Faith Pt. 4 – Oh Say Can You See

How A Hole in the Ground Became a Premier University

My wife Vanessa and I joined with the others on the grounds of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in March 1983. Pat Robertson told us his vision to establish a graduate-level institution to train men and women to represent God in their professions. 

Pat saw a University when it was just a hole in the ground

Pat then pointed to some cranes and a shell of a structure that he said was going to be the library and the first building of CBN University. He was absolutely persuaded of what he had seen with the eyes of faith.

CBNU Library

Hebrews Chapter 11 is referred to as the Hall of Faith or the Faith Hall of Fame. There you will find the exploits of Abraham, Moses, Rahab the harlot, and many others.

I want to be one of these heroes, and more than ever, I realize it will only happen by faith. The inductees in the Hall of Faith are from different eras but they possess similar attributes.

They saw something God revealed to them and became persuaded that He could bring it to pass. They had their flaws but became heroic by overcoming major obstacles to complete the journey. 

Pat Robertson’s conviction was contagious. I wished I could be a part of CBN University, but I was on active duty in the Army and we were en route to Fort Bragg, NC. 

It took a while, but I got my wish and graduated from what became Regent University in May 1997. Vanessa and I were present on that day of small beginnings nearly 40 years ago.

By faith, Pat Robertson built Regent University into a premier academic institution. I’ve been asking the Lord to increase my faith, and He brought me back to the start of CBN University. 

I can draw parallels between Pat’s faith story and that of Abraham’s recorded in Genesis. God established a way of faith in His dealings with Abraham that remains unchanged.  

God first selects an individual and reveals Himself to them. God then gives them direction and a promise followed by a commitment to be with them. Pretty simple, but there is just one problem-the process.

The gap between God’s promise revealed and the promise fulfilled is the process. God uses the process –a series of obstacles, delays, denials, and deferments – to build character in those He selects. God is at work within you while He works through you.

Abraham’s process lasted 25 years. Moses waited 40 years, but both finished well. Thankfully the process is not always that long, but no matter; God is faithful. 

People of faith see beyond the natural dimension and it can be difficult for them to express what they see at times. Faith is a substance. You can’t see it, but it is an active force that is REAL. 

The writer of Hebrews says, By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Heb 11:3, NKJV)

Try and wrap your arms around that. In other words, God created everything you can see with substance you can’t see. 

People who receive the rewards of faith behold what cannot be observed with the naked eye and maintain confidence that it will come to pass. 

Oh say – What Do You See?

Well, Kevin, I am not sure God has shown me anything. If that is your feeling, I have a recommendation for you. Read the Bible regularly. Read the Psalms or the Book of James as a way to start a new reading routine.

God will speak to you as you study and meditate on His Word. The Holy Spirit will lift the promises of God from the pages of the Bible and imprint them on your heart. God will supernaturally awaken the dreamer in you!  

Oh say – What Can You See?

God’s dreamers bless other people’s lives. Pat Robertson blessed the nations by following God and pursuing what he could not see. If God has given you a dream, its accomplishment will bless others so go for it!! 

Faith is not for a select few. Faith is for ushers, cab drivers, blue and white collar workers, and retired folks like me. Faith is for all who dream of accomplishing what they couldn’t on their own to include the salvation of their souls.**

I believe there is a spot reserved in the Hall of Faith for you and me. See you there someday. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

**Faith is especially for those who want a personal relationship with God: .

Faith Pt.3 – The Triumph of Faith

Faith Makes It Well!!

And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul. -Horatio Spafford

Spafford wrote It is Well With My Soul in 1873 after all four of his daughters were killed in a tragedy at sea.

You will find the most detailed account of the end of the age in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Apostle John provides the context for this fantastic revelation: I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day. (Rev 1:10a)

Jesus said you must be born again to see and enter the Spirit realm. (John 3:3-5) You can see and enter this dimension. I enter frequently in the course of my daily routines. Take my visits to the YMCA for example. 

I do all of the preliminaries then stand at the edge of the pool, dreading that cold water; nevertheless, I take the step. After that COLD-rush, I am present of mind yet in another dimension.

Automatically, praying and worshipping God happens for me effortlessly. It is a natural reflex; something beyond me is empowering me. I pray for family, friends, nations, etc.

