The Supernatural-Dreams & Visions Pt. 3 The “Jokester”

Relationships are damaged, fortunes lost, empires subdued, and destinies shipwrecked by improper reactions to devious provocations. 

In 2019, Joaquin Phoenix starred in the movie the Joker based on the fictional DC Comics character who served as the archrival of Batman. 

The movie follows Adam Fleck, a failed standup comedian who inspires a violent revolution in Gotham City against the wealthy.  The Joker was the first Batman-related movie to receive an R-rating due to its violence and dark content.

In 2008, the late Heath Ledger portrayed the Joker in The Dark Knight.  In this film, the Joker is portrayed as a sadistic criminal mastermind and mass murderer.

Nothing funny about this “funny” man.

My encounter with a character in a dream back in August 2016, reminded me of their portrayals of the Joker. For the sake of originality, I refer to the character I encountered as the “Jokester.”

My wife, Vanessa woke me up in the wee hours of the morning and told me I was having nightmares.

In this second of a four-sequence dream, a strange man greeted me.  He seemed harmless but there was something about him that made me uncomfortable.

I responded to his greeting and then walked away. He called me back. As I turned in response, he pointed a sawed-off shotgun at me and fired at point-blank range.

The enemy fires to get you to bring harm upon yourself.

I was shocked and reacted immediately by checking my wounds. That was the strange thing.  I wasn’t wounded.  I wondered, what in the world is going on?    

That’s when the Jokester laughed a deep belly-laugh. He reared back and took great pleasure in the fact that he got me to react to his devious agitation.  Now please stay with me.

This Jokester character is symbolic of a real figure who “fires” -agitates, irritates and prods- people all the time.  This shadowy figures fires at you!

He fires wicked thoughts, suggestions, attitudes, feelings, prejudices, preferences, schemes, methodologies, concepts, theories and malevolent ideas. He can nurture the demon-seed of a idea into a sophisticated theory that enslaves multitudes.

The Jokester represents a spirit. His real name is satan-I never capitalize his name.  The fact that most people do not believe he exists enables him to “fire” his provoking ammunition with great effectiveness.

This article is about exposing him and defeating his activity in your life.

The devil fires “flaming arrows” of thoughts and ideas (Ephesians 6:16), that don’t wound physically. Rather, they are designed to provoke improper reactions to circumstances that result in people bringing harm upon themselves and others. 

There once was a king named Balak. He knew his Moabite nation could not defeat Israel in battle so he hired a prophet by the name of Baalim to curse God’s people.

Try as he might, Baalim could not curse Israel. God told Baalim directly: “Do not go with them. You must not put a curse on those people, because they are blessed.” (Numbers 22:12)

Here is the first teaching point. No devil in hell, and no man on the earth can curse the people of God! We are blessed!!

Now Baalim was angry, and he wanted his money. He concluded that the only way Israel could be cursed was if they brought a curse upon themselves through disobedience.

Baalim persuaded Balak to seduce Israel through prostitutes and idolatry. When Balak introduced these temptations, Israel reacted by committing fornication with Midianite women and worshipping their god Baal.   

What was the result? God’s people brought a curse upon themselves that resulting in a plague that left 24,000 dead. (Numbers 25:1-9)

Here is the second teaching point: No devil in hell, and no man on the earth can curse God’s people, but God’s people can bring a curse upon themselves through disobedience.

Beware of reacting to circumstances in the heat of the moment.

The devil delights in creating conditions to trip you up.  Once the trap is set, he “fires” to get you to react and bring harm upon yourself.

All manner of sexual sin takes place when we react in the heat of the moment.  Regrettable business deals take place when we react in the heat of the moment, or deliberate at length without consulting God.

Relationships are damaged, fortunes lost, empires subdued, and destinies shipwrecked by improper reactions to devious provocations.

Jesus demonstrated how to defeat satan’s “fire-react” strategy.

Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. After fasting for forty days and nights, He became hungry.

The devil waited for the most opportune time to get Jesus to react to his provocations.  Jesus was hungry so satan tempted Him with food: “If you are the Son of God, command that the stones become bread.” (Mt 4:3)

Never more critical to know God’s Word than in the weeks and months ahead!

Jesus did not react.  Jesus rebuked satan and responded with the Word of God.  The devil fired twice more with subtle enticements. Jesus responded in the same manner and satan was soundly defeated. (vv.4-11)

The devil did not stop trying.  Even on the cross, satan tried to get Jesus to react to the circumstances and come down from the cross. (Matthew 27:40) 

Jesus did not react. He would not come down from the cross to save Himself. He decided to die to save you and me. Somebody shout amen!!

Here is the final teaching point. Do not react to circumstances in the moment or at length. Gather yourself. Seek God for wisdom and respond accordingly. (Proverbs 15:22; James 1:5-7)

Slow down. Don’t be in a hurry. 

Be very alert in the days to come. The devil is going to send a flood of agitating, prodding and provoking information over media to get people to react in harmful ways.

The only news you can count on is the good news of the gospel!

Don’t be deceived.  Democrats, Republicans, and moderates alike are subject to be deceived and influenced by satan-the god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

In a world of “fake news,” put your trust firmly in God’s good news which is the Word of God.

Posts and tweets are about to become more heated and divisive.

The devil intends to rip our nation apart and separate us from God and from one another.

Let’s stand against his provocations. Let’s announce God’s coming attractions: a mighty revival is coming to America!

So don’t react! Respond as the people of God “blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” (Philippians 2:15)

Have a wonderful Christ-centered week! God Bless! Press On!!  Kevin

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4 Replies to “The Supernatural-Dreams & Visions Pt. 3 The “Jokester””

  1. Rev. Kevin,

    Thank you for the timely Word of God that is needed in these days. As the people of God, we can not be distracted by the things dart that the enemy is using to separate. The Church must remember that Jesus has given her authority to tread on the enemy. Therefore, we can not put our trust in politics of the Left nor the Right; our trust must be rooted and grounded in Word.


  2. A rhema word!
    Thank you for sharing, Kevin. We must stay alert! Have a brilliant week.
    ~ Kecia

  3. Amen!

    Thank God he didn’t come down, but died to save you and me!

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