Deal Gone Bad – Real Bad

Opening scene of the Godfather with Marlon Brando in the role of Don Vito Corleone.

The price the evangelical church has paid for bowing to the gods of politics and power.

“Bonasera . . . Bonasera . . . What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you’d come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.”

Bonasera came to Don Vito Corleone requesting justice to avenge the disfiguring of his daughter by her boyfriend and another young man. The judge suspended their sentence and let them go free.

Corleone had what Bonasera needed, power, influence, and connections.  Bonasera bowed and kissed the ring of the Godfather. He walked away with a promise of justice and a chain around his ankle.

Bowing to earthly power always exacts a price from you. It has been 41 years since the evangelical church began aggressive pursuit of moral change in America through the political process.  Let’s perform an autopsy on the movement.

Many erroneously believe the impetus of the movement was the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973 legalizing abortion. 

The battle rages on and 27% of the 2020 electorate will vote based on candidate positions on abortion.

While Roman Catholic bishops immediately urged their communicants to support candidates opposed to abortion, evangelicals had a much different response.

In 1971, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) passed a resolution that allowed for the possibility of abortion, “…under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother.”

You might want to read that again. The SBC reaffirmed this resolution in 1974 and 1976.

Rev. W.A. Criswell, a former SBC president, applauded the Supreme Court decision.  He opined that “what is the best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.”

In 1977, the SBC changed its view on abortion and adopted the staunch pro-life position it maintains today.

The issue that inspired evangelicals to engage in political action was the decision of Richard Nixon in 1970 to withdraw tax-exempt status from schools that practiced racially discriminatory policies.

Conservative political strategist Paul Weyrich and likeminded activists reframed Nixon’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) action as government intervention into church affairs and an attack on religious freedom. 

Weyrich tried unsuccessfully for years to rally evangelicals around issues like abortion, prayer in schools, and homosexuality, but now he had an issue.

IRS action to withdraw tax-exempt status from Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies angered southern evangelicals.

Race in America. The more we run from it, the more we run into it.

Evangelicals became active, but Weyrich realized he could not build a national political movement around restricting minority access to education. 

Weyrich and other conservative leaders began looking for a prominent evangelical leader and gifted communicator. Abortion was spiking around the country and they hoped the right spokesman could build on the new evangelical political momentum.

 They found their man in the Reverend Jerry Falwell, pastor of Thomas Rhodes Baptist Church, Lynchburg, VA. In February 1978, a full five years after Roe vs. Wade, Falwell preached his FIRST sermon against abortion.

Falwell declared that abortion was murder and a moral issue, not a political issue. The ensuing response demonstrated to Weyrich that abortion was the issue to mobilize the evangelical community, and Jerry Falwell was their spokesman.

Less than a year later, Weyrich coined the name of the organization that Falwell would adopt for the new political organization-the Moral Majority (MM).

Strange bedfellows made up MM. Falwell boasted of 72,000 pastors who were Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, and Mormon in a political organization that was “pro-Life, pro-traditional family, pro-moral, and pro-American.”

Absent from MM in any appreciable numbers were black Christians. No surprise. MM grew out of a movement spawned by restricting educational access to black children.

MM had a significant influence on the 1980 political election. In the run-up to the election, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson quoted the pollster Lou Harris:

“Reagan is also winning the votes of that 26% of the white electorate who are followers of the evangelical preachers who have been active in the election. This group is providing Reagan his clear margin in the election.”

To be clear, MM was a white political organization that represented the interests of conservative white Christians. Sadly, black Christians supported many of the same moral issues, but that did not matter because they did not seem to matter to MM. This fact haunts the church to this day.

President Reagan went on to win that election as did a number of conservative senators backed by MM. Jerry Falwell went from relative obscurity to White House insider.

Bowing to power almost always costs you.

MM delivered votes, finances, and elected candidates. Now it was time for the movement to be rewarded.

Despite Republicans having clear majorities in both houses, the Reagan administration did not deliver on its promise to pass a congressional amendment to return prayer to public schools.

Reagan served for eight years in office; yet, the prayer amendment was only brought up once for passage. Concerns over the economy moved the amendment permanently to the back burner.

In 1989, MM disbanded. What did MM accomplish in terms of outcomes that mattered to evangelicals?

Not much said former MM insiders Cal Thomas and Ed Dobson who published “Blinded by Might” in 2000. Thomas argued that “whenever the church cozies up to political power, it loses sight of its all-important mission to change the world from the inside out.”

Political change does not bring moral change.

Fast forward another 20 years of Religious Right activity and Thomas’ words still ring true.

Conservative evangelicals that went from tepid to red-hot on abortion have not overturned Roe vs. Wade in 41 years. The movement has not delivered on returning prayer to public schools.

The movement has not prevented the spread of pornography or defeated the assault against traditional family values.

Moreover, churches in America have been declining in attendance for over a decade. A whole generation of young people is abandoning the church in droves.

The church has lost much of its prophetic voice and too often finds itself the pawn of political parties.

MM insider Cal Thomas came to this conclusion 20 years ago when he said: “…the Religious Right has traded the only power that can truly change America – the Gospel’s power to transform hearts – for the methods of a kingdom that is of this world.”

Bowing to earthly power always exacts a heavy price. After 41 years of missteps, it is time for a course correction.

We must vote in the upcoming elections, but it is time for us to put our trust in God alone and in His government, the increase of which there shall be no end. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen! –Isaiah 9:7

The Coming Storms Pt. 2

Hurricane Laura makes landfall as a Category 4 storm with winds up to 150 miles per hour.

This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain. Hebrews 12:27

Update. Hurricane Laura was the strongest Hurricane to hit Louisiana but was not as devastating as it could have been. As of Friday, 28 August, nearly 700,000 are estimated to be without power across Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas.

Sadly, six individuals from Louisiana lost their lives in the storm.

I believe I am more sensitive than most to the effects of a major hurricane and I will address that shortly. First a word of encouragement from a woman who responded to last week’s article, The Coming Storm:

Last night I kept dreaming I was in one storm after another. I could see trees blowing and hard rains, but I was inside, dry, and at peace. 

I had previously been anxious and afraid of life storm, but I am receiving the message that God uses them to show His faithfulness, strengthen our trust and reliance on Him, and to prepare us for future callings.

There have only been three category five hurricanes to make landfall in the United States since 1900. The last one was Hurricane Andrew that slammed into south Florida in late August 1992.

I was among the first to arrive from 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, several days after the eye of Hurricane Andrew passed through southern Florida. 

It looked worse than this when we exited the aircraft at Homestead Airforce Base.

