Understanding the Spirit Realm Pt.4

In It to Win It

She Wanted it More

It’s always a signature moment during the reception. All the single ladies gather for the toss. It’s a time of good-natured fun for most participants, but others are in it to win it!

The “in it to win it” participants are easy to spot. They start jockeying for position, and you can see the fire in their eyes. Social graces and decorum may take a back seat. When those flowers go up in the air, they know who is coming down with them.

The fans clamored for it, and they got what they wanted. ESPN opted for an early 19 April 2020 release of the 10-part documentary of Michael Jordan, entitled the Last Dance

“They may say he wasn’t really a nice guy, he may have been a tyrant…but I wanted to win and them to be a part of it.” -M. Jordan

There was concern among the Jordan faithful that the documentary may tarnish the legacy of the six-time NBA champion and global icon. Jordan was the most competitive athlete of his era, but many did not know the extent to which he bullied, belittled, and intimidated teammates in pursuit of titles. 

Towards the end of my career with the federal government, I asked our Department Director for his perspective on reaching senior leadership positions. He said, “you can be as successful as you want to be.” 

It took me a while, but I eventually understood his point. Allow me to rephrase his observation: you can achieve anything if you are willing to pay the price.

The Lord has been dealing with me about narrowing my focus and increasing my sense of urgency to accomplish the things He has set before me. I am being Counseled to lay aside those things not connected with purpose.

Perhaps my recent conversations with the Counselor will help you realize your dreams. I am persuaded that neither you nor I will see our desires fulfilled apart from greater determination and commitment.

The Holy Spirit is the Divine Counselor. He’s Counseling me to pick up the pace. I am passionate about the things of God, but there are levels to everything.

As trumpeter Wynton Marcellus puts it, “Everybody thinks they’re hustling until they see somebody who is really hustling.” 

I’ve got to move beyond worrying, hoping, and wishing. I must begin grappling, wrestling, and reaching. My current approach will not get me the bouquet. How about badly do you want the flowers?

I have a plan to get the title ring, but I’ve got to get my hands dirty and confront my opposition. (Ephesians 6:10-11) Mike Tyson said that everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Don’t fool yourself. You are going to get hit.

You are going to get hit. Stand and the Lord will knock your enemy to the canvas.

I just completed a Master Class by Coach Geno Auriemma. His University of Connecticut Huskies have won the NCAA Women’s Basketball title a record 11 times in his 35-year tenure. He said a lot of teams practice until they get it right. He said the goal should be to practice until you can’t get it wrong.

Extraordinary commitment and work ethic produce extraordinary outcomes. You’ve got to be in it to win it.

We must combat the passivity of Western church culture and embrace the activity that is a principle of the Kingdom of God which expands because people Go and Do. (Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-18) 

Her face tells the whole story

We can catch the bouquet and wear the ring of a champion. We can rise to positions of influence. We can be exceptional in life, but not without extraordinary determination, and commitment. Being casual about our pursuits will not get us there. We must be in it to win it. God Bless! Press On!! Kevin Willis

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