God Spoke to Me – Stories of Three Godly Women

Better days are ahead for those who place their trust in the God who not only hears our cry, but speaks, leads, and directs His people.

We planned our panel discussion weeks before. Three guys would answer questions about hearing from God before a small live audience and Bethel Temple’s growing digital church.

The Lord wanted something different. At 3:30 am, I had an impression to see if my wife would be willing to speak at the service later that evening. 

You see, when Vanessa was a teenager, God spoke to her about me before we ever met.

Later that morning, I asked my two-panel mates, Dave and Nate, to see if their wives would be willing to speak as well. All three wives agreed after some encouragement.

The stories of three godly women blessed our church. I thought you would enjoy them as well, and, by the way…God also wants to speak to you!

Provided at the end of this article is a link that has their full 5-8 minute presentations.

A father and daughter healed by the God who speaks. -Irma Williams

My Dad left my Mom, three brothers, and me when I was 5 years old. I did not have contact with him for 25 years. Sometimes I would wonder about his circumstances, but I was indifferent most of the time.

As a child, I never learned to say, Dad, or Daddy, or Dad, I love you. I got saved in 1989, and in 1995, with my husband’s encouragement, I began writing my Dad.

We corresponded with each other, and then began having phone conversations. The day came when my whole family went to visit him.

During one of our conversations, like a whisper, the Holy Spirit impressed me to tell him, “I love you Dad!” At first, the words would not come out of my mouth.

God gave me a loving relationship with my Dad!

It took a long time. I was trembling and tearing up. Finally, the words came out. I told my Dad that I loved him. Those words signaled the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship.

For the next 25 years, our relationship grew-to God be the glory! I was able to call him Dad. He told me that he loved me and I told him the same thing.

Sometime earlier, my Dad gave his life to Jesus. The man who had abused my Mom and abandoned us as children was now dead. My Dad became a new man in Christ, and a powerful evangelist sharing the good news of Jesus!

My Dad made it clear to the residents of his town of 14,000 people that it was either heaven or hell based on their response to Jesus.

My Dad passed in April 2020 after serving the Lord for 41 years. I want to encourage you that God can restore any relationship.

Ask Him. He will speak to you and guide you along the path of healing and restoration. –Irma

God spoke through a young man’s life. -Leah Rucker

Nate and I met each other in college.  I was a sophomore. He was in his senior year. We met at a time when I was beginning my walk with the Lord. Nate, on the other hand, was running with the Lord.

The evidence of God in Nate’s life both spoke to me and intrigued me. I had not seen this before. God used Nate to provoke me to go deeper in my pursuit of God.

I was discovering God through the Christian community, family, and friends, but especially through Nate’s life. Out of our times of fellowship, we began a dating relationship.

Nate and I began serving together in ministry and particularly in the area of music ministry and worship. I could hear God speaking through us to others. I noticed that we had God’s grace on our lives to bless and encourage others.

Through our dating relationship, serving together in ministry, and fellowship with others, I believe we were becoming what the Bible refers to as “equally yoked together.” (2 Corinthians 6:2)

Your life can speak to people in ways you may never understand!

We had grace on our lives to be mutually supportive. We were able to encourage one another through difficulties. We were not perfect in our dating relationship; however, we continued to grow.

There were times when a minister would give inspired words of encouragement to individuals gathered in a service. 

One more than one occasion, I noticed that the inspirational word Nate received was either identical or close to what I received.

I never heard God speak to me audibly about marrying Nate. God spoke to me through Nate’s life.

God drew me to Himself and gave me a choice to serve Him, so it was with my decision to marry.  I felt that I was drawn and led to choose Nate.

We just celebrated one year of marriage. –Leah

When God speaks and does not make sense. –Vanessa Willis

When I was a 17-year-old senior in high school, I met a young man at my afterschool job who was also a senior at another high school. 

On Halloween, October 31, 1978, after working with him for one month, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I agreed.

He told me we could not date on Sundays because that is the Lord’s day. Growing up Baptist, I understood about the Lords day.

His commitment at such a young age impressed me because I wanted more of God in my own life; however, around Christmas time, I noticed some “red flag” behaviors in him.

In January, I prayed and asked God to take this boyfriend away if he was not for me. Later that month, he called me to tell me he would finish high school in another state.

Then three days later, he informed that he would not be leaving the area.  These circumstances seemed odd, but I was glad he was not leaving.