For the next five weeks, we provided disaster relief in Florida City, a city in Dade County. Up to 25 individuals were killed in Dade County. The storm damaged or destroyed over 150.000 homes with about 175,000 rendered homeless–the vast majority in Dade County.

A storm of that magnitude clarifies things. You come to terms with who you REALLY are and what matters to you.

I will never forget the stories of the people who rode out the storm. Of particular note were remarks from individuals during a Sunday morning church service.

These people were full of joy and extremely thankful despite the devastation all around them.  They got through it, grew through it, and exhibited a strength and resolve that you could feel.

I saw tons of relief supplies coming in from across the nation. There were reports of looting and crime, but I only observed minor instances of greed. Mostly, I saw incredible acts of service that left a lasting impression on me.

The demographics of Florida City today are as follows: 44.75% White; 51.08% Black; 0.21% Asian. The hurricane made all things equal. I saw actions across racial lines that were positively remarkable. 

Some of the most resilient people I’ve ever met.

I was taken aback by relief workers enduring brutal summer heat to feed, clothe, and shelter others. These workers expanded my understanding of Christian ministry. 

They taught me that it costs you something to serve others because it is not about you. 

The storms did not destroy the people of Dade County. Many that I encountered came through it with dignity and strength. The support provided by relief workers taught me that there are great people in America.

There are other storms on the horizon. Two weeks ago, former top advisor to President Trump, Steve Bannon, was indicted for fraud. The President quickly distanced himself from Mr. Bannon.

Steve Bannon, former Trump advisor.

Earlier this week, one of President Trump’s most trusted advisors, Kellyanne Conway, announced that she is stepping down from her White House role to focus on her family. 

Now, if you support Joe Biden, that may be good news, but her husband, George Conway, is likewise leaving his position with the Lincoln Project to focus on their family. So what? 

George & Kellyanne Conway.

The Lincoln Project is a group of conservatives with a singular mission to defeat President Trump in the next election. The Conway household is a house divided and a family with four teenage children in turmoil. 

Then there is the news out of Liberty University (LU) where my son just graduated. LU President Jerry Falwell Jr. resigned this week on the heels of moral issues inconsistent with LU policies.

The Conway and Falwell families face serious family challenges, but how does a polarized and politicized church offer healing to those in need? 

If you think this shakeup of individuals is coincidental, I respectfully ask you to think again. Storm winds are blowing in a mosaic of activity that God is orchestrating.

Another headline reads, “The Kenosha Police Officer Who Shot Jacob Blake In The Back Has Been Identified.” You know by now that Mr. Blake, a black man, was shot seven times in the back by a white police officer.

Protestors and police clash in Kenosha.

Blake was trying to enter his car with his three children inside when he was fired upon. Blake is paralyzed from the waist down. A new round of clashes between police and protestors is taking place.

Storm winds are blowing in America to get our attention as a nation. The storm winds are going to intensify.

Fear not. I saw it in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew. Storms of great magnitude clarify things. We are coming to terms with who we REALLY are and what matters to us.

Fear not. There are great people in America. Racial division will not destroy this nation.

Fear not. A powerful remnant of the church is going to get out of bed with political parties and finds its voice.

Fear not! The storm winds are not to destroy us, but there will be losses. In times of trouble, rest assured there is much to gain.

We must not allow these words to become a tired cliché:

if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

As our sister said at the outset: God uses storms to show His faithfulness, strengthen our trust and reliance on Him, and to prepare us for future callings.

There is a future for America and a calling on the church in America. We may be in for some tough times ahead, but we will come out with dignity and strength. Revival is coming our way! God Bless! Press On!! Kevin 

The Coming Storms

We say we want to know the future, but what if that future included a series of storms that could turn your world upside down? Would you still want to know?

My wife and I are the first people they talk to. The conversation we have with them may be the most important conversation of their lives.

Vanessa and I speak to them after they respond to an invitation to commit their lives to Christ.

The reasons they come to this decision vary, but they have one thing in common. They are looking for a change. They just responded to a preacher who told them that Jesus is the change they are looking for.

Now Vanessa and I face a delicate challenge. How do we encourage them in practical ways to pursue a relationship with God, while warning them about the storm headed their way? What storm?

The Bible tells us that persecution, worldly cares, and satan himself will immediately test their resolve to serve God. (Mark 4:14-19) How do you adequately prepare people who are already dealing with problems? 

Keep it real. There is a cost to follow Christ.

About 15 years ago, Dr. Terry Mintor, the president of Bethel Bible Institute, gave me some advice on dealing with incoming freshman students.

He told me that he and his wife could not understand why incoming students complained so much about problems they encountered.

Then it dawned on him. Dr. Mintor said he forgot to tell the students about spiritual warfare. He told me to warn students at the beginning of the semester.

I have warned several hundred students over the years about the invisible warfare they will encounter. (Ephesians 6:11-12) Most make it through the storm.

Vanessa is the Children’s Pastor at Bethel Temple. The children cannot gather due to social distancing requirements; therefore, she develops and posts their lessons on the church website.

Sometimes we forget how hard it was growing up. Imagine what it is like for children today. This week their lesson addresses the hardships the apostles faced in declaring the gospel, and how God brought them through.

Vanessa believes children should understand both the benefits and the challenges of being a Christian so she prepares them for what’s coming. 

We say we want to know the future, but what if that future included a series of storms that could turn your world upside down? Would you still want to know?

I had some rough going early in my military career, but things changed in my 13th year. Life is hard, but there are those rare seasons when everything falls into place. I was enjoying such a season and it was wonderful, but it did not last.

God promised that the Holy Spirit would show us things to come.

I remember the day so vividly. The air was crisp in Schwabisch Gmund, Germany. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and all was well. Then I heard an inner voice saying, you are going to have trouble in your next assignment. What?

Less than a year later, we were stationed at Ft. Drum, NY, and I was in a full-fledged struggle with a supervisor who was plotting to end my career. That storm lasted almost a year. 

Let me ask you a question. Would you rather know about a storm ahead of time or not know until it arrives? As always, the Bible informs the conversation. 

After a successful missionary journey in Asia Minor and Greece, the Apostle Paul decided to go to Jerusalem for Pentecost. As Paul acted on those plans, the Holy Spirit began speaking to him.

God told him through trusted sources that tribulation and imprisonment awaited him if he went to Jerusalem. (Acts 20:23; 21:13)

Undeterred by the warnings, Paul famously said: “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the LORD Jesus.” (Acts 21:13)

Paul went to Jerusalem. He ran into trouble. He was placed in chains. While a prisoner, the Jews planned to ambush and kill him. All of this was true but only part of the story.

