Faith Pt. 4 – Oh Say Can You See

How A Hole in the Ground Became a Premier University

My wife Vanessa and I joined with the others on the grounds of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in March 1983. Pat Robertson told us his vision to establish a graduate-level institution to train men and women to represent God in their professions. 

Pat saw a University when it was just a hole in the ground

Pat then pointed to some cranes and a shell of a structure that he said was going to be the library and the first building of CBN University. He was absolutely persuaded of what he had seen with the eyes of faith.

CBNU Library

Hebrews Chapter 11 is referred to as the Hall of Faith or the Faith Hall of Fame. There you will find the exploits of Abraham, Moses, Rahab the harlot, and many others.

I want to be one of these heroes, and more than ever, I realize it will only happen by faith. The inductees in the Hall of Faith are from different eras but they possess similar attributes.

They saw something God revealed to them and became persuaded that He could bring it to pass. They had their flaws but became heroic by overcoming major obstacles to complete the journey. 

Pat Robertson’s conviction was contagious. I wished I could be a part of CBN University, but I was on active duty in the Army and we were en route to Fort Bragg, NC. 

It took a while, but I got my wish and graduated from what became Regent University in May 1997. Vanessa and I were present on that day of small beginnings nearly 40 years ago.

By faith, Pat Robertson built Regent University into a premier academic institution. I’ve been asking the Lord to increase my faith, and He brought me back to the start of CBN University. 

I can draw parallels between Pat’s faith story and that of Abraham’s recorded in Genesis. God established a way of faith in His dealings with Abraham that remains unchanged.  

God first selects an individual and reveals Himself to them. God then gives them direction and a promise followed by a commitment to be with them. Pretty simple, but there is just one problem-the process.

The gap between God’s promise revealed and the promise fulfilled is the process. God uses the process –a series of obstacles, delays, denials, and deferments – to build character in those He selects. God is at work within you while He works through you.

Abraham’s process lasted 25 years. Moses waited 40 years, but both finished well. Thankfully the process is not always that long, but no matter; God is faithful. 

People of faith see beyond the natural dimension and it can be difficult for them to express what they see at times. Faith is a substance. You can’t see it, but it is an active force that is REAL. 

The writer of Hebrews says, By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Heb 11:3, NKJV)

Try and wrap your arms around that. In other words, God created everything you can see with substance you can’t see. 

People who receive the rewards of faith behold what cannot be observed with the naked eye and maintain confidence that it will come to pass. 

Oh say – What Do You See?

Well, Kevin, I am not sure God has shown me anything. If that is your feeling, I have a recommendation for you. Read the Bible regularly. Read the Psalms or the Book of James as a way to start a new reading routine.

God will speak to you as you study and meditate on His Word. The Holy Spirit will lift the promises of God from the pages of the Bible and imprint them on your heart. God will supernaturally awaken the dreamer in you!  

Oh say – What Can You See?

God’s dreamers bless other people’s lives. Pat Robertson blessed the nations by following God and pursuing what he could not see. If God has given you a dream, its accomplishment will bless others so go for it!! 

Faith is not for a select few. Faith is for ushers, cab drivers, blue and white collar workers, and retired folks like me. Faith is for all who dream of accomplishing what they couldn’t on their own to include the salvation of their souls.**

I believe there is a spot reserved in the Hall of Faith for you and me. See you there someday. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

**Faith is especially for those who want a personal relationship with God: .

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One Reply to “Faith Pt. 4 – Oh Say Can You See”

  1. Rev Kevin,

    I want to thank for this post. “The gap between God’s promise revealed and the promise fulfilled is the process.” I am going to trust God as I wait in the gap.

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