favorite example is in the relationship between Paul and Timothy.

Paul realizes execution by Roman decree awaits him, so he writes letters to his mentee, Timothy. This excerpt from Paul should be in every mentor’s handbook:

You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. (2 Timothy 2:2)

Paul was mentored by Gamaliel, one of the most respected doctors of Jewish law, but everything changed after he encountered Jesus. Jesus became his Mentor, Executive Coach, Life Coach, and Lord.

Getting help accelerates your climb.

Let’s shift then to Jesus as coach and mentor. Jesus handpicked twelve very ordinary men and enrolled them in a three-year mentoring program. Jesus said, “Follow Me,” and that was all it took.

Little did the disciples know that at the end of the three years, Jesus would go to the cross, and the future of His church would rest upon their shoulders.

To prepare them for leadership, Jesus gave them a developmental assignment. He told them to go into various cities and do what they had seen Him do: preach, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. (Mt 10:7-8)

How did they fare? The Bible says the disciples “went through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing everywhere.” (Luke 9:6) Imagine that! Imagine that was you.

Imagine being handpicked and sent out by Jesus. Imagine being empowered to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. Imagine having Jesus as your Coach and Mentor. Well, STOP imagining things.

Jesus handpicked us. None of us self-enrolled. Like Paul, Jesus is our Mentor, Executive Coach, Life Coach, and Lord. He promised never to leave us.

Jesus provides direction through the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth. (Jn 16:13-14)

The Great Commission (GC) compels all believers to preach the gospel, cast out demons, and heal the sick. (Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-17)

So how do I get started, and what do I do? That’s easy: Just Do it! If we do it, we will get the same results the disciples did.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so healing remains an essential aspect of His ministry, but He is not here. Jesus put the power in us to do the work, and the work must urgently get underway.

As I was writing this article, a neighbor informed me that her grandchild was taken 70 miles from home and hooked to an EKG unit after multiple seizures. Last week, I received a request for prayer for a family overwhelmed with positive cancer biopsies. I could go on and on.

We must combat sickness and disease on multiple fronts. These lines of attack should include rest, nutrition, exercise, research, and the medical community. Chief among all of these attack methodologies are prayers of faith!

Many the Lord handpicks for coaching, mentoring, and service are not the Rhoades Scholar or Ivy League types. The disciples who went into the cities were called ordinary and uneducated men. (Acts 4:13)

I am writing this article because many do not realize that the Great Commission authorizes and deputizes them to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. I am not giving you a motivational speech. This is REAL talk.

Your faith-filled prayers, and action will alleviate suffering. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. (Romans 8:11) I strongly encourage you to ponder these truths and then act on them. Take your place in the healing ministry of Jesus. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

PS: The grandchild referenced above still faces challenges, but he returned home and is doing relatively well. We continue to pray for him.

From Dreams to Reality

How You Can Influence the Outcome

That’s me. I learned that I was an INFJ, one of the 16 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality types. What is most important about this chart is at the bottom right corner.

Great rewards come from serving others. People on the receiving end will go so far as to say you changed their lives. I’d say that about the guy who signed my INFJ printout. We will refer to him by his initials, JA. 

JA is a sports psychologist. In October 2014, he facilitated a week-long Leadership Assessment Program Level II class in Shepherdstown, WVA. 

Before taking this class, I had to fill out some questionnaires and take some personality assessments. The Federal Government brought in executive coaches to provide feedback on the evaluations at the end of the week of training. 

I couldn’t believe it. JA was not only the primary instructor but my coach. The evening before the coaching sessions, we students were told we had three hours to discuss whatever we wanted with the coaches.

In 2012, I had an idea to start a digital prayer network at my church, but most people could not grasp the concept. They had the look of, “what is this guy talking about?” As such, the first two years were tough. 

To my surprise, the Lord began speaking to me about this digital prayer network the evening before I departed for Shepherdstown. Here I was struggling to get the concept going in my church, and now the Lord spoke to me about global expansion??!!

I grabbed a piece of paper and started sketching out the concept as it came to me.

The Lord then prompted me to talk to JA about this global network during my coaching session. What? Talk to a sports psychologist about a prayer network during a government-funded training event?

Conceptual diagram of a digital global Prayer Network, Oct, 2014

The next day I showed JA the diagram above and explained the concept. He grasped the idea immediately. He marveled at the detail in my chart and said this is how some great organizations get started. He encouraged me to move forward and affirmed the concept.