I enter the realm of the Spirit not because of the water per se. For me, the process of entering the water removes distractions and sharpens my focus on the Lord. Focus and devotion are the keys that open the door.

Ask the Lord to give you a process or routine that inspires you to worship. Here is a group illustration.

I participate in an online prayer group twice a week. Twelve of us prayed this past Friday. These friends of mine are quite accomplished, but our collective focus and devotion allowed God to take center stage.

All creation takes a knee when God takes center stage. What do I mean?

Our church pastor and his wife viewed themselves as members of the group-nothing more. The retired Air Force pilot was not “in the clouds,” but on the ground with the rest of us. The administrative wizard on the team did not try to increase our efficiency.

The combat veterans did not seek to impress with their war stories. The tech-guy whose voice has been heard around the world only talked about Jesus. The missionaries didn’t recite their global exploits.

The unassuming woman who translated a copy of the Bible in her native language was of a few words. The diligent volunteer felt no need to boast about her volunteerism.

When God is center stage, the greatest feel no greater than the least and the least feel no less than the greatest.

The Spirit realm is a dimension like no other. Having visited this dimension often, the Apostle Paul said he desired to depart this life to be with the Lord. He felt inclined to remain only for the sake of serving others. (Phil 1:22-23) 

Don’t You Want To Go?

I don’t like leaving this heavenly dimension either but it is essential in order to do the work. The work is what matters most. Let’s talk about it.

The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace, in Vatican City and the official residence of the pope.

People have labored for centuries erecting structures for God. Whether it is the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, the beautiful edifices across Europe, or renovated store fronts in depressed areas, they all speak to the work. 

The principal aim of our faith is the work. What is the work? 

The work, indeed, the principal aim of our faith is to lead others to the faith. This is our raison d’être-our reason for being.

Leading others into a saving knowledge of Christ is the work. Winning souls is the defining purpose of the church. Making disciples for Christ is our Great Commission. (Mt 28:19-20) 

Paul made access to the born again experience plain and simple: if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9-10)

Mr. Horatio Spafford fittingly added this verse to It is Well With My Soul:

My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!— My sin, not in part but the whole,  Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,  Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! 

To Know Christ is to possess a joy unspeakable and full of glory. (1 Peter 1:8b)

The Apostle John said this about the Triumph of our Faith: 

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful. (Rev 21:4-5)

Faith can move mountains, raise the dead, and subdue kingdoms, but the ultimate aim of faith is to be present with the Lord when He makes all things new.

To know Christ is to be able to sing with assurance, It is Well With My Soul. Don’t you want to go? Even now, many await us. (Hebrews 12:1) God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

**Click the link to see how you can say with confidence: It is Well With My Soul:

Faith Pt. 2 – A Faith Movement

What Happens to Shooting Stars

As a comet orbits near the Sun, it starts to melt down and ejects lots of dust and chunks of rock on its path. We call these particles meteors. They begin to heat up through the earth’s atmosphere, start to glow, and then burn down.

Who is in your top two-or-three people you’d like to meet? In my top three these days is Jazz musician Wynton Marcellus. I enjoy listening to him tell the American story through the lens of the arts.

In 1983, my wife and I ran into the person at the top of my list. We traveled from the West Coast to my next military duty station and made a stop in Fort Worth, TX, to visit a ministry headquarters.

Vanessa & Gloria

A guide told us that the leader’s wife was speaking at a local hotel that evening, so we decided to go. We had no idea he would be there, but standing in the lobby was Kenneth Copeland.

We spoke with him for several minutes. He was a kind and gracious man. He was there because Gloria was speaking at his mother’s Bible Study that evening.

Kenneth Copeland was the most visible spokesperson for the Word of Faith Movement. Critics referred to it as the prosperity gospel.

Vanessa and I were married less than 90 days when we met Kenneth Copeland in Ft. Worth, TX

The father of the movement was Kenneth E. Hagin. In 1974, Hagin started Rhema Bible College in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and inspired the ministries of famous preachers like Copeland, Charles Capps, Jesse Duplantis, Creflo Dollar, and others.

Hagin taught that poverty did not glorify God, and believers who give should expect financial rewards in this life. Unfortunately, many cases of abuse took place within the framework of his teaching.

