The World Beyond

Understanding the Dimension That Eyes Have Not Seen

It was television viewing in the 1960s: one black and white television that my sister and I shared. She got to watch the shows she preferred on one night then it was my turn.

She liked Star Trek with William Shatner. I like that kooky Batman series with Adam West. Fortunately, one of my favorite shows was on one of my viewing nights: “The World Beyond.”

This series offered a menu of low-budget horror flicks. These movies depicted a dark and mystical side of a world beyond our own.

The fascination with the unseen, the unknown, and other-worldly creatures saturates every aspect of popular culture, but the ironies abound.

Chief among these ironies is our inability to acknowledge much less perceive the REAL world beyond our senses. For the Christian, the fundamental premise of prayer is that it impacts the known world by leveraging powers in a dimension beyond our senses.

Allow me to make an abrupt shift here. I see these biographical series where the interviewer asks the character of interest, “what would you say to the younger version of yourself?” I am going to give it a try. What would I say to myself, the kid intrigued by mysteries of the unknown?

I’d give him a glimpse of the world that would unfold before him and then appeal to the hero he dreamed of becoming one day.

I’d tell him that fascination with the World Beyond would accelerate especially as a host of creative geniuses began appearing on the scene. People like, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Stephen King, J. K. Rowling, Stan Lee, the Wachowskis, etc., who would captivate global audiences of all ages.

Hans Solo’s memorable jump to lightspeed in George Lucas’ Star Wars.

I’d tell him to enjoy some their work** for their entertainment value, but to be on guard, because there is a REAL invisible world where good and evil operate. The dark side of this dimension has one primary objective: to blind people from seeing the truth. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4)

I’d show the younger me where it is recorded in the Bible that in God and Christ: “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:2b-3)

Then I would take him to the 10th chapter of Daniel and show him the war of supernatural beings in outer space over human events in Persia (modern-day Iraq and Iran.) I’d tell him about Elijah, who called down fire from heaven, and Elisha, who saw an invisible army in the heavens ready to annihilate a natural army coming to arrest him. (2 Kings 6:14-18)

I’d take the younger me to Ephesians 6:11-18, and expose the dark side of the World Beyond.

I’d tell him that the same God who revealed secrets to His people in the Bible would speak to him. The same God would help him choose a wife, name his children, guide him in career choices, provide for his family, and keep him healthy.

I’d tell him that God’s World Beyond has a name. It’s called the Kingdom of God.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Cor 4:18)

I’d tell him that Luke Skywalker, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and Neo became heroes in a world of make-believe, but he could become a hero of faith in the Kingdom of God.

You must be born again if you are going to see and enter the Kingdom of God. That is what Jesus said, and that is what I’d tell the younger me. (John 3:3-8)

I’d wrap up the conversation by telling the younger me about, the older me. I’d say to the lad that I am now 60-plus years old and still have heroic ambitions. I’d encourage him to begin to dream of the unlimited possibilities of what God could accomplish through him.

Allow me to encourage you the reader to depart any fascination with the World Beyond apart from healthy entertainment because it can become a blinding influence and a distraction.

God needs people who have seen and entered the Kingdom of God to pray and seek His face for a release of His glory on earth.

Be the Neo-like (Matrix) hero in your own story.

Don’t spend your time dreaming about being the protagonist in a fake story, when you can be an Ambassador for Christ and a carrier of God’s glory.

Amen! Avail yourselves of the UNLIMITED resources in God’s Kingdom for: ”the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Daniel 11:32b)

God Bless! Press On!! Kevin Willis

PS: Have you seen and entered the Kingdom of God? Discover how at the following link:

**I do not endorse all of their works. Avoid artistic representations that promote demonic/occult activity, random violence and immorality.

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