Dream Prayer Network (DPN) has reached thousands of people around the world. JA has little idea how significant a role he played, but let’s talk about what he depicted at the bottom of my INFJ printout.

You will never guess what that underlined W represents. He actually passed out decals of the diagram after the final class session.

JA asked us, students, to identify our top three goals and give ourselves a score of 1-10 on our level of commitment to achieve them.

Facing the truth was a painful moment for me. I put down a seven for intensity level in pursuit of DPN. JA’s point was clear. Significant outcomes require significant effort, and extraordinary results require extraordinary effort.

JA said you need to be at level 10 to be extraordinary, and you must be willing to put your “butt on the line!” (The W referred to a body part.) I hope you are not offended by the raw reference because it helped me.

Allow me to capture the spirit of the underlined W within a Biblical framework:

Joshua said, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. David said, who is this uncircumcised Philistine? Isaiah said, “Here am I, Lord, send me.” Paul said, “I press toward the mark of the prize.” 

I wrote this article to encourage you and me to apply a 10-level effort to those things that matter most to us. Resident within all of us is 10-level capacity and potential. I believe we are going to achieve great things. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

PS: After seven years, I just reconnected with JA over Linked In.

  • Joshua’s house: Jos 24:15
  • David’s declaration: 1 Sam: 17:26
  • Isaiah’s response: Isa 6:8
  • Paul’s press: Phil 3:14

Divine Healing Pt.3

What Did You See?

So, I imagine my heart with you. See what imagination will do? It’s not hard to conceive. Love’s ecstasy imagining you, imagining me. The beauty we both can see.

Do you recall who sang the lyrics above? How about these: 

These dreams go on when I close my eyes. Every second of the night I live another life. These dreams that sleep when it’s cold outside. Every moment I’m awake the further I’m away.

Imagination performed by Earth, Wind & Fire. These Dreams performed by Heart.

I send a weekly word of encouragement via email to about 70 of our Ascent College students. I entitled this week’s message: What Did You See

I gave the students a practical exercise (PE) designed to engage their imagination and capacity to dream. Play along for a moment:

Imagine that you are serving in ministry after you’ve graduated. Visualize yourself in the role. What did you see? 

Let’s repeat this exercise but this time, see yourself engaged in a ministry based on Mark 16:17-18:

And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name, they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

What did you see? I believe the students saw something familiar from their past in part one of the PE.

I believe they struggled to see themselves in a signs and wonders ministry. Such ministries are rare these days. Incidentally, Mark 16:17-18 pertains to all believers. Take a moment to see yourself operating in this framework. What did YOU see?

He provided for our salvation and healing.

You can tie three verses of scriptures together and make a solid case that Jesus provided healing for us through His atoning sacrifice. Isaiah 53:5 + Matthew 8:17 + 1 Peter 2:24 = Jesus provided healing for every sickness and disease.

Jesus heals all of our diseases, but what does this truth mean when we suffer physically or see others suffering? 

Should we fight and resist sickness and disease or accept the circumstances? Jesus commended those who aggressively pursued relief from physical infirmities. 

People could not keep blind Bartimaeus from crying out for mercy. The Syrophoenician woman challenged Jesus when He said healing was only for the Jews. Jesus commended her. The woman with the issue of blood reached out to touch the hem of His garment. The four friends of the paralytic man cut a hole in the roof to get their friend to Jesus. (See verses at end of article.)* The sick and suffering received healing in each instance.

Aggressively oppose all challenges to your health and wellbeing. Do your research on what ails you. Adjust your diet if you have to. Walk around the block. Forgive others; pray around the clock. Above all the other things you can do, get in the Word of Truth, and be confident. Jesus will see you through.

Study scriptures that relate to divine healing. Meditate on these verses. Your God-given ability to dream and imagine enables you to see yourself healed and delivered NOW by faith! It may seem awkward at the beginning but all you need is a mustard seed.

Mountain-moving faith begins as a mustard seed. The more we nurture the seed through study and meditation, the more it will grow. (Mark 11:23)

Stay at it and mountain moving faith is produced. A life without limits becomes believable and achievable. We can receive our healing and then get to the main point of it all. We can begin to function within the framework of Mark 16:17-18 as God intended.

You are now going against the tide of church culture. Sadly, we don’t study the Bible and meditate on God’s Word as we should.