In 1999, Hagin brought together leaders of the movement to correct them for what he regarded as manipulating the Bible to support greed and indulgence.

Hagin wrote a book in 2000 entitled the Midas Touch in an attempt to correct abuses. Among other things, He said:

  1. Financial prosperity is not necessarily a sign of God’s blessing.
  2. Believers should not give to get.
  3. It is not biblical to “name and claim” a benefit from an offering because it corrupts the attitude of our giving.

Hagin died in 2003. His son Kenneth W. Hagin leads the college he founded. The degree to which Hagin corrected the abuses he addressed is a matter of opinion.

Today, Kenneth Copeland is admittedly a very wealthy man. His comments in 2019 on remedies for COVID-19 and the outcome of our most recent presidential election landed him in a great deal of controversy.

The Word of Faith Movement was like a shooting star, which is unfortunate in some respects because it had an upside.

Kenneth E. Hagin was bedridden at the age of 15 and not expected to live. God healed him miraculously, and divine healing became one of the foundations of his ministry. 

There was a poverty mindset in the church that Hagin should receive some credit for breaking.

Hagin believed that the ministry of Jesus included modern-day apostles and prophets, which was rare at the time, and he operated in and taught on the gifts of the Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)

We don’t need a revitalized Word of Faith Movement. We need Faith in God.

This week my dentist and friend showed me a list of six of his medical buddies who recently came down with cancer and other serious ailments. He told me they had from 1-5 years to live. He is a Jewish man who is one of the most positive people you will ever meet, but he had no hope for them at all.

Too often, that is how we feel in the church. I got so angry that I asked him to let me take a photo of his list. I told him to tell his friends that I was praying for them.

I’ve shown two other groups of believers this list, and their immediate response was to pray. Please pray for these men as well.

My dentist friend does not believe in Jesus. My prayer is that God will touch his friends and draw him and his family to the Lord.

I am learning that we must demonstrate the gospel and not just preach the gospel.

We live in an evil world, but where evil abounds, grace does much more abound. (Romans 5:20) If grace is to abound, then you and I must put our faith to work NOW. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

A Better Me

How God Goes About Making You Better

God will transform you into a vessel of honor.

It takes a lot of courage. Are you up to it? If you pray this prayer and follow the itinerary, you will become the best version of yourself. Moreover, you will find favor with God and man. Are you ready. Pray this:

Make Me Better Lord

This simple prayer offered in sincerity sets things in motion beyond our comprehension. I hope you like an adventure because you just embarked on one. Your life will not be easy, but it will be beyond rewarding.

Can you quote the 23rd Psalm from memory? I can’t. There is the verse that goes: “He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.” (v.2)

Read on, and you come across, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou are with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (v.4)

Sad goodbye to Hilton Head, SC vacation for another year.

In response to your prayer, Make Me Better Lord, your itinerary will include stops in green pastures and drive-bys to still and peaceful waters. It sounds like a vacation, but alas, they don’t last.

John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the presence of many witnesses. When Jesus ascended out of the water, the Holy Spirit came upon Him in the form of a dove. Then a voice from heaven declared, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:13-16)

After this spectacular introduction, you would expect a press conference immediately followed by a tour of the most prominent cities in the Roman Empire. On the contrary, Jesus completely disappeared from view; God had other plans for His beloved Son:

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” (Mt 4:1) Why did Jesus’ itinerary include such a demanding and dangerous detour?

God deliberately, intentionally, and strategically leads His people into trouble, but not by themselves. I’ve taught this truth to others for years, but I still shake my head thinking about it.

Here is another head-shaker from the writer of Hebrews: “Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.” (Hebrew 5:8)

Let’s get back to your, Make Me Better Lord itinerary. By now, you’ve figured out that there will be bumps in the road. Let’s keep it real. On occasion, you will walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but not alone.

A great consolation is always knowing, “Thou are with.” God also promises that we will not be tempted or challenged beyond our capacity without Him providing an escape route. (Corinthians 10:13) Take that to the bank.

Here is the greatest consolation. God is conforming you into His image. You are growing in grace. You are progressing from glory to glory and from faith to faith. The Lord is renewing your mind to understand His will and His ways.