Paul was prepared for this storm because God spoke to him. This storm lasted nearly three years, but blew him all the way to Rome to fulfill his destiny to testify of Christ before Caesar. 

Over two centuries later, Paul’s seed came to fruition when Roman Emperor Constantine (AD 306–337), ended persecution and began the transition of Christianity as the dominant religion in the Roman Empire.

God is at work in you during storms. If you yield, God will work through you during storms. Moreover, God will see you THROUGH every storm.

God speaks to His people about storms on the horizon.  America is headed for storms in the fall of 2020. 

Satellite image of Hurricane Katrina. My prayer is that all such storms will not make landfall.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting a record-breaking number of named hurricanes this year. They are predicting up to 25 with the record being 28 including, Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma in 2005.

Other storms are headed our way. Chaos will follow the November elections regardless of the winner. We face the possible merging of flu season activity with COVID-19, and the overtaxing of our medical system again.

Tensions surrounding social justice will continue to build, and the strain on our financial systems will continue unabated, but that is what is fairly predictable.

Like COVID-19, there are unforecasted storms on the horizon. Prepare yourself because they too are coming our way and will cause disruption and instability.

A prepared people will be a lighthouse of hope for many in the throes of darkness.

A prepared people and church will thrive amid disruption and instability. Pray now that God will lessen the impact of the coming storms. Pray for the church to be a lighthouse through the storms.

Here is a word of encouragement in stormy times and seasons: 

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. (Isaiah 43:2)

God is at work in you during storms. God wants to work through you in the coming storms. God will surely see you through every storm. May God’s Psalm 91 blessing of protection rest upon you and your household. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Don’t Let Corona Knock You Out

No matter who you are, you are going to get hit with body shots. Keep your hands up and your feet moving or you may wind up on the canvas.

Did you know that former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson is about to get back into the ring at the age of 54? They used to call him Iron Mike and The Baddest Man on the Planet for good reasons.

Tyson threw vicious body shots.

Tyson is returning to face 51-year-old, former heavyweight champion Roy Jones Jr. in an eight-round exhibition, on 12 September at $49.99 pay per view.

Mike Tyson has been out of the ring for 15 years, but videos of the former champ in training are impressive.

Speaking of videos, I recently watched young Mike Tyson deliver an impressive array of knockout punches on YouTube. Of note, vicious blows to the body almost always preceded his knockout punches.

Punches to the body are called body shots. In life and boxing, body shots are designed to set you up for a knockout punch.

Outside of the ring, body shots come in the form of annoyances, disruptions, delays, denials, arguments, breakups, setbacks, incompetence, etc.

No one is immune. You will get hit with body shots.

It does not matter your age, gender, race, tribe or creed, you are going to get hit with body shots. How many body shots have you taken recently? More than you realize I would venture to say.

We’ve been pummeled by COVID-19 for months. Don’t let Corona knock you out. Keep your hands up and keep your feet moving.

Like you, I have family and friends in the service industry. They tell me the people they serve are growing weary. Optimism is waning. Pessimism is setting in. Generally speaking, people are discouraged.

On 31 March, I began co-hosting virtual prayer meetings with Dave, my friend and prayer partner. Encouraging others is a central theme of our virtual Warrior prayer sessions.

Last Friday, we co-hosted Warrior#36. As always, we ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage others. Prayer combats the effects of body shots.

A week after launching the Warrior series, I started this blog. I hope you are encouraged by these articles because I receive encouragement writing them.

Encouraging others helps ward off the effects of body shots, but sometimes the blows will get to you. A word on that in a minute, but first a salute to some of the most essential persons (MEP’s) among us.

Great encouragers are MEP’s in the corona-era. My dentist is an MEP. The fact that he had to shut down his practice for four months due to the pandemic robbed many of his greatest attribute.

Encouragers like Dr. Epstein are most essential persons MEP’s.

As good as he is as a dentist, his natural giftedness as an encourager was sorely missed. Dr. Epstein has been my dentist for over a decade. He always makes you laugh and puts a smile on your face.

He bounces off the walls with energy and tells these incredibly funny stories. Sometimes he tells stories that have his staff shaking their heads. They enjoy working with him and I can see why.

I had an appointment with him some years ago when business was not good.  He was low on energy and had no funny stories. While I was sensitive to his feelings, I had to make a point.

I said, “Doc…you can’t be discouraged. We all depend on you to be encouraged.” Thankfully, by my next appointment, he was bouncing off the walls like his old self.

Hang around MEP’s. Better still, be an MEP! MEP’s offset the effects of body shots. I should know.

Hurricane Isaias was a body shot that really weakened me. My family only suffered eight hours of power outage, but I was weakened by other blows before this one landed.

Hurricane Isaias damage in Newport News, VA

Thank God during the Warrior#36 prayer meeting, MEP’s in the group encouraged me and pushed me back into the ring.

Allow me to wrap this up with a great Christmas story.

There was a Christmas decorations contest at work one year. Some sections relished the competition, but my teammates and I were indifferent.

A few days before the awards ceremony, I received another in a series of non-selection notices for job applications I submitted. Each notice was a body shot.

The day came for the awards for Christmas decorations . They started with 4th place, 3rd place up to the grand prize. What I did not know was there was recognition for the section with the least amount of Christmas spirit. Oh Lord!!

They read this Scrooge-like narrative about how this sad section showed no Christmas spirit. Wouldn’t you know it; I was the only person in our section present for work that day.

I had to accept a piece of coal and the mocking jeers (mostly in fun) of our organization on behalf of my section-BODY SHOT!!

I headed to my office, coal in hand.  I had taken too many body shots. I was discouraged. I made it to the end of the day and headed to the parking lot.

Then something REALLY strange happened. I heard these words out of thin air, “accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative.” It sounded like a song, so I looked it up on my phone.

I heard “accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative.”

It turned out that a guy named Johnny Mercer wrote a song in 1945 with that title. I could not believe the lyrics:

You’ve got to accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative. And latch on to the affirmative. Don’t mess with Mister In-Between

You’ve got to spread joy up to the maximum. Bring gloom down to the minimum. Have faith or pandemonium’s liable to walk upon the scene.

To illustrate my last remark. Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark. What did they do just when everything looked so dark? Man, they said “We’d better accentuate the positive”

“Eliminate the negative” “And latch on to the affirmative” Don’t mess with Mister In-Between.

