Don’t Let Corona Knock You Out

No matter who you are, you are going to get hit with body shots. Keep your hands up and your feet moving or you may wind up on the canvas.

Did you know that former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson is about to get back into the ring at the age of 54? They used to call him Iron Mike and The Baddest Man on the Planet for good reasons.

Tyson threw vicious body shots.

Tyson is returning to face 51-year-old, former heavyweight champion Roy Jones Jr. in an eight-round exhibition, on 12 September at $49.99 pay per view.

Mike Tyson has been out of the ring for 15 years, but videos of the former champ in training are impressive.

Speaking of videos, I recently watched young Mike Tyson deliver an impressive array of knockout punches on YouTube. Of note, vicious blows to the body almost always preceded his knockout punches.

Punches to the body are called body shots. In life and boxing, body shots are designed to set you up for a knockout punch.

Outside of the ring, body shots come in the form of annoyances, disruptions, delays, denials, arguments, breakups, setbacks, incompetence, etc.

No one is immune. You will get hit with body shots.

It does not matter your age, gender, race, tribe or creed, you are going to get hit with body shots. How many body shots have you taken recently? More than you realize I would venture to say.

We’ve been pummeled by COVID-19 for months. Don’t let Corona knock you out. Keep your hands up and keep your feet moving.

Like you, I have family and friends in the service industry. They tell me the people they serve are growing weary. Optimism is waning. Pessimism is setting in. Generally speaking, people are discouraged.

On 31 March, I began co-hosting virtual prayer meetings with Dave, my friend and prayer partner. Encouraging others is a central theme of our virtual Warrior prayer sessions.

Last Friday, we co-hosted Warrior#36. As always, we ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage others. Prayer combats the effects of body shots.

A week after launching the Warrior series, I started this blog. I hope you are encouraged by these articles because I receive encouragement writing them.

Encouraging others helps ward off the effects of body shots, but sometimes the blows will get to you. A word on that in a minute, but first a salute to some of the most essential persons (MEP’s) among us.

Great encouragers are MEP’s in the corona-era. My dentist is an MEP. The fact that he had to shut down his practice for four months due to the pandemic robbed many of his greatest attribute.

Encouragers like Dr. Epstein are most essential persons MEP’s.

As good as he is as a dentist, his natural giftedness as an encourager was sorely missed. Dr. Epstein has been my dentist for over a decade. He always makes you laugh and puts a smile on your face.

He bounces off the walls with energy and tells these incredibly funny stories. Sometimes he tells stories that have his staff shaking their heads. They enjoy working with him and I can see why.

I had an appointment with him some years ago when business was not good.  He was low on energy and had no funny stories. While I was sensitive to his feelings, I had to make a point.

I said, “Doc…you can’t be discouraged. We all depend on you to be encouraged.” Thankfully, by my next appointment, he was bouncing off the walls like his old self.

Hang around MEP’s. Better still, be an MEP! MEP’s offset the effects of body shots. I should know.

Hurricane Isaias was a body shot that really weakened me. My family only suffered eight hours of power outage, but I was weakened by other blows before this one landed.

Hurricane Isaias damage in Newport News, VA

Thank God during the Warrior#36 prayer meeting, MEP’s in the group encouraged me and pushed me back into the ring.

Allow me to wrap this up with a great Christmas story.

There was a Christmas decorations contest at work one year. Some sections relished the competition, but my teammates and I were indifferent.

A few days before the awards ceremony, I received another in a series of non-selection notices for job applications I submitted. Each notice was a body shot.

The day came for the awards for Christmas decorations . They started with 4th place, 3rd place up to the grand prize. What I did not know was there was recognition for the section with the least amount of Christmas spirit. Oh Lord!!

They read this Scrooge-like narrative about how this sad section showed no Christmas spirit. Wouldn’t you know it; I was the only person in our section present for work that day.

I had to accept a piece of coal and the mocking jeers (mostly in fun) of our organization on behalf of my section-BODY SHOT!!

I headed to my office, coal in hand.  I had taken too many body shots. I was discouraged. I made it to the end of the day and headed to the parking lot.

Then something REALLY strange happened. I heard these words out of thin air, “accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative.” It sounded like a song, so I looked it up on my phone.

I heard “accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative.”

It turned out that a guy named Johnny Mercer wrote a song in 1945 with that title. I could not believe the lyrics:

You’ve got to accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative. And latch on to the affirmative. Don’t mess with Mister In-Between

You’ve got to spread joy up to the maximum. Bring gloom down to the minimum. Have faith or pandemonium’s liable to walk upon the scene.

To illustrate my last remark. Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark. What did they do just when everything looked so dark? Man, they said “We’d better accentuate the positive”

“Eliminate the negative” “And latch on to the affirmative” Don’t mess with Mister In-Between.

I am certain that the Holy Spirit whispered that to me. If there is no one else around to encourage you, encourage yourself in the Lord! (1 Samuel 30:6)

Draw near to God! He will enable you to stand in the face of body shots. You will not fall victim to a knockout punch.

On the contrary, God will put your enemy on the canvas for good, and your hand will be raised in triumphant victory! God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

PS: Be an MEP to someone today and everyday!!

How to Break Out After the Pandemic

Crisis conditions are ideal for your release from cages of routine, frustration and mediocrity.

“Some of you feel like you’re just been thrown away and put into prison and God has thrown away the key.  But the Lord says ‘I have not forgotten you. I have not forsaken you. The doors of the prison-house are going to come open.” -Cindy Jacobs, 8 October 1998.