God is remaking you into a vessel of honor. You are becoming a friend of God. Sign me up for all of that. Make Me Better Lord. Here are some essential things to know about becoming the best version of yourself.

Many of your prayers will go “unanswered.” The Make Me Better Lord prayer trumps: Lord get me out of this; get me away from here; Lord change them or get them away from me, etc. Here is a prayer that God will answer: Lord change me!

Next, you can be sure that God will place people that irritate you along long stretches of your itinerary. There is no use in praying away those people that God has assigned to you. Ouch!!

I don’t know about you, but there are individuals of a particular personality type that I keep running into all the time. The names change, but I have met them before, if you know what I mean.

Don’t Take It!!

Just one more point. Please don’t take the exit ramp on your better version itinerary. Stick it out. You don’t want to have to come back later to to complete that part of the trip.

I hope you will pray the Make Me Better Lord prayer. There is no price too high to pay to be called the friend of God. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.  Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:1-2)

Understanding the Spirit Realm Pt.4

In It to Win It

She Wanted it More

It’s always a signature moment during the reception. All the single ladies gather for the toss. It’s a time of good-natured fun for most participants, but others are in it to win it!

The “in it to win it” participants are easy to spot. They start jockeying for position, and you can see the fire in their eyes. Social graces and decorum may take a back seat. When those flowers go up in the air, they know who is coming down with them.

The fans clamored for it, and they got what they wanted. ESPN opted for an early 19 April 2020 release of the 10-part documentary of Michael Jordan, entitled the Last Dance

“They may say he wasn’t really a nice guy, he may have been a tyrant…but I wanted to win and them to be a part of it.” -M. Jordan

There was concern among the Jordan faithful that the documentary may tarnish the legacy of the six-time NBA champion and global icon. Jordan was the most competitive athlete of his era, but many did not know the extent to which he bullied, belittled, and intimidated teammates in pursuit of titles. 

Towards the end of my career with the federal government, I asked our Department Director for his perspective on reaching senior leadership positions. He said, “you can be as successful as you want to be.” 

It took me a while, but I eventually understood his point. Allow me to rephrase his observation: you can achieve anything if you are willing to pay the price.

The Lord has been dealing with me about narrowing my focus and increasing my sense of urgency to accomplish the things He has set before me. I am being Counseled to lay aside those things not connected with purpose.

Perhaps my recent conversations with the Counselor will help you realize your dreams. I am persuaded that neither you nor I will see our desires fulfilled apart from greater determination and commitment.

The Holy Spirit is the Divine Counselor. He’s Counseling me to pick up the pace. I am passionate about the things of God, but there are levels to everything.

As trumpeter Wynton Marcellus puts it, “Everybody thinks they’re hustling until they see somebody who is really hustling.” 

I’ve got to move beyond worrying, hoping, and wishing. I must begin grappling, wrestling, and reaching. My current approach will not get me the bouquet. How about badly do you want the flowers?

I have a plan to get the title ring, but I’ve got to get my hands dirty and confront my opposition. (Ephesians 6:10-11) Mike Tyson said that everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Don’t fool yourself. You are going to get hit.

You are going to get hit. Stand and the Lord will knock your enemy to the canvas.

I just completed a Master Class by Coach Geno Auriemma. His University of Connecticut Huskies have won the NCAA Women’s Basketball title a record 11 times in his 35-year tenure. He said a lot of teams practice until they get it right. He said the goal should be to practice until you can’t get it wrong.

Extraordinary commitment and work ethic produce extraordinary outcomes. You’ve got to be in it to win it.

We must combat the passivity of Western church culture and embrace the activity that is a principle of the Kingdom of God which expands because people Go and Do. (Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-18) 

Her face tells the whole story

We can catch the bouquet and wear the ring of a champion. We can rise to positions of influence. We can be exceptional in life, but not without extraordinary determination, and commitment. Being casual about our pursuits will not get us there. We must be in it to win it. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin Willis

The Sixth Sense

Your physical health, emotional wellness, safety, and financial stability, will become increasingly dependent on your ability to hear Him.

The Free Dictionary defines it as a power of perception seemingly independent of the five senses. A sixth sense sometimes carries a psychic association. This article has absolutely nothing to do with that.