I am certain that the Holy Spirit whispered that to me. If there is no one else around to encourage you, encourage yourself in the Lord! (1 Samuel 30:6)

Draw near to God! He will enable you to stand in the face of body shots. You will not fall victim to a knockout punch.

On the contrary, God will put your enemy on the canvas for good, and your hand will be raised in triumphant victory! God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

PS: Be an MEP to someone today and everyday!!

God Spoke to Me – Stories of Three Godly Women

Better days are ahead for those who place their trust in the God who not only hears our cry, but speaks, leads, and directs His people.

We planned our panel discussion weeks before. Three guys would answer questions about hearing from God before a small live audience and Bethel Temple’s growing digital church.

The Lord wanted something different. At 3:30 am, I had an impression to see if my wife would be willing to speak at the service later that evening. 

You see, when Vanessa was a teenager, God spoke to her about me before we ever met.

Later that morning, I asked my two-panel mates, Dave and Nate, to see if their wives would be willing to speak as well. All three wives agreed after some encouragement.

The stories of three godly women blessed our church. I thought you would enjoy them as well, and, by the way…God also wants to speak to you!

Provided at the end of this article is a link that has their full 5-8 minute presentations.

A father and daughter healed by the God who speaks. -Irma Williams

My Dad left my Mom, three brothers, and me when I was 5 years old. I did not have contact with him for 25 years. Sometimes I would wonder about his circumstances, but I was indifferent most of the time.

As a child, I never learned to say, Dad, or Daddy, or Dad, I love you. I got saved in 1989, and in 1995, with my husband’s encouragement, I began writing my Dad.

We corresponded with each other, and then began having phone conversations. The day came when my whole family went to visit him.

During one of our conversations, like a whisper, the Holy Spirit impressed me to tell him, “I love you Dad!” At first, the words would not come out of my mouth.

God gave me a loving relationship with my Dad!

It took a long time. I was trembling and tearing up. Finally, the words came out. I told my Dad that I loved him. Those words signaled the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship.

For the next 25 years, our relationship grew-to God be the glory! I was able to call him Dad. He told me that he loved me and I told him the same thing.

Sometime earlier, my Dad gave his life to Jesus. The man who had abused my Mom and abandoned us as children was now dead. My Dad became a new man in Christ, and a powerful evangelist sharing the good news of Jesus!

My Dad made it clear to the residents of his town of 14,000 people that it was either heaven or hell based on their response to Jesus.

My Dad passed in April 2020 after serving the Lord for 41 years. I want to encourage you that God can restore any relationship.

Ask Him. He will speak to you and guide you along the path of healing and restoration. –Irma

God spoke through a young man’s life. -Leah Rucker

Nate and I met each other in college.  I was a sophomore. He was in his senior year. We met at a time when I was beginning my walk with the Lord. Nate, on the other hand, was running with the Lord.

The evidence of God in Nate’s life both spoke to me and intrigued me. I had not seen this before. God used Nate to provoke me to go deeper in my pursuit of God.

I was discovering God through the Christian community, family, and friends, but especially through Nate’s life. Out of our times of fellowship, we began a dating relationship.

Nate and I began serving together in ministry and particularly in the area of music ministry and worship. I could hear God speaking through us to others. I noticed that we had God’s grace on our lives to bless and encourage others.

Through our dating relationship, serving together in ministry, and fellowship with others, I believe we were becoming what the Bible refers to as “equally yoked together.” (2 Corinthians 6:2)

Your life can speak to people in ways you may never understand!

We had grace on our lives to be mutually supportive. We were able to encourage one another through difficulties. We were not perfect in our dating relationship; however, we continued to grow.

There were times when a minister would give inspired words of encouragement to individuals gathered in a service. 

One more than one occasion, I noticed that the inspirational word Nate received was either identical or close to what I received.

I never heard God speak to me audibly about marrying Nate. God spoke to me through Nate’s life.

God drew me to Himself and gave me a choice to serve Him, so it was with my decision to marry.  I felt that I was drawn and led to choose Nate.

We just celebrated one year of marriage. –Leah

When God speaks and does not make sense. –Vanessa Willis

When I was a 17-year-old senior in high school, I met a young man at my afterschool job who was also a senior at another high school. 

On Halloween, October 31, 1978, after working with him for one month, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I agreed.

He told me we could not date on Sundays because that is the Lord’s day. Growing up Baptist, I understood about the Lords day.

His commitment at such a young age impressed me because I wanted more of God in my own life; however, around Christmas time, I noticed some “red flag” behaviors in him.

In January, I prayed and asked God to take this boyfriend away if he was not for me. Later that month, he called me to tell me he would finish high school in another state.

Then three days later, he informed that he would not be leaving the area.  These circumstances seemed odd, but I was glad he was not leaving.

Also, in January, a new young man came to my church. As he walked to the front of the church to give his offering, God spoke to my heart that he was to be my husband.  

This word was strange, and I was not interested, because I had a boyfriend. In February, during a phone conversation, my boyfriend said he wanted to have sex.

I did not want to, but I did not want to lose him. We were to talk later that evening. I decided to agree to his request. Thankfully, he never called me back.

The new young man became a member of my church. He was on active duty in the military and was a deacon in his previous church in Korea.

I began to ask God to confirm what He told me about Deacon Willis. Over the next three years, God began confirming this strange word.

Six weeks before Deacon Willis was to leave for another duty station, God brought us together. We dated for three weeks and got engaged.

I held on to God’s strange word for over three years.

We were married a little over seven months later. We have been married for 37 years. God keeps His word! –Vanessa

Irma heard God speaking to her in a whisper. Leah heard God speaking to her through Nate’s life, and through the grace of God on their lives.

Vanessa heard God speaking as an inward voice. God is still speaking into the lives of these godly women. You can have the Living God speaking to you as well!

Have you received Jesus as your Savior? If not or you are not sure, let me show you how at the following link:

Better days are ahead for all who place their trust in the God who not only hears our cry, but speaks, leads, and directs His people. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Forward to the 51:30-minute mark of the video at the following link to hear the full versions of Leah, Vanessa and Irma in that order:

Defeating Racism in the Church-A Divided House is Costly

Ironically, the same young people our churches are trying to reach are at the forefront of protests demanding liberty and justice for all Americans.

He arrived at the church convention site early enough to get his wife comfortably situated in their room at the conference hotel. Then it was off to the auditorium.

He peeked at the conference program and saw the theme, “A House Divided.” Peter was not looking forward to this. He knew what was coming.

Peter took his seat and then reflected. He wondered why social issues kept threatening to derail the church?

