Divine Healing Pt.4

The Master Coach & Teacher

“Everybody needs a coach” is a mantra these days. Coaching and mentoring focus on helping people develop and reach specific goals. Both processes are covered extensively in the Bible. My favorite example is in the relationship between Paul and Timothy.

Paul realizes execution by Roman decree awaits him, so he writes letters to his mentee, Timothy. This excerpt from Paul should be in every mentor’s handbook:

You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. (2 Timothy 2:2)

Paul was mentored by Gamaliel, one of the most respected doctors of Jewish law, but everything changed after he encountered Jesus. Jesus became his Mentor, Executive Coach, Life Coach, and Lord.

Getting help accelerates your climb.

Let’s shift then to Jesus as coach and mentor. Jesus handpicked twelve very ordinary men and enrolled them in a three-year mentoring program. Jesus said, “Follow Me,” and that was all it took.

Little did the disciples know that at the end of the three years, Jesus would go to the cross, and the future of His church would rest upon their shoulders.

To prepare them for leadership, Jesus gave them a developmental assignment. He told them to go into various cities and do what they had seen Him do: preach, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. (Mt 10:7-8)

How did they fare? The Bible says the disciples “went through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing everywhere.” (Luke 9:6) Imagine that! Imagine that was you.

Imagine being handpicked and sent out by Jesus. Imagine being empowered to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. Imagine having Jesus as your Coach and Mentor. Well, STOP imagining things.

Jesus handpicked us. None of us self-enrolled. Like Paul, Jesus is our Mentor, Executive Coach, Life Coach, and Lord. He promised never to leave us.

Jesus provides direction through the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth. (Jn 16:13-14)

The Great Commission (GC) compels all believers to preach the gospel, cast out demons, and heal the sick. (Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-17)

So how do I get started, and what do I do? That’s easy: Just Do it! If we do it, we will get the same results the disciples did.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so healing remains an essential aspect of His ministry, but He is not here. Jesus put the power in us to do the work, and the work must urgently get underway.

As I was writing this article, a neighbor informed me that her grandchild was taken 70 miles from home and hooked to an EKG unit after multiple seizures. Last week, I received a request for prayer for a family overwhelmed with positive cancer biopsies. I could go on and on.

We must combat sickness and disease on multiple fronts. These lines of attack should include rest, nutrition, exercise, research, and the medical community. Chief among all of these attack methodologies are prayers of faith!

Many the Lord handpicks for coaching, mentoring, and service are not the Rhoades Scholar or Ivy League types. The disciples who went into the cities were called ordinary and uneducated men. (Acts 4:13)

I am writing this article because many do not realize that the Great Commission authorizes and deputizes them to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. I am not giving you a motivational speech. This is REAL talk.

Your faith-filled prayers, and action will alleviate suffering. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. (Romans 8:11) I strongly encourage you to ponder these truths and then act on them. Take your place in the healing ministry of Jesus. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

PS: The grandchild referenced above still faces challenges, but he returned home and is doing relatively well. We continue to pray for him.

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One Reply to “Divine Healing Pt.4”

  1. Wow! I’ve been talking to God about a healing ministry for the last few months because I can’t get Mark 16:17-18 out of my head. I want to walk in the fullness of Christ. You & Nike are right. We need to just do it! #signswillaccompanythosewhobelIeve #covetingsigns #justdoit!

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