I stood there in disbelief, trying to take it all in. It was so surreal that cold day in November 2008. I was back at Camp Casey, Korea, 30 years later. It’s a theater now, but back in 1978, it was the chapel and the place where it all began.

The Camp Hovey Chapel back in 1978 was a Theater when I visited in 2008.

I was in that chapel playing the piano when my strange new friend, Master Sergeant (MSG) White, walked in. White approached a man sitting and meditating in the chapel and started talking to him. MSG White began telling the man things about his life that he could not possibly have known. I’d never seen anything like it.

I asked MSG White what that was. He casually replied, “Sometimes the Lord will speak to your heart about another person.” Second Lieutenant Willis –me- was awe-struck, and it didn’t stop there.

It was as if MSG White had “cheat codes” -inside information- that caused people to open up about their spiritual condition. I will never forget that Saturday when MSG White opened his Bible and began reading to this one Soldier who was hanging on every word:

“O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory…But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:55-57)

I sat there as a bystander listening when the strangest thing happened. Like the snap of a finger, the fear of death left me. This event took place only weeks after our Brigade Commander stated that we would be at war with North Korea in a few months.

Well, that was many years ago. MSG White did not have a “sixth sense.” He was hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. (John 16:13-15) Over the next eight months, I saw demons cast out of two individuals by the power of the Holy Spirit and a Korean women’s leg healed by that same power. (Acts 1:8)

Then just as I was about to leave Korea, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which I was resisting because I thought speaking in tongues sounded weird. (Acts 2:4)

I realize I gave you, the reader, a lot to unpack. Please allow me to narrow my focus and get to the point of this article.

It is imperative that you become familiar with the voice of the Holy Spirit. Your physical health, emotional wellness, safety, and financial stability, will become increasingly dependent on your ability to hear Him.

Notice what is missing on this chart. Jesus said I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10b)

The great news is that God desires to reveal Himself to you. The challenge is that MANY voices are competing for your attention.

These voices can be persuasive, manipulative, and deceiving. These voices can also be wise, prudent, and informed and still lead you off course.

The Holy Spirit speaks to your heart, not your mind. You can’t always explain why you sense or know certain things.

Human reasoning often rejects revelation from the Holy Spirit; therefore, it takes courage to follow Him. Following the Holy Spirit will prove you to be exceedingly wise, but you may appear to be a fool to some in the process.

To follow the Holy Spirit is to go against the grain, swim upstream, and invite the ridicule of others. But, to follow the Holy Spirit is the pathway to God’s blessings, favor, healing, and provision.

Jesus said the world cannot see, receive or know the Holy Spirit. (John 14:17) Paul put it this way:

“But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them, and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.” (1 Corinthians 2:14, NLT)

Don’t be lead astray in these days of trickery and deception. Ask God for wisdom and invite the Holy Spirit to speak into the decisions you make.

Cultivate sensitivity with the Holy Spirit by spending time with God and reading the Bible. Better days await you. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin Willis

PS: I have written five articles with the title How to Hear the Voice of God Parts 1-5. You can find these articles in the archives of this blog site.

Trouble: Your Catalyst for Greatness

Your active response to trouble will propel you forward.

I listened to the young man speak as he stood over his mother’s casket. He said that years ago, when he graduated from college, his proud father wrote many words expressing his belief that his son would accomplish great things in life.

The young man’s proud mother finished the note with a few words: “Son…life is hard, but enjoy the journey.” Her words were a comfort to him at this difficult time in his life.

I have four children, and I have the privilege to speak into the lives of many young people. At some point, those who look to you for guidance and inspiration need to hear some version of this mother’s words because life is hard. They also need to know that through it all, they can enjoy the journey.

Retirement has allowed me the opportunity to survey the landscape of sixty-plus years of living. Upon reflection, the hardness of life disciplined me, toughened me, focused me, took a lot of the quit out of me, and woke up the fighter in me.

God will fight for you if you are willing to get into the ring. Ask Moses.

My father used to tell me that nothing of value in life comes easy. Crisis, trouble, hardness -whatever you want to call it- is essential to our growth and development and maturing us in our walk with God.

We all have blind spots; hopefully, someone will care enough to point these areas out to us. But scholarly studies show that most of our deliberate efforts to change fail. There is a remedy called trouble.