He and the other apostles had just settled the dispute about Hebrew widows receiving favor over Grecian widows in the distribution of food. (Acts 6:1-7)

That issue with the widows was minor compared to the Gentile controversy which was about to be debated.

Peter was present because he knew the problem was not going away on its own. 

Jewish priests who became Christians started the controversy by insisting that Gentile believers must be circumcised in order to be saved.

A heated debate took place once the conference got underway, but Peter and Paul presented powerful testimonies. They persuaded the assembled that Gentile believers did not need to be circumcised to be saved. (Acts 15:6-22)

The controversy was resolved through dialogue and active listening. The divided church was restored to unity, but a complex problem remained unresolved.

How do you get historical enemies -Jews, Samaritans, and Gentiles- to worship together in churches?

Paul spent the rest of his life addressing issues like this. He wrote multiple letters -Epistles- to help an increasingly diverse church move forward in a hostile world.

His methodology was simple and effective. He denied himself and identified with the customs, and social norms of the people he was trying to reach.

Paul’s barrier-breaking methodology should be adopted today!

“I have become all things to all men that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you.” (1 Corinthians 9:22b-23)

Even the best of us stumble trying to overcome prejudices. Peter fell short.  He stopped eating with Gentile believers because he feared the Jews. Paul rebuked him. (Galatians 2:14)

Peter knew better, but old habits are hard to break especially under peer pressure.

Ever since Jesus prayed for unity among His followers in the Garden of Gethsemane, all the forces of hell determined that His prayer would never come to pass:

 “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. (John 17:20-21)

Jesus knew that A Divided House is Costly. He was the One who said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” (Mark 3:25).

Fast forward to a man running for senate in the state of Illinois in 1858 who quoted from scripture:

“A house divided against itself, cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free…I do not expect the house to fall but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.” -Abraham Lincoln, “House Divided” Speech, 16 June 1858.

Lincoln’s “house” metaphor referred to the nation, and it aptly described the church as well.

By the time Lincoln delivered his speech, the three largest Protestant denominations in America -the Methodists (1843), Baptists (1845), and Presbyterians (1837)- divided over the issue of slavery. So what?

John Wesley was an opponent of slavery who called for slave owners to repent and free their slaves in 1773.

The Methodist Church was the largest organization in America. It was a strong cord linking the nation together before the split in 1843.

Ironically, John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church strongly opposed slavery. He called for slave owners to repent and free their slaves in 1773 in a pamphlet entitled, Thoughts on Slavery.

It is essential to understand that these churches divided years before South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union in December 1860. 

The church to a large degree set the conditions for the American house to fall.  Kentucky Senator Henry Clay rightly declared that the church splits were “the greatest source of danger to our country.”

During the time of the Civil War, 94% of all churches in the south were a part of the three denominations that supported the enslavement of 4 million black Americans. One out of every seven Americans was a slave during this time.

The moral authority used by the southern churches to justify slavery was the Word of God. Allow that to sink in for a minute.

The Civil War claimed the lives of 620,000 Americans. The end of the war did not grant the former slave’s full citizenship or access to membership in southern churches.

The wheels of justice grind slowly. It took the Southern Baptist Convention 150 years to issue an apology for its stance on slavery back in June 1995.

At the time of this apology, the SBC also asked forgiveness of African-Americans for failing to support the Civil Rights Movement.

Things appear to be changing with the SBC moving forward based on a statement made by SBC president J.D. Greear, on 9 June 2020.

J.D. Greear chose to engage rather than remain silent.

Greear called for SBC members to declare: Black Lives Matter, and he denounced using All Lives Matter.

Many where shocked when the president of the largest Protestant Christian denomination in America made this statement.

It is interesting to note that prior to Greear’s statement, the SBC had seen the sharpest decline in membership in the last 100 years.

The SBC is not alone. Church attendance across Christian denominations has declined sharply in just the last ten years and especially among young people.

Ironically, the same young people our churches have been trying and failing to reach have been at the forefront of protests demanding liberty and justice for all Americans

Where is the church? Young people are interested in investing their lives in something larger than themselves. Where is the church?

Peter understood centuries ago that social problems do not resolve themselves. Paul taught us to deny ourselves and relate to those different from us for the sake of the gospel.

The church in America owns some responsibility for slavery and the bloodshed of the Civil War. Likewise, it shares some responsibility for the unrest in our streets today.

It may be uncomfortable, but our churches must deal with social injustice in America NOW.

Peter, Paul and those assembled at the Council of Jerusalem demonstrated that unity can be achieved through dialogue and active listening.

I applaud the bold move by J.D. Greear. I hope that other church leaders will follow his example.

A Divided House is Costly. The price is too steep to pay. Let this be our finest hour and our defining moment for the sake of the gospel. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

COVID-19 & The START OF Something Big

Reframe your setback. Make it your springboard and the start of something big!

“Nobody said that life is fair.”  That’s what Major A, my Executive Officer (XO), 1/23rd Infantry used to say when we were stationed together at Camp Hovey, Korea, 1978.

I partly agree. Life is not fair. Some people get breaks that others don’t receive. Take our main character. The evidence suggests that he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. 

He may have grown up in a “gated community” that required an access code for entry.

People from every nation, tribe, and tongue filled the marketplaces he visited as a youth. His developmental years left an impression. The strict faith tradition of his parents shaped his upbringing, as did the multiculturalism around him.

He was a brilliant student, and his parents decided he would receive the best education possible. He was sent over 500 miles from his home in Cilicia (in modern-day Turkey) to the capital city.

Among his tutors and mentors was Gamaliel, the most revered educator of his day. It didn’t take long for the young prodigy to impress the esteemed professor.

No need to envy others. God has a plan only you can fulfill.

The lad possessed intellectual curiosity, was a gifted writer, had a knack for picking up foreign languages, and was very competitive. Then there was that unique attribute that set him apart. He possessed an unusual zeal for the Jewish faith and the traditions of the elders.

He advanced far beyond his peers in mastering the law and the prophets. Consequently, the high priest and other religious elites took note of him. As he matured, he was given considerable authority and he made the most of it.

He knew the chief priests wanted to stop the spread of Christianity. He saw the destruction of the church as an opportunity to make a name for himself, so he violently persecuted the followers of Christ even to foreign cities. (Acts 26:11)

He had Christians beaten in many synagogues to get them to renounce Christ.  He had Christians cast into prison. He was consenting at the death of Stephen.

En route to Damascus, his heart filled with murderous rage. He was on the doorstep of the city when it happened.  A heavenly light knocked him to the ground; then he heard a voice.