I invited Cindy Jacobs to speak to our prayer counselors at CBN. It was like a storm blew through the National Counseling Center. You can check out her ministry at

I had long since left the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), but I thought about Cindy’s words. I was alone in an apartment on a temporary assignment for 90 days in the DC-area.  It was the fall of 2014. I felt like I was in a prison and God had thrown away the key.  Ever felt like that? 

There are all kinds of “prisons.”  As for me, my job back home had become a prison.  The job was interesting at first but after nine years it had become stale.  I was very frustrated.  I could not stomach the idea of returning to that role in 90 days, but I didn’t see a way out. 

My heart was crying out so loudly that I didn’t need to verbalize a prayer.  Ever been there?  Thankfully, God heard the cry of my heart.

I was ironing clothes one evening and I heard a YouTube video that spoke to my situation.  Bishop T.D. Jakes began describing the plight of a lion locked in a cage in his message, the “Lion’s Lair.”

Born to live in the wild and run free, the cage became the lion’s new normal.  The lion was confined for the benefit -the entertainment- of others.       

Despite efforts to tame the lion, its instincts would not allow it to become comfortable in the cage.  The lion looks at the bars and roars its disapproval. 

Jakes said, there is a roar within us when we desire to escape the parameters of our situations. He said that we all live in cages. “It may be spiritual, moral, or emotional cage.” Then he spoke the magic words, “You can get out.

How do you get out of an abusive background when it has become your normal?

I thought Bishop Jakes was speaking directly to me. I began to imagine what getting out would be like. Soon afterward, I began taking the first steps on what became a year-long walk to freedom.  It was hard, but along the way, I discovered what it takes to get out.

There are three critical components to a “jailbreak.”  Your escape will involve a crisis, courage and crushing.   Step number one: embrace crisis. 

Don’t fear the crisis!  Crisis is a means that God uses to bring change!  Ironically, crisis is a also a vehicle God uses to bring promotion to people.

His courageous response to crisis change the course of history.

A crisis brought Moses from the prison of a desert to a victorious encounter with Pharaoh. His courageous response to the burning bush-crisis led to the emancipation of God’s people.

David broke out of a prison of obscurity with his courageous response to a crisis in Israel. Goliath was his name. A rock to the forehead of Goliath made David a “rock star,” – a champion in Israel.

How many people appreciated the firefighters and other first responders in New York City prior to the crisis of 9/11?

Heroism is being redefined during this pandemic by the courageous actions of first responders around the globe. Don’t fear the crisis. RESPOND with courage!

Know who he was before the pandemic?

Did you know who Dr. Anthony S. Fauci was before the COVID-19 outbreak? Dr. Fauci is a household name now. He has emerged as one of the most influential people in the world. Nothing flips the script like a crisis. Courageous responders break the confinement of barriers and emerge the better for it.

Don’t become stagnant because of COVID-19.  Be cautious.  Be guarded.  Be safe.  But be courageous. Respond and move forward.  This pandemic will be the demise of some and the catalyst of promotion for others.  Now, back to my long walk to freedom.

I found the perfect opportunity to break out of my current job situation.  I just needed my senior executive’s endorsement. I got on his calendar to discuss the proposal.

As I sat outside of his office, I had a very uneasy feeling.  I was invited in. He immediately made it clear that he REALLY did not like my proposal for change.  This was a one-way conversation. He concluded his remarks, pointed to the door, and shouted: “hit the road.” 

 It was humiliating to be treated in this manner, but the Lord spoke to me immediately.  “He just kicked you out of his office and into your future.”  That was encouraging for the moment, but despair quickly set in. 

That night I took my son to see a play at his community college.  I don’t think either one of us was particularly interested in seeing the “Wizard of Oz,” but he got extra class credit for attending. 

I watched the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Cowardly Lion come to a crossroads. Their friend Dorothy was taken captive by the Wicked Witch of the West. It was a simple decision: fight or flight? They chose to fight. I sat in the theater and made the same decision.

Out of weakness they became strong.

Rarely do things change apart from a crisis.  Crisis is the seedbed of courage.  Doctor Myles Munroe once said that “crisis is the enemy of tradition and the status quo.”

Fight or flight?  How badly do you want to escape the parameters of your situation? How badly do you want to break free?

I threw caution to the wind. I set up an office call with my senior leader’s boss using his open-door policy.  I told this high ranking official that my executive was unprofessional, unreasonable, and unsupportive.  He listened to me-a midlevel employee! When my senior leader found out, he went into a rage.

I took a huge risk, but it paid off.  After some infighting I was allowed to work for a different leader in another part of our organization for 60-90 days. During this time I was to try and find another job. Well, 90 days passed and I had not found another job. 

It was nerve-wracking. At any time after the 90 days, I could have been returned to my old job.  This is the final phase; the crushing. 

I started my job hunt in January 2015 and did not find a new job until October of that year.  I was turned down for job openings on three different occasions.

I only got the job in October because the individual that was selected, turned the job down at the last minute.  Each non-selection notice was a crushing experience, but I got out!!

Cold and miserable in the Mohave Desert. My heart was crying out for a change.

That prison break gave me five years of experience in my lifelong calling to develop leaders. Instinctively, I knew that God had something more for me.  My pursuit of freedom was worth it.  It was worth getting crushed, and crushed again. 

Cindy Jacob’s was right. God had not forgotten nor forsaken me. The prison door did come open. T.D. Jakes was right. I could get out. I did get out. You can get out too!

The knowledge gained along the crushing path to freedom will liberate you and equip you to help others gain freedom. Jesus was crushed for the salvation of many.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. -Isaiah 53:5

If you are not a Christian and would like to become one, please follow the guidance at the following link:

God Bless! You can get out!! Kevin

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