How to Hear from God Part 5-Minneapolis

God is not whispering. He is screaming at the church to take action to prevent the reoccurrence of episodes like Minneapolis.  

We hinder our ability to hear from God if other agendas take precedence over our allegiance to God and His purposes.

The rival kings had taken counsel together to go to battle against a common enemy. They worked out their differences, established an alliance, and drew up plans for battle. 

King Ahab asked 400 of his spiritual advisors if he should go to battle. These so-called “prophets” assured Ahab of battlefield success. (1 Kings 22)

King Jehoshaphat then asked a critical question, “Is there a prophet of the Lord that we can ask?” Hold that thought.

The world is watching the United States deal with the aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd from a sustained knee to the neck. Racism -that great stain against the American ideal -is again at the center of national debate. 

The Old Testament (OT) account of the two kings speaks to our present circumstances. As always, the OT is real, raw, relevant, and pregnant with meaning.

Since the death of Mr. Floyd, Democratic and Republican officials have worked tirelessly to develop news headlines and storylines consistent with party platforms. This is, of course, an election year and both parties are aggressively seeking to control the narrative.

Any news stories or perspectives that differ from the established party storylines are quickly labeled as a “spin” or “fake news.” Cable and network news outlets from MSNBC (liberal) to Fox News (conservative) also broadcast calculated storylines, 24/7. 

Both cable networks have an agenda.

Then, of course, social media is awash with raw and unfiltered opinions. I doubt that ranking Republicans, Democrats, cable news network executives, or social media influencers are particularly interested in hearing from the Lord.  

Sadly, I believe they have more in common with Ahab than Jehoshaphat.

American politics is fickle. The landscape is always changing. 

You may be unaware that in its inception, the Republican party drove the political debate that led to the end of slavery, and supported Reconstruction after the Civil War. Yes…the Republican Party.

Terrorist Groups like the Ku Klux Klan defeated efforts to extend citizenship to former slaves during the Reconstruction era.

Conversely, after the Civil War, southern Democrats -yes, the Democrats- resisted Reconstruction and denied civil rights to blacks for 100 years.  

Now…why wouldn’t both parties want to hear from the Lord? Let’s go deeper.

It turns out that there was a positive response to Jehoshaphat’s query about the availability of a prophet of the Lord. His name was Micaiah but Ahab hated him. 

Why? Because Micaiah only said what God wanted him to say.    

Ahab’s advisor’s pleaded with Micaiah to maintain the party line. Micaiah refused. He told Ahab that disaster awaited if he went into battle. One man stood alone against the collective opinion of 400 Democrats and Republicans -I mean- “prophets.”

Ahab flew into a rage when Micaiah did not adopt the party line. Micaiah was ridiculed and slapped in the face by one of Ahab’s advisors for his audacity.  

Ahab blurted out, “Didn’t I tell you?” He never prophesies anything but trouble for me.” “Arrest him,” said Ahab, “feed him nothing but bread and water until I return safely from battle.” (1 Kings 22:27-28)

Ahab went into the battle on the advice of the “immoral majority” and was killed. The Bible records that the dogs licked up his blood at the place where the prostitutes bathed. (vv.37-38)

I believe God is looking for Micaiah’s today to speak His truth to power at all levels, and in arenas beyond politics.  You are reading this. Are you one of those individuals God is looking for?  

“I should have steered clear of politics”

In 2011, at the age of 92, Reverend Billy Graham gave an interview to Christianity Today Magazine.  He was asked if he had any regrets over his lifetime and ministry.  He said, “I would have steered clear of politics…looking back I know I sometimes crossed the line.”

The First Century in which Jesus walked was full of political sophistication.  Rome was dominant and Greek culture was embraced by the elites. 

Palestine was considered a backwater in the Roman Empire but it was not in terms of religion and politics.

Groups like the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Zealots aggressively sought the allegiance of the Jewish people in Palestine.  They sought to get Jesus to align with their political and religious views.

Jesus wasn’t having any of it.  Like Micaiah, Jesus stood apart from partisan politics. He came to do the Father’s will. 

Micaiah was placed in prison. Jesus was crucified.  Can I still interest you in being a spokesperson for God in the 21st Century? 

Aligning with Biblical principles will eventually bring you into conflict with the platforms of your preferred political party.  Aligning with God will eventually bring you into conflict with the story lines of your favorite news sources.

Efforts to redefine marriage during the Obama administration should have been fiercely resisted by all Christians regardless of party affiliation. 

Likewise, some of the abrasive rhetoric of the Trump Administration only further divides our nation and should not be tolerated or excused by Christians regardless of party affiliation.

To whom do you owe allegiance?

God is not whispering.  He is screaming at the church to take action.  It is time to break affiliations if necessary and prevent the reoccurrence of knee-to-the-neck episodes like what took place in Minneapolis. 

The two men who shot Arbery were never charged until leaked video footage caused outrage.

It is time to unite and put and end to conditions that allow travesties of justice. Ahmaud Arbery was jogging in a local neighborhood when confronted and gunned down. The perpetrators were allowed to go uncharged for over two months until a leaked video exposed their heinous crime.

We can no longer view these incidents as black issues or problems. These are American atrocities. Rioting, burning and looting are not the answer, but ignoring the root causes of the unrest in our cities is likewise not the answer.

God is looking for people who will hear His words and act courageously.  

God is looking for Micaiah’s who will break ranks if necessary to speak the truth.  Can God count on you?

Those who will hear God most clearly in the days to come will be those He can count on to speak His truth and take action no matter the consequences.

I want to be counted among those who take a stand in my generation.  How about you? God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

“For evil to succeed, all it needs is for good men to do nothing.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

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