Moreover, your aggressive stance on healing is going to run you right into opposition. The devil will use any means necessary to move you from faith to unbelief, but you know what to do: STAND! (Eph 6:10) At the end of this article is a link to 149 healing scriptures.**

Let’s practice. Imagine total healing. Dream of a life without pain and disability. See yourself sound and whole. Your mustard seed just grew. Keep practicing. You are going to depart the battleground of healing victoriously!

Thank you for having this conversation with me. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

* Aggressive stances on healing:
Mark 10:46-52 – Blind Bartimaeus
Mark 7:24-30 – Syrophoenician woman
Mt 9:20-22 – Woman issue of blood
Mark 2:1-5 – Paralytic man

**List of 149 healing verses in the Bible.

Divine Healing Pt.2

Counting the Cost – Still Worth It?

Not getting what you want either means you don’t want it enough, or you have been dealing too long with the price you have to pay. Rudyard Kipling.

They were in their best “Sunday-go-to-meeting” clothes. They packed picnic baskets before heading south to see the boys in action. A handful of ladies carried along their opera glasses to get a better view of the spectacle.

It was hot and humid that day, 21 July 1861, but the heat was not an issue. The wealthy elite wanted to see it. U.S. senators and members of Congress joined the throng of men, women and children leaving D.C. to make the 30-mile trip to Manassas, VA. 

The first full-scale battle of the Civil War was underway for four days before the spectators arrived around Centreville several miles from the fighting. Here is a little context.

President Abraham Lincoln asked for 75,000 Soldiers to enlist for 90 days to put down the Confederate rebellion. Lincoln’s call for mobilization came three days after Confederate forces fired on Ft. Sumpter, SC, on 21 April to start the American Civil War. 

President Lincoln grossly miscalculated. Confederate forces defeated the Union Army around Manassas and sent them fleeing back to D.C., but the federal troops encountered a problem. 

Frightened civilians with picnic baskets cluttered the roads and bridges they needed to get back home, but it didn’t matter. The Confederates were too disorganized to pursue the defeated enemy. 

It became evident that this conflict would not end in 90 days. The Battle of Bull Run/First Manassas was a wake-up call. Both sides miscalculated the nature of war and what it would take to win. 

Conflict and warfare fill the pages of the Old Testament (O.T.) Israel was either engaged in battle, under the threat of war, or dominated by a foreign power resulting from combat. 

Conversely, the New Testament (N.T.) occurs during the Pax Romana -the Roman Peace occurred between 27 BCE- 180 CE. This Peace prevailed because Rome had the power to crush any resistance.

The O.T. provides brief glimpses of the invisible war in the spirit realm. On the other hand, the N.T. lays bare the high-stakes battles of the spirit that rage on without ceasing. 

Sadly, many Christians carry picnic baskets instead of wearing the necessary battle gear the situation warrants. (Eph 6:13-18) The enemy dismantles things all around them while they go about their daily routines, not suspecting anything.

God intends for us to wear this all the time.

Paul provides the best illustration of our opposition in Ephesians 6:12: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

How do we measure the intensity of spiritual warfare? Spiritual conflict mirrors physical armed conflict, and there are real casualties in both dimensions.

Spiritual warfare is no joke. It’s not a picnic, and the stakes are high. Count the cost.

The devil contests two principal areas with all of his might: repentance and healing. 

Repentance directly relates to our eternal salvation. Healing relates to the abundant life Jesus came to provide us. (John 10:10) 

The devil blinds the eyes of unbelievers so they don’t see the need to repent. (2 Cor 4:3-5). 

The devil attacks the faith of believers because faith is the key that accesses God’s healing power. (Matt 9:22)

The manifestation of salvation and healing in tandem is devastating to the powers of darkness. The devil will not give ground without a fight.

As we learned last week, Dodie Osteen’s testimony of becoming cancer-free was a very gradual process over a two-year period. She counted the cost and believed that fighting for her healing was worth it.

President Lincoln could not mandate 90 days to overthrow the Southern rebellion. After the Battle of Bull Run, he counted the cost. He believed that restoring the Union was worth the price so he began mobilizing forces for the long haul.

We may face physical conditions that take time to resolve. Our mindset has to be “whatever it takes.” 

In my opinion, God uses doctors and medicine in this process. Medical professionals are not enemies. They face human limitations, but there is nothing too hard for God!

If you need physical healing, put your faith to work and build it up by praying and reading your Bible daily. You are entering a battlefield that many have departed victoriously.