Trouble like Moses backed up against the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army in pursuit. The crisis of Hezekiah, who was already sick and at the point of death, when the prophet Isaiah informed him that he would die. The dilemma of barren Hannah, heartbroken and ridiculed by her rival Peninnah. The plight of Peter chained between two guards and facing execution at daybreak after Herod put the apostle James to death. *

Trouble produced a passion, a resolve, commitment, and fire that moved them from stagnation to activation. You’ve got to do something! The troubled always play a key role in their deliverance. 

God told Moses to stop talking to Him and do something! Moses stretched out his hands over the Red Sea, and the rest is history. Hezekiah stopped making burial arrangements and boldly told God why he deserved to live longer. God added 15 years to his life.

Hannah went to the house of God and prayed out of the bitterness of her soul; a year later, Samuel was born. James’ execution inspired Peter’s friends to pray so intensely that a supernatural jailbreak ensued, rescuing Peter from destruction.

Why do I bring all this up? Because I’ve got trouble, and you’ve got trouble. Want to get out of that trouble? Do something!  The troubled always play a key role in their deliverance.  

Trouble was the platform that propelled these Biblical characters forward in God’s purposes. I can relate.

I’ll never forget back in late 2014 when I thought I had the “trouble to end all troubles.” I heard the late Myles Munroe say that whenever God is about to bring change in your life, He always sends a crisis. I thought the situation would end my career, but it eventually propelled me into my dream job.

Got a problem? Take action, get moving, and turn up the intensity. As Andy Dufresne said in The Shawshank Redemption, “Get busy living or get busy dying.” Your active response to trouble will propel you forward.

How can you enjoy this journey full of trouble? God promised to be with you, to deliver you and to give you a long life: “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” (Psalms 91:16-17)

Reframe your trouble. See it for what it is: your “Catalyst for Greatness.” God is with you, and He promises to deliver you. Enjoy the journey, and we will see each other in the WINNER’s circle. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin Willis

*Moses’ triumph at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:5-31); Hezekiah’s extension (2 Kings 20:1-6); Hannah’s prayer (1 Samuel 1:7-20); Peter’s jailbreak (Acts 12:1-17)

How to Make it Through the Fire

God has provided a vaccine for the EMOTIONAL pandemic spreading across the earth.

Lock it down and guard it. Build a fence around it. Put no trespassing signs outside it. The thief is working overtime to rob it. 

You are at risk without it. Employ it, and you can pass through fire and come out without the smell of smoke. What is it?  

So much has happened in 2020. The ongoing wildfires in California, Oregon, and Washington –the worst on record- are just the most recent in a series of distressing events.

Dozens of people have died. The fires have burned more than 7,000 square miles, equivalent to the land area of New Jersey. 

The number of homes destroyed by the fires in Oregon alone is 1616 according to the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, 16 September.

I empathize with the nearly quarter-of-a-million evacuees. Many of whom do not know the status of their homes. Amid seemingly endless domestic and global upheaval, I recall the words of the prophet Isaiah:  

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. (Isaiah 43:2)

Last week I saw a photo of evacuees in Oregon stuck in gridlocked traffic. I imagined what they were thinking: Why me? Why us? Why now? What about my job, my finances, my future? 

Evacuating southern Oregon to escape the worst fires in history of the state.

I imagine many in those cars also asked, “where is God?” Isaiah answered that question. He is with His people in times of hardship and distress.

God is with His people through the rivers and the fire. He is with you through pandemic, financial loss, social injustice, and through this divisive presidential race. He promised never to leave you. (Matthew 28:20)

If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, there is good news for you too. God cares for you and is patiently waiting for you. In these surreal times, He is reaching out to you:

The LORD is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

Christians and unbelievers go through the same challenges and difficulties, but God has provided believers the supernatural gift of JOY to sustain them through hardship. God-given joy provides emotional strength and stability that defies explanation because it is not of this world. 

Hurricane Sally left 550,000 without power in Florida, Alabama and Louisiana yesterday.

I am telling you this because there is an emotional pandemic spreading across the globe like a cloud. This dark cloud is spewing out despair, discouragement, depression, and defeat. 

