No Sanctuary in Spiritual Warfare

Don’t allow him to gain a foothold in your household when you have the authority to cast him out!

“The Passion of The Christ,” portrayed a very real but shadowy figure who would prefer to remain anonymous.

I waited all year for our family vacation in the Carolinas. We all needed a break. Three of us were involved in major job-related transitions. The holiday season was busy as usual, but that didn’t matter now. I signed out of the office on Thursday evening, and that Saturday morning we were driving south to paradise. That’s what I thought at the time (smile).   

During the drive, I reflected on what I said to our prayer team the previous Sunday before service. We needed to continue praying for our church over the holidays I said. Some could afford to take off but not us.  In my view, we were still on duty so to speak.  

Long and boring hours but someone has to stand the watch.

It was natural for me to feel this way.  Someone always had to be on duty when I was in the military.  Thanksgiving or Christmas it did not matter.  Someone was on call 24/7.  We know that the devil never takes holidays off.  He is always looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Before the prayer team dismissed, I felt prompted to encourage us all to pray for our families throughout the holidays.  We must not give the devil an inch. (Ephesians 4:27)

I want to pause here to make a point and put a spotlight on the devil.  Did you know that many, perhaps most, American Christians do not believe he exits? This is tragic because the devil is the most disruptive and dangerous when he is unrecognized.  His ability to conceal his identity and activities is part of his agenda.

According to the Barna Group, four out of ten Christians (40%) in the U.S. strongly agreed that Satan “is not a living being but is a symbol of evil.” An additional two out of ten Christians (19%) said they “agree somewhat” with that perspective.  In my opinion, the root of this “symbol of evil” deception is Biblical illiteracy.  Note the survey results below:

In the Bible it is written that Satan is a fallen angel.  He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (Isaiah 14:12; John 10:10) Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8) The devil is the ruler of this world system and has fallen angels -demons- that extend his influence. (Mt 4:8-9; 12:22-26; Eph 6:11-12)

The Bible reveals that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Cor 11:14) The Word of God also makes it clear that Christians are not under the devil’s rule or authority. (Colossians 1:13) On the contrary, we have dominion over him.  Jesus said “don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.” (Luke 10:17-20) Thank you for this detour. Let’s resume our blissful journey to paradise.

I was so happy when we arrived at our timeshare unit.  Vacation at last!  I felt like shouting out the word made famous by the character Quasimodo in Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Perhaps you recall that Quasimodo rescued the gypsy Esmerelda from the gallows, and then carried her to the top of Notre Dame Cathedral.  The hunchback then lifted her above his head and cried out to the cheering thousands below, “Sanctuary!”  Quasimodo felt he had rescued her into a safe haven away from her accusers.

The Classic Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. Archdeacon Frollo.

Sadly, Esmerelda was deceived by the evil Archdeacon Claude Frollo.  The Archdeacon concealed his identity (sounds familiar), led her away from Notre Dame to apparent safety, and then off came the disguise.  Frollo pressed Esmerelda to submit to his lustful desires or face the gallows.  She refused and he gave her over to the royal soldiers and she was hanged. 

Neither the Cathedral nor our timeshare unit proved to be a Sanctuary.  There is no Sanctuary in spiritual warfare.  Don’t ever let your guard down or take your armor off.  (Ephesians 6:10-18)    

I should have remembered. God always uses our family timeshare experiences to test our willingness to love one another (smile). Testing is what happens when you place a husband and wife, and three adult children (one daughter was away this year) together in reduced living space with one vehicle for an extended period of time. It can be fun.   It can be a real challenge.  

Tension, difficulty and disagreements are normal in healthy families.   In the family context, we can learn essential conflict resolution skills.  We can learn to defer to one another, and to practice self-control, but make no mistake about it.  The devil is out to destroy families because families are the foundation of churches, communities and nations.  

Think about what is happening to families in America and around the globe. Safety measures made necessary by the COVID-19 outbreak placed families in unfamiliar territory.  Families face unprecedented restrictions and there is no clear end in view. The pressure keeps mounting; stress levels are rising and there is no Sanctuary.   