Men traveling with Saul heard a voice but saw no light. (Acts 9:3-9)

“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” Saul was blinded and enlightened at the same time.

He was dumbfounded and in utter dismay to learn that the Jesus he was persecuting was both Lord and Christ.

Jesus told Saul to go into the city and await instructions. Saul was without sight, without purpose, and without direction for three days. He was also full of remorse, vulnerable, and painfully aware that he had made a lot of enemies. 

Some would say, “he only got what he deserved.” Major A would chime in with, nobody said that life is fair.

Too bad people say these kinds of things when you are hurting. They’ll write you off, cast you out, and leave you on the roadside, bruised, broken and naked, but not Jesus. The Lord had a plan for Saul.

Jesus told a disciple named Ananias to go and lay hands on Saul to receive his sight and to give him a message. Ananias was wary of Saul; nevertheless, he went.

Jesus told Ananias exactly where Saul was staying. Ananias laid his hands on Saul and his eyes were opened. Ananias then relayed the message:

“Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel.”  (Acts 9:15)

This message was an invitation to Saul to change course and start over. The message included a warning:

 “For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.” (Acts 9:16)

God gives warnings like this not to discourage us, but to build our resolve for the battles ahead of us. Suffering is part of the process. (Luke 14:28-33)

God’s promises are invitations to do His will. If you are willing to endure the process, you can accomplish just about anything, but the process is the issue.

Make a firm commitment before starting. The process defeats many.

The process is going to try you, frustrate you, and drain you; the process may turn family and friends against you. The process is not undefeated, but the process defeats many.

On the flip side, the process builds character and takes the committed from glory to glory and from faith to faith.

Saul decided to take God up on his invitation. Damascus became for him, the start of something big.

Regarding COVID-19, nobody said that life is fair. There have been people affected by the virus and people AFFECTED by it. In other words, COVID-19 has been an annoyance to some and DEVASTATING to others.

Whether we have been affected or AFFECTED, what are we going to do about it? How are we going to move forward?

You can look at COVID-19 and the effects of it any way you want.  You can see tragedy, setback, frustration or opportunity.

Let me tell you this. If you are a student of the Bible and know the God of the Bible, it is HARD to see a post-COVID-19 future without hope!

Our God is the God of all hope! If I could locate Major A today, I’d request he add “but God” to the end of nobody said that life is fair.

After Saul accepted God’s invitation, he did the hardest thing required in pursuit of any noble ambition. He got started:

Immediately he preached Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God. Then all who heard were amazed, and said, “Is this not he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem.” (Acts 9:20-21a)

Saul turned that fiery zeal on full-force for the cause of Jesus, and it cost him. The Jews plotted to kill him, and the governor tried to arrest him . He had to be lowered out of a window in a basket to escape Damascus.

The process almost got Saul killed from the start. He returned to Jerusalem to join the followers of Christ only to discover they were afraid of him. God told him he would suffer.

Saul continued to be a witness; he also continued to suffer.  (2 Corinthians 11:23-33) He never allowed the process to defeat him. Rather, he allowed it to forge him into perhaps the greatest champion for Christ in the history of the church. More on that in the coming weeks.

Name your setback: COVID-19, divorce, job layoff, emotional or physical abuse, or in Saul’s case, Damascus. Reframe your setback. Make it your springboard and it can be the START of something big.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin. (Zechariah 4:10a)


God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Overcoming COVID-19 God’s Way

The Supernatural- Dreams & Visions Pt. 4, The Sniper

He was a good man, no… a great man. He was an empty-nester.  He had raised ten children and was close to all of them.

Diligent at his work, he had amassed a fortune and was on the brink of being named atop the “Forbes Magazine” list as the wealthiest man of his era.

There was no drama in his life so Hollywood did not come calling. He was not the type to do Reality TV. Wealthy, diligent, and spiritual, he stood above the others. 

This sniper is always looking for targets.

Everything was going so nicely until he found himself in the crosshairs of the sniper.

After a restless night, my wife Vanessa woke me up and said, “you’ve been having nightmares.” It was the morning of 16 August 2016. 

I was at Fort Monroe, VA for the third scene in my dream. I heard a shot fired and was concerned that someone had a weapon.

I looked up and to my dismay, I saw a sniper firing at targets using a high-powered rifle.  He was concealed on an upper story of a building under construction.

I tried to yell…”SNIPER!!” but my speech was garbled. My speech is no longer garbled. Please heed this warning.

Snipers are riflemen who use stealth and deception to eliminate targets primarily at long range. Effective snipers are deadly, feared, and hated. Captured snipers are shown no mercy.

It is appropriate to refer to trained military snipers as professionals, but there are rogue snipers who are nothing more than assassins and murderers. 

The devil fits the later description. Jesus said that satan was a murderer from the beginning. (John 8:44) The devil was the sniper in my dream.

Snipers are hated on the battlefield.

One 30-cent bullet from a sniper can change the outcome of a battle involving thousands of Soldiers.

The devil -the spiritual assassin- “fires” lies, deception, innuendo, half-truths, devilish wisdom, and flawed logic.

Concerning him the Bible says:

“Be sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)

“The thief does not come except to steal, to kill and to destroy.” (John 10:10a)

The devil was seeking to devour our man atop the “Forbes” list mentioned earlier.  His name is Job. (Job 1:7)

God described Job as the finest man on the earth. Defiant, the devil tells God that Job only serves Him because God blesses and protects him. The devil continued:

“But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!” (Job 1:11) God accepted the challenge and the game was on!

God allowed satan to attack Job twice but would not allow him to be killed.  In short order, Job went bankrupt, lost his children in an “accident,” and saw his body ravaged by disease. Job kept his faith despite these catastrophic losses.

Let’s bring this story up to date.

Back in January, we made resolutions, dreamed dreams, and prepared plans for the future. Many projected 2020 as the year of vision, clarity, and prosperity.

If we had only known.

On the back page of the news was a story about some virus in Wuhan, China, but nobody gave it much thought. Remember?

Fast forward and hundreds of thousands have died, and millions are suffering physically and psychologically from this disease. The global economy is in shambles, and our lives have been turned upside down.

Then, just when it appeared the worst was behind us, new cases of COVID-19 began popping up all over the place.

Most have experienced financial loss, some have lost family members, and many have been physically and emotionally ravaged by this disease. Job shows us the key to overcome. He kept standing.

While Job was written thousands of years ago, the sniper is STILL active, and his tactics have not changed.

Having failed to break Job through major calamities, satan resorted to another tactic.