Also, in January, a new young man came to my church. As he walked to the front of the church to give his offering, God spoke to my heart that he was to be my husband.  

This word was strange, and I was not interested, because I had a boyfriend. In February, during a phone conversation, my boyfriend said he wanted to have sex.

I did not want to, but I did not want to lose him. We were to talk later that evening. I decided to agree to his request. Thankfully, he never called me back.

The new young man became a member of my church. He was on active duty in the military and was a deacon in his previous church in Korea.

I began to ask God to confirm what He told me about Deacon Willis. Over the next three years, God began confirming this strange word.

Six weeks before Deacon Willis was to leave for another duty station, God brought us together. We dated for three weeks and got engaged.

I held on to God’s strange word for over three years.

We were married a little over seven months later. We have been married for 37 years. God keeps His word! –Vanessa

Irma heard God speaking to her in a whisper. Leah heard God speaking to her through Nate’s life, and through the grace of God on their lives.

Vanessa heard God speaking as an inward voice. God is still speaking into the lives of these godly women. You can have the Living God speaking to you as well!

Have you received Jesus as your Savior? If not or you are not sure, let me show you how at the following link: https://dreamprayernetwork.com/gods-plan-of-salvation/

Better days are ahead for all who place their trust in the God who not only hears our cry, but speaks, leads, and directs His people. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Forward to the 51:30-minute mark of the video at the following link to hear the full versions of Leah, Vanessa and Irma in that order:


The Supernatural-Dreams & Visions Pt. 3 The “Jokester”

Relationships are damaged, fortunes lost, empires subdued, and destinies shipwrecked by improper reactions to devious provocations. 

In 2019, Joaquin Phoenix starred in the movie the Joker based on the fictional DC Comics character who served as the archrival of Batman. 

The movie follows Adam Fleck, a failed standup comedian who inspires a violent revolution in Gotham City against the wealthy.  The Joker was the first Batman-related movie to receive an R-rating due to its violence and dark content.

In 2008, the late Heath Ledger portrayed the Joker in The Dark Knight.  In this film, the Joker is portrayed as a sadistic criminal mastermind and mass murderer.

Nothing funny about this “funny” man.

My encounter with a character in a dream back in August 2016, reminded me of their portrayals of the Joker. For the sake of originality, I refer to the character I encountered as the “Jokester.”

My wife, Vanessa woke me up in the wee hours of the morning and told me I was having nightmares.

In this second of a four-sequence dream, a strange man greeted me.  He seemed harmless but there was something about him that made me uncomfortable.

I responded to his greeting and then walked away. He called me back. As I turned in response, he pointed a sawed-off shotgun at me and fired at point-blank range.

The enemy fires to get you to bring harm upon yourself.

I was shocked and reacted immediately by checking my wounds. That was the strange thing.  I wasn’t wounded.  I wondered, what in the world is going on?    

That’s when the Jokester laughed a deep belly-laugh. He reared back and took great pleasure in the fact that he got me to react to his devious agitation.  Now please stay with me.

This Jokester character is symbolic of a real figure who “fires” -agitates, irritates and prods- people all the time.  This shadowy figures fires at you!

He fires wicked thoughts, suggestions, attitudes, feelings, prejudices, preferences, schemes, methodologies, concepts, theories and malevolent ideas. He can nurture the demon-seed of a idea into a sophisticated theory that enslaves multitudes.

The Jokester represents a spirit. His real name is satan-I never capitalize his name.  The fact that most people do not believe he exists enables him to “fire” his provoking ammunition with great effectiveness. https://dreamprayernetwork.com/no-sanctuary-in-spiritual-warfare/

This article is about exposing him and defeating his activity in your life.

The devil fires “flaming arrows” of thoughts and ideas (Ephesians 6:16), that don’t wound physically. Rather, they are designed to provoke improper reactions to circumstances that result in people bringing harm upon themselves and others. 

There once was a king named Balak. He knew his Moabite nation could not defeat Israel in battle so he hired a prophet by the name of Baalim to curse God’s people.

Try as he might, Baalim could not curse Israel. God told Baalim directly: “Do not go with them. You must not put a curse on those people, because they are blessed.” (Numbers 22:12)

Here is the first teaching point. No devil in hell, and no man on the earth can curse the people of God! We are blessed!!

