The Coming Storms

We say we want to know the future, but what if that future included a series of storms that could turn your world upside down? Would you still want to know?

My wife and I are the first people they talk to. The conversation we have with them may be the most important conversation of their lives.

Vanessa and I speak to them after they respond to an invitation to commit their lives to Christ.

The reasons they come to this decision vary, but they have one thing in common. They are looking for a change. They just responded to a preacher who told them that Jesus is the change they are looking for.

Now Vanessa and I face a delicate challenge. How do we encourage them in practical ways to pursue a relationship with God, while warning them about the storm headed their way? What storm?

The Bible tells us that persecution, worldly cares, and satan himself will immediately test their resolve to serve God. (Mark 4:14-19) How do you adequately prepare people who are already dealing with problems? 

Keep it real. There is a cost to follow Christ.

About 15 years ago, Dr. Terry Mintor, the president of Bethel Bible Institute, gave me some advice on dealing with incoming freshman students.

He told me that he and his wife could not understand why incoming students complained so much about problems they encountered.

Then it dawned on him. Dr. Mintor said he forgot to tell the students about spiritual warfare. He told me to warn students at the beginning of the semester.

I have warned several hundred students over the years about the invisible warfare they will encounter. (Ephesians 6:11-12) Most make it through the storm.

Vanessa is the Children’s Pastor at Bethel Temple. The children cannot gather due to social distancing requirements; therefore, she develops and posts their lessons on the church website.

Sometimes we forget how hard it was growing up. Imagine what it is like for children today. This week their lesson addresses the hardships the apostles faced in declaring the gospel, and how God brought them through.

Vanessa believes children should understand both the benefits and the challenges of being a Christian so she prepares them for what’s coming. 

We say we want to know the future, but what if that future included a series of storms that could turn your world upside down? Would you still want to know?

I had some rough going early in my military career, but things changed in my 13th year. Life is hard, but there are those rare seasons when everything falls into place. I was enjoying such a season and it was wonderful, but it did not last.

God promised that the Holy Spirit would show us things to come.

I remember the day so vividly. The air was crisp in Schwabisch Gmund, Germany. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and all was well. Then I heard an inner voice saying, you are going to have trouble in your next assignment. What?

Less than a year later, we were stationed at Ft. Drum, NY, and I was in a full-fledged struggle with a supervisor who was plotting to end my career. That storm lasted almost a year. 

Let me ask you a question. Would you rather know about a storm ahead of time or not know until it arrives? As always, the Bible informs the conversation. 

After a successful missionary journey in Asia Minor and Greece, the Apostle Paul decided to go to Jerusalem for Pentecost. As Paul acted on those plans, the Holy Spirit began speaking to him.

God told him through trusted sources that tribulation and imprisonment awaited him if he went to Jerusalem. (Acts 20:23; 21:13)

Undeterred by the warnings, Paul famously said: “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the LORD Jesus.” (Acts 21:13)

Paul went to Jerusalem. He ran into trouble. He was placed in chains. While a prisoner, the Jews planned to ambush and kill him. All of this was true but only part of the story.

Paul was prepared for this storm because God spoke to him. This storm lasted nearly three years, but blew him all the way to Rome to fulfill his destiny to testify of Christ before Caesar. 

Over two centuries later, Paul’s seed came to fruition when Roman Emperor Constantine (AD 306–337), ended persecution and began the transition of Christianity as the dominant religion in the Roman Empire.

God is at work in you during storms. If you yield, God will work through you during storms. Moreover, God will see you THROUGH every storm.

God speaks to His people about storms on the horizon.  America is headed for storms in the fall of 2020. 

Satellite image of Hurricane Katrina. My prayer is that all such storms will not make landfall.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting a record-breaking number of named hurricanes this year. They are predicting up to 25 with the record being 28 including, Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma in 2005.

Other storms are headed our way. Chaos will follow the November elections regardless of the winner. We face the possible merging of flu season activity with COVID-19, and the overtaxing of our medical system again.

Tensions surrounding social justice will continue to build, and the strain on our financial systems will continue unabated, but that is what is fairly predictable.

Like COVID-19, there are unforecasted storms on the horizon. Prepare yourself because they too are coming our way and will cause disruption and instability.

A prepared people will be a lighthouse of hope for many in the throes of darkness.

A prepared people and church will thrive amid disruption and instability. Pray now that God will lessen the impact of the coming storms. Pray for the church to be a lighthouse through the storms.

Here is a word of encouragement in stormy times and seasons: 

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. (Isaiah 43:2)

God is at work in you during storms. God wants to work through you in the coming storms. God will surely see you through every storm. May God’s Psalm 91 blessing of protection rest upon you and your household. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

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5 Replies to “The Coming Storms”

  1. First thing that came to mind when I finished reading this article was “Wisdom is justified of her children”. The power of preparation that is fitted for our individual upcoming storms is a necessity. The questioned posed is do I want to know before the storm comes or not. I don’t know. I just wake up with a yielded heart to be trained, fit for the masters use. Pray for me Pastor that as I go through these small storms, I will get what’s needed to endure in the eye of it. Pray that my faith fails not.
    Pray that I stand and follow the grace that’s in Christ and continually allow the Holy Spirit through the word of God, to navigate me through the darkness of the storms. God speed Pastor Willis. This article blessed me.!🔥💪🙏.

    1. Isaiah 43:1 was the start of my day and has been on my heart since the end of last year….Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are Mine.
      And I love in v2 that He says “WHEN you pass through….”. Trusting in You Jesus to walk us through!

  2. Amen, brother. I agree 100%. I am so grateful that God warns me. It helps my heart and mind to be steeled for what is coming. I am not blindsided or overwhelmed. What an amazingly vital word for the body of Christ, Thank you, Kevin!

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