God’s joy is His VACCINE against this emotional pandemic, but you must activate joy to receive its sustaining benefits. More on that later.

God is sovereign. He may deliver you from crisis or bring deliverance through crisis. In the latter case, you must put His joy to work to sustain yourself. Allow me to illustrate. 

It was nighttime, and Peter was bound and sleeping between two soldiers. By all appearances, he was awaiting execution following his trial before Herod in the morning.

Then an angel visited him in prison and woke him up. Peter thought it was all a dream.

His chains fell to the ground. The angel led him out of the cell; none of the soldiers noticed a thing; the iron gate of the prison opened on its own. Peter walked away a free man. (Acts 12:5-11) God delivered Peter from the crisis.

Later, Paul is in chains for testifying in Jerusalem. That night the Lord came to Paul and told him that he would survive this ordeal and testify in Rome. The following morning, over 40 Jews took an oath to not eat or drink until they killed him. (Acts 23:11-12)

Soldiers safely escorted Paul by night from Jerusalem to Caesarea, where he remained in chains for over two years. Afterward, he embarked on a nightmarish sea journey to Rome. Paul made it. God’s joy sustained him through the crisis.

You and I are in a crisis of some form or other. We must put joy to work on our behalf. Allow me to offer some practical tips on how to do so.

First and foremost, you must decide to cast off discouragement and heaviness. Sadly, some people enjoy living under a cloud and the attention it brings. Stop harming yourself and demoralizing others!

Next, study, read, and meditate on scripture, and SING!

Thankfully, God provided us a supernatural songbook saturated with His power and presence. 

David wrote 88 of the Psalms and six others contributed including Moses and King Solomon.

The Book of Psalms contain 150 Holy Spirit-inspired songs that fuel and release the power of joy. Reading, speaking, singing, and meditating on the Psalms dispels darkness and lifts the spirit of heaviness.

Many theologians believe that Jesus quoted the Psalms during His agony on the cross. Check out Psalms 22.

Psalm 114 is the ultimate Holy Ghost praise party!! You would be shouting and dancing too if you had just crossed the Red Sea after 400 years of slavery and saw Pharaoh’s army covered by sea waves.

Psalms 137 is the deep lament of a people taken into captivity in Babylon. Expressing your pain and anguish to God touches the heart of Him who fuels your joy!

The Psalms capture life experience at the top, at the bottom, and everything in between. The Psalms always point to God and activate joy in the believer. 

You may not realize it, but many Christian songs have lyrics directly lifted from the Psalms. The key is to sing and listen to songs based on scripture. 

Finally, get up and move! Lift your head up. Lift your hands. Pump your fists. Jump, dance, run, twirl. scream, shout, etc. Energize your joy with activity. Play an instrument, on or off key it does not matter.

Abandon convention and let it rip!

Sincere praise and worship gets God’s attention. Abandon convention and if it feels awkward praise him in private. God sees you.

Let me issue you a challenge. Read through all 150 Psalms. If you are the competitive type, you can read five Psalms a day and finish in a month. If you are a plodder like me, then plod along at your own pace.

Combat the emotional pandemic. God’s joy energized in your life will keep dark clouds away from your dwelling place. Don’t let the thief steal your joy!

God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. (Psalms 103:1-5)

COVID-19 & The START OF Something Big

Reframe your setback. Make it your springboard and the start of something big!

“Nobody said that life is fair.”  That’s what Major A, my Executive Officer (XO), 1/23rd Infantry used to say when we were stationed together at Camp Hovey, Korea, 1978.

I partly agree. Life is not fair. Some people get breaks that others don’t receive. Take our main character. The evidence suggests that he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. 

He may have grown up in a “gated community” that required an access code for entry.

People from every nation, tribe, and tongue filled the marketplaces he visited as a youth. His developmental years left an impression. The strict faith tradition of his parents shaped his upbringing, as did the multiculturalism around him.

He was a brilliant student, and his parents decided he would receive the best education possible. He was sent over 500 miles from his home in Cilicia (in modern-day Turkey) to the capital city.

Among his tutors and mentors was Gamaliel, the most revered educator of his day. It didn’t take long for the young prodigy to impress the esteemed professor.

No need to envy others. God has a plan only you can fulfill.