My wife homeschooled. Its not for everyone.

I recently heard the Surgeon General recommend steps to reduce COVID-19-related stress.  He suggested that we eat well, exercise and get the proper amount of sleep.  He also recommended that we pray! Regarding spiritual warfare with the devil, the Bible gives clear direction. 

The Bible teaches us to submit ourselves to God.  We are to resist the devil and he will flee from us.  (James 4:7) God’s presence in you as a believer is greater than the power of the devil.  (1 John 4:4) If you have not received Christ as your Savior, allow me to show you the way at  

Well, our holiday vacation came to an end.  Upon reflection, I should have paid more earnest attention to the guidance I passed along to the prayer team.  I should have been more watchful in prayer over my family. 

It was a great and difficult vacation, and I learned a valuable lesson. You may feel like you have earned or deserve a break. You may feel like you have reached a safe haven, but there is no Sanctuary in spiritual warfare.  I have been applying this lesson over the course of this pandemic.

Please give special attention to your family during the remainder of this crisis.  Keep your armor on.  Don’t allow an Archdeacon Frollo-type spirit to gain a foothold in your household when you have the authority to cast him out!  Pray for your loved ones, family members, and those in your sphere of influence. Pray for your neighbors. May the Lord mightily bless you and your family for the duration of this pandemic and beyond. God Bless! No Sanctuary!!

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me, Says the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17

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16 Replies to “No Sanctuary in Spiritual Warfare”

  1. Awesome message my friend. I pray you and your family continue to thrive and many blessings seek to overtake you and yours.

  2. I did wave to you, so I don’t know why you did not see it. Perhaps it was the angle of my iPad, Dale’s iPad is Michelle Fehd. He is my husband.

    1. Thank you, thank you. Yes I think it was the camera angle. I saw you lean forward. Anyhow…please plan on me calling on you to pray the next time you are able to join us. God Bless!

    1. Stay healthy, sound, open, sensitive, aligned with God, unencumbered and…untethered!! You taught me the last two words:-)

  3. What a Word for the days we face. May we have one hand working and the other hand with our sword.

    1. Sister there is no one who knows you that doubts if your sword is at the ready. Keep doing damage for the Kingdom!!

  4. Wow! Based on those stats our enemy’s strategy – to persuade man he does not exist – has been quite effective. But Praise God thru Christ #1) we have dominion over him AND #2) the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds! We can walk in authority bc the devil is a defeated foe.

    1. Bless the Lord for the Word which allows us to prevail and find our way through the challenges of life. We have the greater one!!

  5. Excellent observations and guidance during these unfamiliar times. Thank God for discernment and the power of His spirit! God word!!!

    1. Be blessed and may your family be blessed. No Sanctuary! But…thank God that our God never slumbers or sleeps!! Psalms 1211:4

  6. Beautiful message. Thanks so much for the spiritual messages. On a lighter note, 5 people and one car while one vacation? That can be a bit stressful. When James and I are on vacation at Hilton Head, I’m always wondering if we need to take 2 vehicles.! Thanks for all that you do. Praise God.

    1. Two of us will get bikes immediately upon arrival next time. More prayer and bikes should turn the tide!!

  7. Reverend,

    What a timely word. For the past six months I have been earnestly praying for families. Praying that the family would be restored. Like your family there is also some type of conflict because we are all people (saved by grace). But in the beginning God made man and woman and told them to be fruitful and multiply. So yes, indeed family is the most important thing to God. And it should be to us as well. I pray during this time that we seek forgiveness and ask the Holy Spirit to remove the offenses…to break up the foul ground in our hearts. So we can love and be the light as a family…as a community and as a church.

    May God strengthen and give us fortitude and peace for the tasks and times ahead of us.


    1. Keep praying, praying, praying for families and especially now. Pressure is building and we all need to keep it together by God’s grace and stand in the gap for those who have not as yet encountered His grace. Stay on the wall!!

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