The devil started negatively influencing the people closest to Job, and he began with Job’s wife who says to her husband…

“Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die.” (Job 2:9)

Where did she get that from? Did you catch that? Remember what satan told God:

“But reach out and take away everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face!” (Job 1:11), and later…

“But reach out and take away his health, and he will surely curse you to your face!” (Job 2:5)

Job’s wife was “weaponized” by satan-the sniper, but Job did not cave into the pressure. Incidentally, who are you listening to?

It was unfortunate that Job’s wife did not support him, but at least Job had his friends.  The problem was that his friends were not very friendly. The sniper got to them as well.

Job’s friends told him that his sufferings were the result of his sins. Job’s friends put a lot of pressure on him, but he never surrendered. Don’t you surrender!

The logic of Job’s friends reminds me of the “weaponized” logic of some cable news personalities who talk for hours about things they don’t really understand. (1 Corinthians 1:18-25)

It is likely that one of these popular anchors will take your blood pressure through the roof.

If you are the type of person who becomes anxious, fearful or upset while watching the news, take precautions and guard yourself. The sniper knows how to push your buttons.

There is a lot of weaponized activity over social media in the form of posts, tweets and news feeds. Guard yourself because things are about to get worse.

Be encouraged. The Book of Job reveals how to defeat the sniper: Maintain your faith in God, and outlast the problem(s)! In a word…STAND!

Just as God predicted, Job kept his faith, and God repaid him double for all that he lost. (Job 42:10-17)

Keep your armor on! (Eph 6:10-18)

If you’ve encountered financial loss, lost family members, or been ravaged physically or emotionally by COVID-19, keep the faith. God will help you outlast the problem(s)!

God is MUCH greater than the sniper. Stand and God will restore to you double what you have lost.  You will get through this, and oh by the way….

Don’t ever forget that you are a target! Keep your armor on and STAND. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

The Supernatural-Dreams & Visions Pt. 3 The “Jokester”

Relationships are damaged, fortunes lost, empires subdued, and destinies shipwrecked by improper reactions to devious provocations. 

In 2019, Joaquin Phoenix starred in the movie the Joker based on the fictional DC Comics character who served as the archrival of Batman. 

The movie follows Adam Fleck, a failed standup comedian who inspires a violent revolution in Gotham City against the wealthy.  The Joker was the first Batman-related movie to receive an R-rating due to its violence and dark content.

In 2008, the late Heath Ledger portrayed the Joker in The Dark Knight.  In this film, the Joker is portrayed as a sadistic criminal mastermind and mass murderer.

Nothing funny about this “funny” man.

My encounter with a character in a dream back in August 2016, reminded me of their portrayals of the Joker. For the sake of originality, I refer to the character I encountered as the “Jokester.”

My wife, Vanessa woke me up in the wee hours of the morning and told me I was having nightmares.

In this second of a four-sequence dream, a strange man greeted me.  He seemed harmless but there was something about him that made me uncomfortable.

I responded to his greeting and then walked away. He called me back. As I turned in response, he pointed a sawed-off shotgun at me and fired at point-blank range.

The enemy fires to get you to bring harm upon yourself.

I was shocked and reacted immediately by checking my wounds. That was the strange thing.  I wasn’t wounded.  I wondered, what in the world is going on?    

That’s when the Jokester laughed a deep belly-laugh. He reared back and took great pleasure in the fact that he got me to react to his devious agitation.  Now please stay with me.

This Jokester character is symbolic of a real figure who “fires” -agitates, irritates and prods- people all the time.  This shadowy figures fires at you!

He fires wicked thoughts, suggestions, attitudes, feelings, prejudices, preferences, schemes, methodologies, concepts, theories and malevolent ideas. He can nurture the demon-seed of a idea into a sophisticated theory that enslaves multitudes.

The Jokester represents a spirit. His real name is satan-I never capitalize his name.  The fact that most people do not believe he exists enables him to “fire” his provoking ammunition with great effectiveness.

This article is about exposing him and defeating his activity in your life.

The devil fires “flaming arrows” of thoughts and ideas (Ephesians 6:16), that don’t wound physically. Rather, they are designed to provoke improper reactions to circumstances that result in people bringing harm upon themselves and others. 

There once was a king named Balak. He knew his Moabite nation could not defeat Israel in battle so he hired a prophet by the name of Baalim to curse God’s people.

Try as he might, Baalim could not curse Israel. God told Baalim directly: “Do not go with them. You must not put a curse on those people, because they are blessed.” (Numbers 22:12)

Here is the first teaching point. No devil in hell, and no man on the earth can curse the people of God! We are blessed!!

Now Baalim was angry, and he wanted his money. He concluded that the only way Israel could be cursed was if they brought a curse upon themselves through disobedience.

Baalim persuaded Balak to seduce Israel through prostitutes and idolatry. When Balak introduced these temptations, Israel reacted by committing fornication with Midianite women and worshipping their god Baal.   

What was the result? God’s people brought a curse upon themselves that resulting in a plague that left 24,000 dead. (Numbers 25:1-9)

Here is the second teaching point: No devil in hell, and no man on the earth can curse God’s people, but God’s people can bring a curse upon themselves through disobedience.

Beware of reacting to circumstances in the heat of the moment.

The devil delights in creating conditions to trip you up.  Once the trap is set, he “fires” to get you to react and bring harm upon yourself.

All manner of sexual sin takes place when we react in the heat of the moment.  Regrettable business deals take place when we react in the heat of the moment, or deliberate at length without consulting God.

Relationships are damaged, fortunes lost, empires subdued, and destinies shipwrecked by improper reactions to devious provocations.

Jesus demonstrated how to defeat satan’s “fire-react” strategy.

Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. After fasting for forty days and nights, He became hungry.

The devil waited for the most opportune time to get Jesus to react to his provocations.  Jesus was hungry so satan tempted Him with food: “If you are the Son of God, command that the stones become bread.” (Mt 4:3)

Never more critical to know God’s Word than in the weeks and months ahead!

Jesus did not react.  Jesus rebuked satan and responded with the Word of God.  The devil fired twice more with subtle enticements. Jesus responded in the same manner and satan was soundly defeated. (vv.4-11)

The devil did not stop trying.  Even on the cross, satan tried to get Jesus to react to the circumstances and come down from the cross. (Matthew 27:40) 

Jesus did not react. He would not come down from the cross to save Himself. He decided to die to save you and me. Somebody shout amen!!

Here is the final teaching point. Do not react to circumstances in the moment or at length. Gather yourself. Seek God for wisdom and respond accordingly. (Proverbs 15:22; James 1:5-7)

Slow down. Don’t be in a hurry. 