No one can guarantee an outcome regarding your physical condition, but the Bible provides you with a sure-fire promise: your faith will please God and you SHALL be rewarded! It is MORE than worth it! (Heb 11:6) God Bless! Press On!! Kevin 

Divine Healing

Critical Conversations On Divine Healing

It was eerily similar. Back on the road to celebrate the passing of another family member. Six weeks ago, it was Atlanta; this time, it was Richmond. Both were beloved mothers, active in their churches, and celebrated in their communities. Both left behind grieving spouses, children, and family members.

One mother was 70, and the other reached the age of 69. The Bible speaks of our lives being 70 years or possibly 80 with reasonable strength (Psalms 90:10), but it’s not quite that simple. *

Both women loved the Lord. Both battled longstanding health issues, and both received healing prayers.

Dodie & Joel Osteen

During the drive to Richmond, my wife and I tried to recall when we first signed up for Satellite Radio. That was the day we began listening to Joel Osteen Radio. En route to Atlanta on the first trip and then driving home from Richmond for the second, I heard Joel tell the story again. If you listen to Joel or watch his TV broadcast, you are probably familiar with the story.

In 1981, his mother, Dodie Osteen, was diagnosed with metastatic liver cancer with a tumor the size of an orange on her liver. Her husband, Pastor John Osteen, received news from the doctors that she only had weeks to live. Dodie refused to accept the doctor’s report.

She wrote letters asking forgiveness from anyone she might have offended. She put up pictures of herself when she was young and healthy. Dodie compiled a list of 40 healing scriptures and read through them three times a day.

Two years after her terminal diagnosis, she was cancer free. She is alive today, some 40 years later, giving her testimony of God’s healing power. Have you heard similar stories?

I have seen people supernaturally healed by God. I have prayed for people who later came back to tell me that God healed them. I suspect that like me, some of you have received a healing touch from God.

I have been meditating for several weeks on these verses: “Bless the Lord, O my soul,

 And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases.” (Psalms 103:2-3)

Catholic and Protestant churches wholeheartedly embrace confession as the means to receive God’s cleansing and forgiveness. (1 John 1:9) The blood of Jesus covers all of our sins.

What about the healing part? The Bible says this about Jesus: “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.” (Acts 10:38)


“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” (Mathew 9:35)

Faith is to healing what confession is to forgiveness. Observe the response of Jesus to the women with an “issue of blood” for 12 years: “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. (Matthew 9:22b)

Further, after a mother begged the Lord to heal her daughter tormented by a demon, the Lord commended her, “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole that very hour.

Aha! Faith is the key to healing, but it’s not quite that simple.

Both women celebrated in Atlanta and Richmond had faith, and received faith-filled prayers for healing. There are lots of unanswered questions, but we need to ask them for two reasons.

See video link below.

First of all, we need God’s healing power in the church to relieve suffering and to bring the lost to Christ. Secondly, I believe the Lord wants to flood the earth with His healing power to usher multitudes into the Kingdom of God.

The 20th Century saw the Lord raise up powerful healing ministries. That kind of healing anointing is in the air again, and its not just for preachers and evangelists.

In the coming weeks, we will explore God’s healing power toward the end that we might posture ourselves to be recipients and carriers of God’s healing power. I welcome your thoughts in the comments section of this blog.

I look forward to going on this journey with you. To God be the glory for the things He has done and is about to do! God Bless! Press On!! Kevin  

*Moses was 120. Eli the priest was 98. Caleb was 85 and full of vigor and strength. The prophetess Anna in the New Testament was at least 84 years old.

God’s Generals 5 hours. Sample what you like:

A Better Me

How God Goes About Making You Better

God will transform you into a vessel of honor.

It takes a lot of courage. Are you up to it? If you pray this prayer and follow the itinerary, you will become the best version of yourself. Moreover, you will find favor with God and man. Are you ready. Pray this:

Make Me Better Lord

This simple prayer offered in sincerity sets things in motion beyond our comprehension. I hope you like an adventure because you just embarked on one. Your life will not be easy, but it will be beyond rewarding.

Can you quote the 23rd Psalm from memory? I can’t. There is the verse that goes: “He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.” (v.2)

Read on, and you come across, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou are with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (v.4)

Sad goodbye to Hilton Head, SC vacation for another year.

In response to your prayer, Make Me Better Lord, your itinerary will include stops in green pastures and drive-bys to still and peaceful waters. It sounds like a vacation, but alas, they don’t last.

