The Supernatural Part II

The Ancient Book of Secrets & Miracles

Meesha was having a disastrous day. His Army faced destruction.  He rallied 700 armed men to create an escape route, but his attempt failed. Desperate, he resorted to a pagan ritual in the tradition of ancient “holy” war.

King Meesha sacrificed his son -the heir to his throne- as a burnt offering to his god Chemosh in full view of the advancing Israelite Army.  Trauma seized upon Israel after observing this despicable act. The powerful Israelite Army withdrew from the battle that day and returned home. 

The Bible does not clearly explain why Israel withdrew. (2 Kings 3:27)

Revelation from God almost always increases in crisis times. GET READY!

He was a priest and a survivor of a prolonged siege that ended in a humiliating defeat for Israel. He and thousands of others were driven hundreds of miles into captivity by the Babylonian Army. There in a strange land, the heavens opened, and he began receiving visions from God. (Ezekiel 1:1-3)

In one striking vision, an angel appeared to him, took him by a lock of his hair, lifted him between heaven and earth, and proceeded to give him a vision of Jerusalem. Ezekiel saw wickedness throughout the city, and worse, 25 men worshipping the sun in the Temple of God. (Ezekiel 8:1-17)

As the vision concluded, Ezekiel saw God’s glory depart the Temple. Hence, the Babylonian Army returned and destroyed Jerusalem -in real life- and burned God’s Temple to the ground.

Our entertainment is saturated with supernatural themes and references.

I thought about the stories of King Meesha and Ezekiel as I was walking through the aisles at Walmart. I wondered how I could connect these two strange and mysterious stories?  I figured readers would think I’d gone crazy.

Then I came to one of the bins at Walmart filled with all of these $5 movie DVDs. Many of the DVD covers had images that were far beyond strange and mysterious.

Then I was reminded of a recent email exchange with a former student. She thanked me for what she learned in my classes and said that I was still speaking into her life through this blog, etc.

She went on to say, “I have to admit that when I first met you, I thought you were crazy.” Her observation presents an excellent opportunity for the people who know me to say AMEN!

I taught Old Testament Survey courses between 2006 and 2020. I began these classes with the following statement: “This is the best class you will ever take at this College.”

I continued, “You may think the Old Testament (OT) is boring, but I am going to show you that the OT is raw, real, and relevant. The OT is electric and pregnant with meaning.”

In the first session, the students learned that in Genesis alone, they’d encounter:

Murder by Cain (4:8; 34:25-26); Sexual intercourse between angels and humans (6:4); God’s destruction of nearly every living thing (7:23); Noah’s drunken nakedness (9:20-21); Violent homosexuality on the part of the Sodomites (19:5-6); Rebekah and Jacob’s trickery, (27:5-3); Rachel’s use of aphrodisiacs (30:15,22).

The rape of Dinah (34:2); Reuben’s incest with Bilhah (35:21) Tamar’s prostitution (38:15); Envy between  Rachel and Leah (30:1-13); Rachel’s lie about her menstrual cycle (31:34-35); Mass murder by Simeon and Levi (34:25-26); Onan spilling his semen on the ground and subsequent death (38:9-10); Slave trading involving Joseph (37:26-28).

I’d wrap things up and tell them that the primary theme of Genesis is not Creation but the beginnings of God’s plan of redemption through one man’s family: Abraham.

I always had motivated students after the first session. They realized that they’d begun a 15-week Biblical odyssey discovering truth they never knew before. 

Let me ask you a question. Did you know about King Meesha’s sacrifice or Ezekiel’s vision of idolatry in Jerusalem before you read this article? Don’t allow the most fascinating and engaging stories ever written to collect dust in your home any longer.

Greatest therapy for the soul.

I wrote this article in hopes of inspiring you to read the Bible. If you already read the Bible, my prayer is that you will read it more. If you are a new reader, consider reading a Psalm or a Proverb every day and be consistent. Over time your appetite will increase.

I believe the Lord will take us on a  journey and reveal precious truth to us, but we must have a Biblical foundation to apply this truth effectively. Faith without works is dead.

You may ask, “Brother Kevin, what about the New Testament (NT)?” Well, I also taught NT Survey. I’d begin every NT Survey class with…”NT Survey is the best class you will ever take at this College.” See why that student thought I was crazy??!! God Bless! Press On!! Kevin

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