The lad possessed intellectual curiosity, was a gifted writer, had a knack for picking up foreign languages, and was very competitive. Then there was that unique attribute that set him apart. He possessed an unusual zeal for the Jewish faith and the traditions of the elders.

He advanced far beyond his peers in mastering the law and the prophets. Consequently, the high priest and other religious elites took note of him. As he matured, he was given considerable authority and he made the most of it.

He knew the chief priests wanted to stop the spread of Christianity. He saw the destruction of the church as an opportunity to make a name for himself, so he violently persecuted the followers of Christ even to foreign cities. (Acts 26:11)

He had Christians beaten in many synagogues to get them to renounce Christ.  He had Christians cast into prison. He was consenting at the death of Stephen.

En route to Damascus, his heart filled with murderous rage. He was on the doorstep of the city when it happened.  A heavenly light knocked him to the ground; then he heard a voice.

Men traveling with Saul heard a voice but saw no light. (Acts 9:3-9)

“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” Saul was blinded and enlightened at the same time.

He was dumbfounded and in utter dismay to learn that the Jesus he was persecuting was both Lord and Christ.

Jesus told Saul to go into the city and await instructions. Saul was without sight, without purpose, and without direction for three days. He was also full of remorse, vulnerable, and painfully aware that he had made a lot of enemies. 

Some would say, “he only got what he deserved.” Major A would chime in with, nobody said that life is fair.

Too bad people say these kinds of things when you are hurting. They’ll write you off, cast you out, and leave you on the roadside, bruised, broken and naked, but not Jesus. The Lord had a plan for Saul.

Jesus told a disciple named Ananias to go and lay hands on Saul to receive his sight and to give him a message. Ananias was wary of Saul; nevertheless, he went.

Jesus told Ananias exactly where Saul was staying. Ananias laid his hands on Saul and his eyes were opened. Ananias then relayed the message:

“Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel.”  (Acts 9:15)

This message was an invitation to Saul to change course and start over. The message included a warning:

 “For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.” (Acts 9:16)

God gives warnings like this not to discourage us, but to build our resolve for the battles ahead of us. Suffering is part of the process. (Luke 14:28-33)

God’s promises are invitations to do His will. If you are willing to endure the process, you can accomplish just about anything, but the process is the issue.

Make a firm commitment before starting. The process defeats many.

The process is going to try you, frustrate you, and drain you; the process may turn family and friends against you. The process is not undefeated, but the process defeats many.

On the flip side, the process builds character and takes the committed from glory to glory and from faith to faith.

Saul decided to take God up on his invitation. Damascus became for him, the start of something big.

Regarding COVID-19, nobody said that life is fair. There have been people affected by the virus and people AFFECTED by it. In other words, COVID-19 has been an annoyance to some and DEVASTATING to others.

Whether we have been affected or AFFECTED, what are we going to do about it? How are we going to move forward?

You can look at COVID-19 and the effects of it any way you want.  You can see tragedy, setback, frustration or opportunity.

Let me tell you this. If you are a student of the Bible and know the God of the Bible, it is HARD to see a post-COVID-19 future without hope!

Our God is the God of all hope! If I could locate Major A today, I’d request he add “but God” to the end of nobody said that life is fair.

After Saul accepted God’s invitation, he did the hardest thing required in pursuit of any noble ambition. He got started:

Immediately he preached Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God. Then all who heard were amazed, and said, “Is this not he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem.” (Acts 9:20-21a)

Saul turned that fiery zeal on full-force for the cause of Jesus, and it cost him. The Jews plotted to kill him, and the governor tried to arrest him . He had to be lowered out of a window in a basket to escape Damascus.

The process almost got Saul killed from the start. He returned to Jerusalem to join the followers of Christ only to discover they were afraid of him. God told him he would suffer.

Saul continued to be a witness; he also continued to suffer.  (2 Corinthians 11:23-33) He never allowed the process to defeat him. Rather, he allowed it to forge him into perhaps the greatest champion for Christ in the history of the church. More on that in the coming weeks.

Name your setback: COVID-19, divorce, job layoff, emotional or physical abuse, or in Saul’s case, Damascus. Reframe your setback. Make it your springboard and it can be the START of something big.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin. (Zechariah 4:10a)


God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

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