Be very alert in the days to come. The devil is going to send a flood of agitating, prodding and provoking information over media to get people to react in harmful ways.

The only news you can count on is the good news of the gospel!

Don’t be deceived.  Democrats, Republicans, and moderates alike are subject to be deceived and influenced by satan-the god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

In a world of “fake news,” put your trust firmly in God’s good news which is the Word of God.

Posts and tweets are about to become more heated and divisive.

The devil intends to rip our nation apart and separate us from God and from one another.

Let’s stand against his provocations. Let’s announce God’s coming attractions: a mighty revival is coming to America!

So don’t react! Respond as the people of God “blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” (Philippians 2:15)

Have a wonderful Christ-centered week! God Bless! Press On!!  Kevin

The Supernatural – Dreams & Visions Pt.2 The Arabs

God personalizes direction, confirmation, and affirmation to those who love Him through dreams and visions.

He was having a REAL bad day.  He had given himself totally in support of the wrong cause and now it was too late. He sat there blind, bruised, and broken, but that was not the worst of it.  God was angry with Him.

Still, Saul must have wondered if God was really angry with him.  After all, he received a heavenly vision immediately after seeing that blinding light that knocked him off his feet en route to Damascus. (Acts 9:3-4)

In the vision, God told young Saul that he would preach the gospel to Jews, Gentiles, kings, and rulers. This made no sense at all.  After all, Saul was an enemy of the gospel who persecuted the church.

Saul was not the only one having a bad day. There was Ananias too, who like other believers, feared Saul’s arrival in Damascus. 

God told Ananias in a vision to go and pray for Saul to receive his sight, but Ananias was having none of that. Saul had imprisoned believers and had them beaten in every synagogue. (Acts 26:10)

God told Ananias not to worry.  In the vision, God told him that Saul was chosen to declare the gospel to Jews, Gentiles, kings, and rulers.  You can bet Ananias went to pray for Saul in much fear and trembling. (Acts 9:11-16)

From scripture, we know that both men responded to God’s direction, and these “mustard-seeds” of obedience, became a great tree that spread throughout the Roman Empire.

Christianity was legalized in 3 AD by Constantine and became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire.

Saul and Ananias received supernatural direction through heavenly visions.  Their engagement with one another brought confirmation that their visions were accurate and true.  (2 Corinthians 13:1)

Saul matured into the great Apostle Paul.  Many years later, Paul narrowly escaped death during a riot in Jerusalem.  He was placed in custody to protect him from those who sought to kill him. (Acts 21:30-35)

Paul spent that night in prison with his life hanging in the balance.  He was not immune to gloom and despair, but Jesus, whom He once persecuted, appeared to him:

“Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well.” (Acts 23:11)

As a professor at Bethel, now Antioch College, I get to pass along these incredible truths to emerging church leaders.

It saddens me that many believers rarely experience or recognize God’s supernatural direction, confirmation and affirmation in their lives. 

Granted, most of God’s supernatural direction is not sensational, but God is active and effective in leading us through routine processes. 

God is also active and effective in leading us through dreams, visions, prophecy, etc., which some may deem as atypical-but not from a Biblical standpoint.  

The Holy Spirit leads and guides into all truth. John 16:13

Atypical or routine, the direction we receive only has value if it aligns with God’s word which is the bedrock of our faith. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

All wizardry, witchcraft, soothsaying, fortune-telling, and root-working activity is a counterfeit of God’s legitimate supernatural power.

Demonic power is real. God’s power is REAL. God’s power is far, far GREATER. (Luke 10:18-19; 1 John 3:8; Revelation 20:10)

God personalizes direction, confirmation, and affirmation to those who love Him through dreams and visions.  Let’s make this practical. 

After a restless night, my wife Vanessa woke me up and said, “you’ve been having nightmares.” It was the morning of 16 August 2016.  We happened to be staying at the Massanutten Resort in VA. 

During the evening I had a dream that unfolded in four different scenes. 

In the first scene, I was with a large group of Arabs, dressed in their traditional robes and headdresses. I was wearing shorts and a tee-shirt; no one noticed the difference but me. 

In scene two, a strange man greeted me. I turned to leave then he called me back.  When I responded, he pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and fired several times into my stomach, but I was not wounded. He then laughed diabolically.

I was on Ft. Monroe, VA for scene three.  I heard a shot and spotted a concealed sniper. I tried to yell “sniper” to warn people, but I could not get the words out of my mouth.

The final scene involved a team of small football players -like the size of children- all dressed in black.  An old college friend said the two of us can easily beat them.  Somehow, I knew they were more formidable than they appeared.

I will use scene one, “the Arabs” to practically illustrate how God personalizes direction, confirmation and affirmation through dreams and visions.

If you read my page “About Kevin,” you will note that I spent 20 years on active duty as an Army Intelligence officer.

What I don’t say is that I did not enjoy my Army career. I got saved during my first year on active duty. Salvation was great for my life, but not for my career. 

Drinking and socializing with other officers in clubs -with female dancers on occasion- was part of the culture when I came on active duty in 1977.  I stopped going to these functions once Jesus came into my life.

Not being a part of the Officer’s Club culture labeled me as a bit of an outcast.  Aside from that, there were aspects of military life that I just did not enjoy.

My solution was to leave the service after my four-year term of service, but God had other plans. Ouch!!  (Romans 12:1-2)

Over the years, I learned to better blend in with the crowd in order to survive. This dream about “the Arabs” so accurately described my feelings of isolation during most of my uniformed and Civilian service with the Army.

How many times did I ask the question, “why Lord?”  Why did you have me isolated in a profession that I did not enjoy?

God personalizes direction, confirmation, and affirmation to those who love Him through dreams and visions.

I diligently sought the Lord for the meaning of “the Arabs.”

The Lord spoke to me that I was not supposed to fit in. I was not supposed to be one of them. I was to learn from them, be disciplined by them, and mature among them.

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds.

God called me to bring the kingdom of God to them.  God called me to be a light in the midst of them. God called me to pull out some who dwelt among them.

I received direction, confirmation, and affirmation from this dream.

I can’t tell you how much light and perspective the interpretation of this dream provided me.  To have the God of heaven and earth speak to you in such a personal way is indescribable. 

Be open.  Be sensitive. God desires to fill in the missing pieces of your puzzle.  Increasingly, God is going to do so through dreams, visions, prophecy, etc. 

God has already been speaking to some of you for quite some time. Don’t be bashful.  Seek Him for interpretation and understanding.  He will lead and guide you into all truth. (John 16:13)

More of this next week. Please stay along for the journey. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin


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