John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the presence of many witnesses. When Jesus ascended out of the water, the Holy Spirit came upon Him in the form of a dove. Then a voice from heaven declared, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:13-16)

After this spectacular introduction, you would expect a press conference immediately followed by a tour of the most prominent cities in the Roman Empire. On the contrary, Jesus completely disappeared from view; God had other plans for His beloved Son:

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” (Mt 4:1) Why did Jesus’ itinerary include such a demanding and dangerous detour?

God deliberately, intentionally, and strategically leads His people into trouble, but not by themselves. I’ve taught this truth to others for years, but I still shake my head thinking about it.

Here is another head-shaker from the writer of Hebrews: “Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.” (Hebrew 5:8)

Let’s get back to your, Make Me Better Lord itinerary. By now, you’ve figured out that there will be bumps in the road. Let’s keep it real. On occasion, you will walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but not alone.

A great consolation is always knowing, “Thou are with.” God also promises that we will not be tempted or challenged beyond our capacity without Him providing an escape route. (Corinthians 10:13) Take that to the bank.

Here is the greatest consolation. God is conforming you into His image. You are growing in grace. You are progressing from glory to glory and from faith to faith. The Lord is renewing your mind to understand His will and His ways.

God is remaking you into a vessel of honor. You are becoming a friend of God. Sign me up for all of that. Make Me Better Lord. Here are some essential things to know about becoming the best version of yourself.

Many of your prayers will go “unanswered.” The Make Me Better Lord prayer trumps: Lord get me out of this; get me away from here; Lord change them or get them away from me, etc. Here is a prayer that God will answer: Lord change me!

Next, you can be sure that God will place people that irritate you along long stretches of your itinerary. There is no use in praying away those people that God has assigned to you. Ouch!!

I don’t know about you, but there are individuals of a particular personality type that I keep running into all the time. The names change, but I have met them before, if you know what I mean.

Don’t Take It!!

Just one more point. Please don’t take the exit ramp on your better version itinerary. Stick it out. You don’t want to have to come back later to to complete that part of the trip.

I hope you will pray the Make Me Better Lord prayer. There is no price too high to pay to be called the friend of God. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.  Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:1-2)

Understanding the Spirit Realm Pt.4

In It to Win It

She Wanted it More

It’s always a signature moment during the reception. All the single ladies gather for the toss. It’s a time of good-natured fun for most participants, but others are in it to win it!

The “in it to win it” participants are easy to spot. They start jockeying for position, and you can see the fire in their eyes. Social graces and decorum may take a back seat. When those flowers go up in the air, they know who is coming down with them.

The fans clamored for it, and they got what they wanted. ESPN opted for an early 19 April 2020 release of the 10-part documentary of Michael Jordan, entitled the Last Dance

“They may say he wasn’t really a nice guy, he may have been a tyrant…but I wanted to win and them to be a part of it.” -M. Jordan

There was concern among the Jordan faithful that the documentary may tarnish the legacy of the six-time NBA champion and global icon. Jordan was the most competitive athlete of his era, but many did not know the extent to which he bullied, belittled, and intimidated teammates in pursuit of titles. 

Towards the end of my career with the federal government, I asked our Department Director for his perspective on reaching senior leadership positions. He said, “you can be as successful as you want to be.” 

It took me a while, but I eventually understood his point. Allow me to rephrase his observation: you can achieve anything if you are willing to pay the price.

The Lord has been dealing with me about narrowing my focus and increasing my sense of urgency to accomplish the things He has set before me. I am being Counseled to lay aside those things not connected with purpose.

Perhaps my recent conversations with the Counselor will help you realize your dreams. I am persuaded that neither you nor I will see our desires fulfilled apart from greater determination and commitment.

The Holy Spirit is the Divine Counselor. He’s Counseling me to pick up the pace. I am passionate about the things of God, but there are levels to everything.

As trumpeter Wynton Marcellus puts it, “Everybody thinks they’re hustling until they see somebody who is really hustling.” 

I’ve got to move beyond worrying, hoping, and wishing. I must begin grappling, wrestling, and reaching. My current approach will not get me the bouquet. How about badly do you want the flowers?

I have a plan to get the title ring, but I’ve got to get my hands dirty and confront my opposition. (Ephesians 6:10-11) Mike Tyson said that everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Don’t fool yourself. You are going to get hit.

You are going to get hit. Stand and the Lord will knock your enemy to the canvas.