Now Baalim was angry, and he wanted his money. He concluded that the only way Israel could be cursed was if they brought a curse upon themselves through disobedience.

Baalim persuaded Balak to seduce Israel through prostitutes and idolatry. When Balak introduced these temptations, Israel reacted by committing fornication with Midianite women and worshipping their god Baal.   

What was the result? God’s people brought a curse upon themselves that resulting in a plague that left 24,000 dead. (Numbers 25:1-9)

Here is the second teaching point: No devil in hell, and no man on the earth can curse God’s people, but God’s people can bring a curse upon themselves through disobedience.

Beware of reacting to circumstances in the heat of the moment.

The devil delights in creating conditions to trip you up.  Once the trap is set, he “fires” to get you to react and bring harm upon yourself.

All manner of sexual sin takes place when we react in the heat of the moment.  Regrettable business deals take place when we react in the heat of the moment, or deliberate at length without consulting God.

Relationships are damaged, fortunes lost, empires subdued, and destinies shipwrecked by improper reactions to devious provocations.

Jesus demonstrated how to defeat satan’s “fire-react” strategy.

Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. After fasting for forty days and nights, He became hungry.

The devil waited for the most opportune time to get Jesus to react to his provocations.  Jesus was hungry so satan tempted Him with food: “If you are the Son of God, command that the stones become bread.” (Mt 4:3)

Never more critical to know God’s Word than in the weeks and months ahead!

Jesus did not react.  Jesus rebuked satan and responded with the Word of God.  The devil fired twice more with subtle enticements. Jesus responded in the same manner and satan was soundly defeated. (vv.4-11)

The devil did not stop trying.  Even on the cross, satan tried to get Jesus to react to the circumstances and come down from the cross. (Matthew 27:40) 

Jesus did not react. He would not come down from the cross to save Himself. He decided to die to save you and me. Somebody shout amen!!

Here is the final teaching point. Do not react to circumstances in the moment or at length. Gather yourself. Seek God for wisdom and respond accordingly. (Proverbs 15:22; James 1:5-7)

Slow down. Don’t be in a hurry. 

Be very alert in the days to come. The devil is going to send a flood of agitating, prodding and provoking information over media to get people to react in harmful ways.

The only news you can count on is the good news of the gospel!

Don’t be deceived.  Democrats, Republicans, and moderates alike are subject to be deceived and influenced by satan-the god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

In a world of “fake news,” put your trust firmly in God’s good news which is the Word of God.

Posts and tweets are about to become more heated and divisive.

The devil intends to rip our nation apart and separate us from God and from one another.

Let’s stand against his provocations. Let’s announce God’s coming attractions: a mighty revival is coming to America!

So don’t react! Respond as the people of God “blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” (Philippians 2:15)

Have a wonderful Christ-centered week! God Bless! Press On!!  Kevin

The Supernatural – Dreams & Visions Pt.2 The Arabs

God personalizes direction, confirmation, and affirmation to those who love Him through dreams and visions.

He was having a REAL bad day.  He had given himself totally in support of the wrong cause and now it was too late. He sat there blind, bruised, and broken, but that was not the worst of it.  God was angry with Him.

Still, Saul must have wondered if God was really angry with him.  After all, he received a heavenly vision immediately after seeing that blinding light that knocked him off his feet en route to Damascus. (Acts 9:3-4)

In the vision, God told young Saul that he would preach the gospel to Jews, Gentiles, kings, and rulers. This made no sense at all.  After all, Saul was an enemy of the gospel who persecuted the church.

Saul was not the only one having a bad day. There was Ananias too, who like other believers, feared Saul’s arrival in Damascus. 

God told Ananias in a vision to go and pray for Saul to receive his sight, but Ananias was having none of that. Saul had imprisoned believers and had them beaten in every synagogue. (Acts 26:10)

God told Ananias not to worry.  In the vision, God told him that Saul was chosen to declare the gospel to Jews, Gentiles, kings, and rulers.  You can bet Ananias went to pray for Saul in much fear and trembling. (Acts 9:11-16)

From scripture, we know that both men responded to God’s direction, and these “mustard-seeds” of obedience, became a great tree that spread throughout the Roman Empire.

Christianity was legalized in 3 AD by Constantine and became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire.

Saul and Ananias received supernatural direction through heavenly visions.  Their engagement with one another brought confirmation that their visions were accurate and true.  (2 Corinthians 13:1)

Saul matured into the great Apostle Paul.  Many years later, Paul narrowly escaped death during a riot in Jerusalem.  He was placed in custody to protect him from those who sought to kill him. (Acts 21:30-35)

Paul spent that night in prison with his life hanging in the balance.  He was not immune to gloom and despair, but Jesus, whom He once persecuted, appeared to him:

“Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well.” (Acts 23:11)

As a professor at Bethel, now Antioch College, I get to pass along these incredible truths to emerging church leaders.

It saddens me that many believers rarely experience or recognize God’s supernatural direction, confirmation and affirmation in their lives. 

Granted, most of God’s supernatural direction is not sensational, but God is active and effective in leading us through routine processes. 

God is also active and effective in leading us through dreams, visions, prophecy, etc., which some may deem as atypical-but not from a Biblical standpoint.  

The Holy Spirit leads and guides into all truth. John 16:13

Atypical or routine, the direction we receive only has value if it aligns with God’s word which is the bedrock of our faith. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

All wizardry, witchcraft, soothsaying, fortune-telling, and root-working activity is a counterfeit of God’s legitimate supernatural power.

Demonic power is real. God’s power is REAL. God’s power is far, far GREATER. (Luke 10:18-19; 1 John 3:8; Revelation 20:10)

God personalizes direction, confirmation, and affirmation to those who love Him through dreams and visions.  Let’s make this practical. 

After a restless night, my wife Vanessa woke me up and said, “you’ve been having nightmares.” It was the morning of 16 August 2016.  We happened to be staying at the Massanutten Resort in VA. 

During the evening I had a dream that unfolded in four different scenes. 

In the first scene, I was with a large group of Arabs, dressed in their traditional robes and headdresses. I was wearing shorts and a tee-shirt; no one noticed the difference but me. 

In scene two, a strange man greeted me. I turned to leave then he called me back.  When I responded, he pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and fired several times into my stomach, but I was not wounded. He then laughed diabolically.

I was on Ft. Monroe, VA for scene three.  I heard a shot and spotted a concealed sniper. I tried to yell “sniper” to warn people, but I could not get the words out of my mouth.

The final scene involved a team of small football players -like the size of children- all dressed in black.  An old college friend said the two of us can easily beat them.  Somehow, I knew they were more formidable than they appeared.

I will use scene one, “the Arabs” to practically illustrate how God personalizes direction, confirmation and affirmation through dreams and visions.

If you read my page “About Kevin,” you will note that I spent 20 years on active duty as an Army Intelligence officer. https://dreamprayernetwork.com/about-me/

What I don’t say is that I did not enjoy my Army career. I got saved during my first year on active duty. Salvation was great for my life, but not for my career. 

Drinking and socializing with other officers in clubs -with female dancers on occasion- was part of the culture when I came on active duty in 1977.  I stopped going to these functions once Jesus came into my life.

Not being a part of the Officer’s Club culture labeled me as a bit of an outcast.  Aside from that, there were aspects of military life that I just did not enjoy.

My solution was to leave the service after my four-year term of service, but God had other plans. Ouch!!  (Romans 12:1-2)

Over the years, I learned to better blend in with the crowd in order to survive. This dream about “the Arabs” so accurately described my feelings of isolation during most of my uniformed and Civilian service with the Army.

How many times did I ask the question, “why Lord?”  Why did you have me isolated in a profession that I did not enjoy?

God personalizes direction, confirmation, and affirmation to those who love Him through dreams and visions.

I diligently sought the Lord for the meaning of “the Arabs.”

The Lord spoke to me that I was not supposed to fit in. I was not supposed to be one of them. I was to learn from them, be disciplined by them, and mature among them.

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds.

God called me to bring the kingdom of God to them.  God called me to be a light in the midst of them. God called me to pull out some who dwelt among them.

I received direction, confirmation, and affirmation from this dream.

I can’t tell you how much light and perspective the interpretation of this dream provided me.  To have the God of heaven and earth speak to you in such a personal way is indescribable. 

Be open.  Be sensitive. God desires to fill in the missing pieces of your puzzle.  Increasingly, God is going to do so through dreams, visions, prophecy, etc. 

God has already been speaking to some of you for quite some time. Don’t be bashful.  Seek Him for interpretation and understanding.  He will lead and guide you into all truth. (John 16:13)

More of this next week. Please stay along for the journey. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin


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