I just completed a Master Class by Coach Geno Auriemma. His University of Connecticut Huskies have won the NCAA Women’s Basketball title a record 11 times in his 35-year tenure. He said a lot of teams practice until they get it right. He said the goal should be to practice until you can’t get it wrong.

Extraordinary commitment and work ethic produce extraordinary outcomes. You’ve got to be in it to win it.

We must combat the passivity of Western church culture and embrace the activity that is a principle of the Kingdom of God which expands because people Go and Do. (Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-18) 

Her face tells the whole story

We can catch the bouquet and wear the ring of a champion. We can rise to positions of influence. We can be exceptional in life, but not without extraordinary determination, and commitment. Being casual about our pursuits will not get us there. We must be in it to win it. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin Willis

Understanding the Spirit Realm Pt.3

Secrets From the Vault

Music from the vault of his vision.

“In 1993, I had a vision. I saw the Lord seated on the throne and at his left hand was a vault. He opened the vault and inside were songs. And the Lord said to me, “These are my favorite songs. These are the songs that minister to Me and bless my people. And I will pour them out into the earth… some to you and some to others. Watch what I will do. -Fred Hammond**

Released in 1995, “We’re Blessed,” by Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ (RFC), enabled us to learn Biblical truth and “get our praise on.” Start the chorus, and many will finish it for you:

We’re blessed in the city
We’re blessed in the field
We’re blessed when we come and when we go
We cast down every stronghold
Sickness and poverty must cease
For the devil is defeated
We are blessed

The song came from a signature album from Fred & RFC that introduced a new style of worship music to the contemporary gospel audience.

The lyrics refer to a portion of the third and final speech of Moses as recorded in Deuteronomy 28. Chapter 28 references the blessings and the curses of the covenant between God and His people.

Moses appointed Joshua as his successor before climbing Mount Nebo to be with the Lord forever. (Deut. 34:5) The blessings listed in Deut. 28:1-13 are glorious, but there is an if” stipulation.

We can experience the blessings if we do what God tells us to do. Conversely, if we disobey, an inglorious menu of curses will befall us listed in the remaining 54 verses of Chapter 28. 

Thirteen verses deal with blessings while 54 verses address the curses. Why the imbalance?

Now for a painful dose of reality: individuals, neighborhoods, cities, regions, and nations live under curses. The dark and tragic events that play out daily over media illustrate the consequences of humanity’s disobedience to God. Sin is at the root of every curse. (Proverbs 26:2)

Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. (Galatians 6:7, NLT)

There is a one-word remedy for curses: REPENTANCE. Make a 180-degree turn. Curses break when we forsake our ways to follow God. (Gal 3:13-14)

After many years walking students through the Bible, I have concluded that the greatest enemy to the people of God is the people of God.

In my forty-plus years of life experience as a born again Christian, I have concluded that the greatest enemy to the people of God is the people of God.

In my sixty-plus years of living with myself, I’ve concluded that my greatest enemy is myself. I’ve gotten in my own way more than the devil or anyone else.

A slight adjustment in your lifestyle can open a floodgate of God’s blessings in your life. The great Apostle Paul was always about examining himself. We should do likewise. Now is the time for us to get REAL with where we are and make things right.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

All of us have issues. The Bible says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1 John 1:8)

We must be intentional about our desire to walk in the blessings of God, and history is not on our side.

Israel obeyed God as long as Joshua was alive. After his death, every man did what was right in his own eyes. (Judges 17:6; 21:25) You can imagine the outcome.

Beginning a 600-plus mile journey to Babylon (modern-day Iraq) in exile from Jerusalem.

God’s people experienced the consequences of disobedience. Foreign powers breached the walls of Jerusalem. The city of David was set aflame, and they leveled Solomon’s Temple. By 586 BC, the Assyrians and Babylonians took all but the poorest survivors into captivity.

No foreign power could defeat mighty Israel. The Jews failed because they disobeyed God and brought curses upon themselves. Mark this. 

The devil can’t curse or conquer you. His trick is to deceive you into an act of disobedience as he did Eve in the Garden of Eden. Original sin rooted in demonic deception resulted in the Fall of humanity.

No individual or devil in hell can prevent you from achieving God’s purposes in your life, but you must get out of your own way. 

Lord, help me get out of my own way and help your people to do likewise.

Let’s end this on a positive note. Click on the video below to hear Fred and RFC sing “We’re Blessed.” God Bless! Press On!! Kevin 

** Not the best internet reference. I have heard Fred give this testimony a number of times and can find a better reference upon request.

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